Chapter 914: Werewolf Village 10

Chapter 914 Werewolf Village 10
In the distance came the scream of a woman's sorrow.
Even if you can't see it, Bai Youwei can imagine the woman being tied to the stone pillar and enduring the fire burning.
The little girl in front of him was still patting the ball, her face was innocent, as if the man who was about to be burned to death was just an insignificant person.
Bai Youwei endured the strangeness in his heart and continued to ask her: "Why do we all are werewolves? Do we also become werewolves at night?"
The girl didn't speak, bowed her head and patted the ball as if she could not hear Bai Youwei's voice.
Bai Youwei asked a few more words and still didn't get a reply.
Shen Mo said: "It seems that she will not provide other clues, let's go to the village chief and ask."
Bai Youwei pursed her lips, nodded, and left here with Shen Mo.
They bypassed the front door and walked a few steps from the side of the house towards the square. Bai Youwei couldn't help but stop and looked back at the little girl.
She is still shooting the ball, slamming, slamming, slamming, the rhythm is unchanged, dull and weird, and it makes your scalp numb.
Bai Youwei withdrew his gaze and was about to leave. Yu Guang glanced at a pot of flowers on the window sill and froze.
"Look ..." She clasped Shen Mo's hand and asked in anxiety, "She didn't burn all the grass, she left a bunch."
Shen Mo looked over and frowned, "You said that the pot is blue?"
"It's blooming ..." Bai Youwei stared at the potted flower and murmured, "Maybe ... those plants have something to do with her mother becoming a werewolf."
Shen Mo thought for a while and looked at the little girl who patted the ball in the yard. "It doesn't seem to tell us more things. Let's ask the village head."
The longer you stay in this place, the more uneasy you are.
The screaming stopped sometime. When Shen Mo and Bai Youwei rushed to the small square, the crowd had dispersed, and a dozen others were surrounded by stone pillars, watching the flames burn.
And the people in the flames are gone, leaving only a scorched body, surrounded by an indescribable smell ...
The head of the village stood a short distance away, smoking a cigarette slowly.
I didn't see the trail of Hans and others, and I don't know what they were planning.
Bai Youwei and Shen Mo went to the village head and asked about the little girl:
"She said that the people who live in the werewolf village are all werewolves. Does the villager need to turn into a werewolf?"
The village chief heard it, and was not surprised, and he returned his usual expression: "Oh ... That's right, after all, we are descendants of humans and werewolves. While inheriting the strength of the werewolf, we also inherited the tyranny in the blood of the werewolf, but We are a friendly and gentle ethnic group, and we only occasionally get upset on the full moon night. The rules of the village require that every villager must stay in their house at night, without being bathed by the moonlight, and naturally there will be no accidents. "
This is also one of the rules of the game: villagers are not allowed to leave the house every night.
Bai Youwei asked: "In addition to bathing in the moonlight, is there any other way to make the villagers become werewolves at night?"
The village head thought about it and replied: "Even a person with a pure heart and a person who does not forget to pray at night will inevitably turn into a wolf on the full moon night where the aconite blooms."
"Aconite ..." Shen Mo frowned, "Is the grass with small blue flowers?"
The village head was stunned. "Have you seen it?"
He shook his head again: "... it's impossible. Many years ago, the aconite near the village had been burned down and could not appear again. The villagers would become wolves because of the curse ... because of the curse."
Bai Youwei thought he was nagging, "I don't know if it's aconite, it looks like a common weed, the leaves are split, the petals are blue and purple, just on the window sill of the woman's home that was burnt to death."
The head of the village still shook his head, "Impossible, you must have misunderstood. Aconitum has been extinct for many years. There can be no aconitum in the village."
(End of this chapter)
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