Chapter 766: Safari play scattered

Chapter 766 Wild Zoo Play Scattered
It was noon.
Ye Chong led all the players and came to the middle of the two forests in advance to prepare.
Tian Li waited for the drone alone, the others hid behind the trees on the edge of the forest.
Strangely, Bai Youwei's men and women came over slowly.
"Don't they forget the time to take the meal?" Hu Dashan scratched his head, wondering, "... I'm not afraid, so don't dare to come out?"
"It's right to know that you are afraid!" The muscular man snorted heavily, and the muscles on his body also shivered. "We have 8 people, 7 of them, of course, be afraid! It's best to be afraid to come out every day to get food! "
The ponytailed girl in the line whispered: "Wouldn't that be starving ..."
Hu Dashan also followed: "Not so stupid?"
Ye Chong looked around suspiciously, suspecting fraud.
All around quietly, not only can't see the half figure of Bai Youwei, there is no movement.
Tian Li also felt strange, came back hesitantly and said: "Something is wrong ..."
The sound of the drone came faintly in the distance.
"They may appear at any time, don't care." Ye Chong reminded others.
Everyone is waiting.
At this time, there was a sudden bang in the distance! As if something exploded!
Everyone was startled and looked around for sound, but only saw a ray of black smoke.
what happened?
Zheng Chong was stunned, Ye Chong's face changed greatly, and immediately ran towards the black smoke!
Others quickly followed!
They rushed into the forest and sprinted all the way! Finally came to the place where the accident happened-
I saw the wreckage of the drone scattered on the ground, and the black box carried by the drone was blown up
The bread and biscuits were all scorched into black residue, and the water was sprinkled with no drops!
The creators have already withdrawn, and now it is too late to chase.
When everyone saw the situation in front of them, they all took a breath and were shocked, "What kind of weapon is this? Or is it a prop?"
"I heard that the rabbit in the woman's hand can discharge ..."
"But this energy is too exaggerated!"
"Why do they blow up
drone away? Destroy food and want to starve us?"
"Is it silly? We brought food and water when we entered the game. Even if the drone does not send food, it is completely enough for two days."
"You can't say that, what if they come here every day ..."
Ye Chong looked at the mess on the ground, his face darker and gritted his teeth: "Go back now!"
After that, he walked quickly into the depths of the forest.
Others saw this, and their hearts had a bad hunch.
Sure enough, when they rushed to the temporary camp, they found that all the backpacks were turned over, and the food was thrown on the ground in a mess, but it did not affect the consumption, but all the bottled water was unscrewed, and there was only a little left in the bottle. water.
At this time, everyone was a little flustered.
No food has little effect, and depending on their physique, it will be fine for a few days.
But without water, how many days can they carry?
"Fuck!" The muscular man dropped his empty water bottle on the ground angrily, scolding, "This girl is too poisonous! Play attrition battle! Lying on his milk
Hu Dashan picked up his empty bottle, and his heart was not a taste, secretly said: do not stay with Laozi, this stinky boy ...
The girl with ponytail worried: "What should I do? If the other party keeps doing this, our physical strength will soon be unable to keep up."
"Do you think her purpose is to thirst us?" Ye Chong raised his mouth coldly. "A bunch of fools, her purpose is to distract us."
Bringing all the luggage on your body will increase the weight and make it inconvenient to move, so you must leave someone to look after the luggage.
Drones fly in the sky and may be attacked at any time, so someone needs to follow suit.
Regardless of the arrangement, the eight of them must be divided into at least two groups.
When his staff is dispersed, if the seven people on the opposite side are dispatched together ...
Ye Chong thought of this and clenched his teeth tightly.
The crowd is smooth today ... Hey, good night
(End of this chapter)
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