Chapter 988: Sphinx 7

Chapter 988 Sphinx 7
Daniel didn't answer for a long time.
Pan Xiaoxin asked: "What is his answer? He must be wrong, he will be eliminated! Tell me his answer!"
"You little devil ..." Daniel gritted his teeth, showing his fierce face. "You are the one who wants to answer the question now! I'll ask you to answer it, and you will answer quickly! Don't give me nonsense!"
Pan Xiaoxin said: "I don't even have a puzzle ..."
"The puzzle is to guess an animal!" Daniel interrupted, and said quickly, "Four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night!"
Pan Xiaoxin was stunned and looked at the blood mud again, "Then he, he ... he became like this because he answered 'people'?"
Daniel's face was extremely ugly, "Why do you care so much! Hurry up and choose a sword and answer the question!"
Pan Xiaoxin bit his lip tightly, then wiped the blood on his face with his back, and replied: "You have to answer it yourself! Don't try to use my trial and error!"
"What are you talking about!" Daniel was furious and stepped over, "It seems that your parents haven't taught you, a child, the most important thing is to obey!"
Pan Xiaoxin had nowhere to hide, shouting nervously: "You, what are you going to do ?! The rules of the game are not allowed ..."
Before he finished, Daniel picked him up! Pull it up hard!
"You let me go !!!" Pan Xiaoxin screamed!
"Don't you crawl fast just now ?! Now the Sphinx is here, obediently answer the question for me! Stink imp!" Daniel threatened him, "Otherwise I will kill you!"
"I want to answer your own answer!" Pan Xiaoxin shouted unwillingly, "You scum!"
"What are you talking about?" Daniel was irritated. "Scunkie, dare you scold me ?!"
"Sow! Fool! Waste! Coward!" Pan Xiaoxin struggled with all his energy. "I don't even have the courage to guess the puzzle. You might as well be my child !!!"
Daniel's eyes were crimson, "You guy ... ah !!!"
Pan Xiaoxin bit him hard!
Daniel took the pain and let go, Pan Xiaoxin fell to the ground, his body rolled back and rolled down from the flat top!
Danielton's face was pale, he just wanted to threaten Pan Xiaoxin, he didn't want to kill him!
Watching Pan Xiaoxin fall down more than a dozen layers, he took the edge of the stone steps, and finally didn't continue to fall. Daniel was relieved.
On the surface, it was louder, and he was also afraid of breaking the rules.
"Smelly kid ..." Daniel breathed and sighed, "Hurry up to me!"
Pan Xiaoxin lay dirty on the rock, heard the shout, raised his head, and looked coldly at Daniel.
"What kind of eyes are you?" Daniel stared at him with disgust. "Children are children, they know nothing about everything, but they want to treat themselves as individuals and want to blend in with adults. It's really annoying enough. ... Hey, imp! Quickly climb up and answer the questions for Lao Tzu! "
Pan Xiaoxin moved, somehow thinking, not only did he not go up, but went backwards!
Daniel froze, followed by a sudden rage: "Hey! You come back to me! Don't you want to escape !!!"
Pan Xiaoxin ignored him at all, crawling down layer by layer!
Daniel immediately turned down the stone steps and was going to catch him back!
But climbing down the pyramid is a hundred times more difficult than climbing up! If you don't pay attention, you'll need to plant it! Especially his thin and tall body, he really wants to climb down, not as flexible as a child!
Daniel was anxious and anxious, screaming at the rock a few times, only to see Pan Xiaoxin getting further and further away from himself.
"Some kind of you never come up !!!" He hysterically screamed, I may hate Pan Xiaoxin, or hate this game, "If you dare to come up, I will definitely kill you! Kill you !!!"
Pan Xiaoxin really went on.
The tiny body turned into a small dot on the inclined pyramid stone steps.
Daniel felt resentful in his heart: "Is it going to kill me and come back again? ... I won't make you do it, never!"
(End of this chapter)
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