Chapter 949: She alone

Chapter 949 is her only
"Four." Bai Youwei said.
Everyone looked at her.
Bai Youwei said: "Before the start of the third battle, the rabbit heads said that there were a total of 8 kings participating in the battle, two kings participating in battle 1, two kings participating in battle 5, and four kings participating in battle 10, according to one victory and one defeat Deduced from the sequence, there should be only four in the end. "
"Four people participated in the fourth round ..." Zhu Shu said with a heavy heart. "Sure enough, it is difficult to eliminate another round, which is equivalent to only two people entering the final match. If there is any trouble in the final match, then ... "
Zhu Shu didn't go on.
Suddenly she was frightened, and these people sitting next to her at this moment may be killed in the game soon.
"I don't worry about the fourth battle, but you still have to think carefully about the decisive battle." Yan Qingwen glanced at Bai Youwei's leg. "At least the physical condition should be adjusted. What's wrong with your leg?"
"What's the matter?" Bai Youwei said lightly, "Can't I recall my hardships and think of sweetness, comfortable in a wheelchair."
The side chatter and laughter raised their heads and suddenly realized: "Originally for the sake of recollecting hardships and thinking sweetly! I thought ..."
Bai Youwei glared at him fiercely.
Talking and laughing: "???
"How are you doing now?" Shen Mo opened the subject and asked Yan Qingwen, "Follow Fu Miaoxue and Du Lai, don't you worry?"
Yan Qingwen smiled and leaned back, "The two of them ... really a bit casual, but in the game, it's quite reliable. When they need to sacrifice, they don't even blink their eyes. Ruthless? "
Shen Mo was undecided: "Du Lai is an egoist, as long as he is in his own interest, he can sacrifice anyone except Fu Miaoxue."
"Yeah." Yan Qingwen nodded lightly and sighed, "That's fine ... In this way, I don't have any psychological burden, it is much easier than before."
Zhu Shu listened, her expression bleak, she pursed her lips and said nothing.
Yan Qingwen is certainly relaxed now because he is no longer responsible for anyone's life. Relatives and friends are the warmth of the heart, but also the heavy pressure.
Zhu Shu thought: I do n’t want to be his pressure ...
Shen Mo asked: "Your next game should be Battle 20?"
"Yeah." Yan Qingwen nodded. "It takes 10 people, and there are still three missing, but the problem is not big. The boy from Du Lai is very fooling, and I believe that the number will soon be put together. Are you on your side? Missing people? "
Shen Mowei nodded indifferently, "Of course, the more hands, the better. After all, no one knows what will happen in the decisive match."
Yan Qingwen looked at him and told him again: "What I said just now, please think about it again."
"We will consider it carefully." Shen Mo said, "At this point, everyone is for an answer. Now the answer is near, it is really difficult to let go."
Yan Qingwen turned his head, glanced at Bai Youwei, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, saying, "I envy you."
Zhu Shu looked at him worriedly.
Yan Qingwen got up and said goodbye: "The words have already been brought, and we should go too. Good luck to you."
Shen Mo: "You are the same."
In a blink of an eye, it was January, and the time for the fourth battle was up.
Bai Youwei recruited Cheng Weicai as a subject, gathered five people, and participated in the fourth battle.
At the rest hall, the surroundings were quiet, and the few kings and subjects waited silently for the Ombudsman to announce the start of the battle.
After waiting for a while, the figure of the rabbit-headed gentleman appeared in the void.
"The fourth battle is about to begin, with a total of 4 kings participating in the battle.
1 king chooses battle 5,
The three kings choose battle 20. "
Bai Youwei froze.
Is she the only king participating in Battle 5 ...
(End of this chapter)
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