Chapter 822: Tauren

Chapter 822 Tauren
Mark trembled and said: "It used to be the same before. The Minotaur appeared inexplicably in the vicinity. We can't hide from it ..."
"That's because the route you hid is wrong." Bai Youwei said lightly. "It's definitely not possible to hide. You can try to draw nine rooms. Suppose our earliest location is No. 2 and the east transfer point room is No. 3. Later, we found the key in Room 5 and then went to Room 8 and found that there was no room to the south. Then we went west to Room 7 and it was a dead end. At this time, the Tauren appeared in Room 3-
So there are only two roads in front of us, either go to room 4 or go back to room 8.
Go to Room 4 and Tauren will go to No. 2, no matter if we go 1 or 5, we will be caught.
Back in Room 8, Tauren will go to No. 6, no matter we go to 5, or 9 will be caught. "
Bai Youwei paused for two seconds and whispered: "Unless there are teleport points in No. 4 and No. 8."
Leonid snorted, clenched his fists and said, "Sooner or later, if you can't hide, let's get one!"
"Uncle, doing a fight with Tauren is dead." Chen Hui reminded him.
Leonid raised his finger to Chen Hui: "You, stand with your sister Weiwei at that time, don't get involved in fights, and run immediately as soon as the door opens!"
"Where are we going? We have to help too." Chen Hui shook the flashlight in his hand. "How can you fight the tauren without us taking photos of you?"
Bai Youwei said: "Chen Hui is right, you can't fight Tauren in a completely dark environment. If you encounter it, we must at least guarantee the lighting. All the flashlights are divided. Let's get our weapons and start.
Mark shuddered, and hurriedly ran to Bai Youwei, Zhiwu said: "Also ... starting? You, are you afraid of meeting Minotaur? No one can beat it! It eats people!"
"Go even if you meet, unless you want to stay here forever."
Bai Youwei picked up the bamboo basket and bypassed him, allowing Shen Mo to open the north door.
Still trying the room with chicks, there was no teleportation point, and Bai Youwei went straight in.
Others have also entered.
Mark didn't dare, but as these people left, the last light in the stone room was gone, and he could only gritt his teeth and keep up with his scalp.
Dylan dragged Slade and followed.
In the new stone room, the roaring sound became clearer, and the irritable scratching sound seemed to be above his head, as well as the tauren's heavy panting, echoing in all directions!
Huh ... Huh ...
It's coming!
"Are you ready?" Bai Youwei took the plush rabbit out of her bag and put it in her arms. "If you go forward to another room, you will meet Tauren."
Leonid frowned and took out a large knife.
Du Lai used to use a dagger.
Asalina used a sword.
Shen Mo caressed the paper doll on his wrist, then raised his hand and pushed open the east door
The cold air came across.
The dark stone chamber is as cold and dark as all the stone chambers, and the light beam of the flashlight cannot dispel the dizziness here.
The minotaur's roar spread along the cold stone bricks and spread to the soles of the feet, which made people feel terrified.
Mark and Dylan, who had just come in, regretted it immediately and turned to pounce on the door!
But the door was closed! In any case, it won't open!
They all escaped in the hands of the tauren, and they knew exactly what it meant to be locked. They cried out in horror: "Locked! Can't get out! Unless someone dies here! Otherwise, we won't get out Alright !!! "
(End of this chapter)
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