Chapter 814: Lessons Learned

Chapter 814 summarizes experience
Bai Youwei looked around and asked the man: "Which room did you throw?"
"Everything was thrown ..." The man answered honestly. "The four rooms are the same. Anything thrown into it will disappear as long as it is unowned."
Bai Youwei raised her eyebrows and asked, "What is the unowned thing?"
The man explained: "As long as it is something left by man, or a trace made by man, after the man leaves, it will be regarded as an unowned thing by the room, and then ... erased ..."
Everyone exchanged glances again.
This is exactly the same as what they experienced in the stone room just now. It turned out that the marks engraved by Shen Mo, and the battery left by Bai Youwei, disappeared because they were judged to be "unowned" by Shi Shi ...
Bai Youwei reexamined the three men in front of her.
"It seems ... you know a lot of things in the maze, let's talk about it. If it is a valuable clue, it is not impossible to bring you."
The man could n’t wait to speak:
We said! We said all! As long as you are willing to take us out, we will tell you everything!

These three people are almost scrambling to explain.
I do n’t know if it ’s because I ’m stuck in the dark for too long, they talk a little bit upside down, sometimes they can express the meaning in one word, but they repeatedly describe the description, and they are not sober. Crying and running.
But for this reason, Bai Youwei put down some guards instead.
Because these people really look like people who have collapsed after a long sleepy.
Everyone has collapsed, how can there be other people thinking about others? Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, it will pass like crazy!
The man holding the key is called Mark.
The man with the leather bag was called Dylan.
There is another person with the least words and the most abnormal spirit, called Slade.
These three people are said to have been crews before. They entered the maze with them, and a dozen other crew members died in the hands of Minotaurs.
It is said that the Minotaur is infinitely powerful, likes to eat human flesh, and is able to move freely in the dark.
These crew members went around in the maze, suffered a lot of losses, and died many people, only slowly summed up the law-
First, as long as they do not move, the Minotaur will not move.
Secondly, if they move and move a few rooms, the Minotaur will also move a few rooms.
Just like playing chess, if you take a few steps, the opponent will also take a few steps.
And once entering a dead end, or judging the wrong escape route, it is often caught by Minotaur.
After being overtaken, the four doors of the room will become locked, and no force can open the door. The door will not open until someone sacrifices in the door, allowing the rest to escape.
Their companions died one by one in this way.
At first, when they met Minotaur, they also attacked together, but when they found that they could not compete with Minotaur at all, they would only try to escape! And it's too bad to have a companion! Because only when there are dead people, the door can be opened!
The three people met by Bai Youwei and his group were the last survivors. They knew that they could not deal with Minotaurs, and they dared not move easily. They could only hide in the stone room, eat bread, drink mountain springs, and endure for a long time. time……
After listening to these people, Bai Youwei pondered for a while, "As you say ... The bull-head monster actually knows the exact location of everyone in the maze, doesn't it?"
"Yes! It knows! It knows everything!" Said the man named Mark, "but we don't know its location! This is unfair. Only when it is far away can we tell the direction. If the distance is close, for example, only one apart. In the room, the echo of the monster will appear in all directions, we do n’t even know where to go! "
(End of this chapter)
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