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Supplementary explanation of wild zoo (free chapter)
Recently, there are a lot of questions about this game in the book review area, maybe I didn't write it clearly, so I will explain it again, sorry.
1. Does the trap only accommodate 1 person?
Answer: No, the trap can accommodate multiple people.
I mentioned one person in the previous article because if one person triggers the trap, the trap is invalid and other players will naturally not trigger the trap again.
To give a chestnut, I dug a pit, put some straw on the pit, and then covered it with a layer of fine soil to cover it up. You stepped on it and fell into the pit. At this time, others will know that there is a pit, everyone will naturally Avoid the pit, but if you have to jump into the pit, of course, it is not impossible.
Those who fell into the pit will lose their qualifications in a unified manner, that is, they will be out of the game.
2. The ball said that no means could be used to cause death.
A: This rule is for lower animals to higher animals.
For a chestnut, a mouse is a strong man, and a cat is a weak woman.
The mouse used his physical superiority to kill the cat and was ruled out;
The mouse was reborn, he knocked the cat off the cliff, and the cat fell to the death. The mouse said that I just punched her a fist. She fell to her own, or was out of the rules;
The mouse was born again. He did n’t hit the cat this time. He deliberately frightened the cat and ran after the cat. The cat fell in a panic and knocked a small injury. The mouse took advantage of the props to let the cat bleed. Out of rule.
The mouse was reborn again, this time he ran after the cat, the cat ran into the trap in panic, the cat was out, and the mouse was fine.
In short, as a subordinate of the cat, the mouse will cause any kind of harmful behavior to lead itself out. Unless using the traps set in the game.
3. Why not enter the doll house?
Answer: You cannot enter the doll house in the game, but you can do it in the maze.
Although there is the word "maze" in the maze war, it is essentially a game, not a maze.
Although Tan Xiao and Shen Mo are out of the game, they cannot enter the doll house before the game ends. This is like when you want to turn off the computer, the system prompts you that a program has not finished running.
4. Snowflakes will not melt when the snowflakes are placed in the refrigerator ...
A: I am in a very complicated mood. This message has a lot of likes.
Snowflakes will disappear after use, and a snowman will appear instead. The melting speed of the snowman depends on the ambient temperature at that time, so unless the refrigerator is larger than the snowman, otherwise ... it wo n’t fit in.
5. The scope of the rabbit.
A: After several upgrades through the maze, the rabbit can move away from the hostess independently, but there must be a distance limit when the rabbit releases electricity.
If it is a circle of lightning, it ripples like a wave of water, with a long distance and low damage.
If it is a thunderstorm ball, the energy gathers into a spherical lightning, which is close and the damage is huge.
If it is a lightning, it can be imagined as a very long knife, linear attack, if it is not on that trajectory, even if it is only 1cm away from the lightning, it will not matter, the distance is between the ball and the circle, and the damage is great.
Above, I really tried my best to explain ...
It's not your fault, it's my expression ability that needs to be improved.
(This chapter is free and does not deduct any fees)
(End of this chapter)
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