Chapter 778: Safari scum

Chapter 778 Wildlife Zoo Rivers and Lakes Scum
Xiao Qi looked ugly and dragged him to persuade: "Brother, what time is this? Take care of your own life first. If we let him go, we would be killed by the white glove shark! ... Besides, it will be noon It ’s a deal, he, he does n’t necessarily have something ... "
The tone of these remarks is very uncertain, because Xiao Qi knows clearly that with the brutal character of Ye Chong, even if he is doing a transaction, he will certainly not give up the talk and laugh.
Very likely……
It is very possible to deliberately make hands and feet during the transaction and give away a body ...
After all, the brothers had a game, and Xiao Qi couldn't bear it, but in the current situation, it is most important to save his life.
He dragged Hu Dashan again, helplessly said: "Brother, let's go, which day will the game not die? Ajun, Guizi, they all died in the game, and the monkey, didn't they die too? It will become like this ... It is also impossible, we can't save him, let's go ... "
Hu Dashan was indeed powerless. He stood up, followed Xiaoqi out, and looked back and said, "Will he die ..."
"No." Xiao Qi took him again. "He entered the maze more times than we did. He didn't die so easily. He was so injured yesterday. Didn't heal after only one night?"
Hu Dashan wanted to say that those wounds were thin yesterday, and when he spoke to his mouth, he felt extremely weak. What did you say? Can he be saved from talking and laughing?
No, he can't save it. He can't save himself now, he can't save anyone ...
It was almost noon.
Talking and laughing woke up in a coma, feeling that he was on a person's back, one after another, so that he hurt all over, and his eyes were blooming.
When it comes to pain, it ’s actually not too painful, because too much blood is lost, and many places tend to be numb, and there is no feeling.
Hu Dashan put him back in a bush and laid down some trees and leaves, and hurriedly covered him.
He opened his eyes halfway when he talked weakly and asked, "What are you doing ..."
"Hush, don't talk!" Hu Dashan's voice was tense, a little frightened. "You stay here and don't move. I think of a way to save you!"
Talking and laughing, with no energy, closed his eyes again, trying to say that he couldn't move even if he wanted to ...
Hu Dashan ran away with the sound of gradually walking footsteps in his ears.
The laughter in the bushes thought: Hu Dashan, the scum of the rivers and lakes, put Laozi here to save people ...
Hu Dashan hurried back to the cave, no one went around, his heart suddenly relaxed.
He didn't dare to change it to usual, but this time the opportunity was particularly good. If you didn't try it, you wouldn't be reconciled.
He walked into the cave.
There was only one muscular man in the cave, but he was lethargic.
The energy of these people is getting worse and worse, falling asleep, if you do not replenish food and water, I am afraid that even the dry rack has no strength.
Strange to say, food and water are not completely absent, Ye Chong still allocated some to them, it should be reasonable enough ...
Hu Dashan shook his head, no longer thinking about these messy things, taking advantage of nobody's attention, walked out of the cave, and then hid carefully.
He didn't wait too long. After only four or five minutes, people came along the trail on the left side of the cave.
It's Tian Li.
Tian Li returned with a tired expression, and his steps staggered like an old man, stepping on the flowers and grass, and his knees seemed to be soft.
Hu Dashan hurried out, pretending to return from the patrol point like him, and greeted: "You also come back to rest."
Tian Li glanced at him and nodded, with little energy, "Can't hold it, come back to rest."
The two went into the cave together and saw that the muscular man in charge of the cave was asleep, and there was no shadow of chatting except a pool of blood!
Tian Li was frightened and angry, let alone tiredness, and kicked hard to the muscular man!
"Don't you! Do you want to kill us ?! The people who let you see ?! Where did the people go? !!!"
(End of this chapter)
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