Chapter 3309: Human cloning (19)

"The world has issued regulations that do not allow the study of human cloning. There may not be such an idea. Once human clones are really stronger than humans, there will be more and more clones, and they may replace humans in the future. Because they are clones of certain individuals of humans. , Has the genes of that individual, and is exactly the same as that individual."
When Tang Zhou was speechless, Tang Guo continued: "Actually, there will always be people doing the experiment of human cloning secretly, because there are huge temptations and benefits. Even if the human clone is first caught They are used as tools, but they are already humans, and they have been oppressed for a long time, and one day they will awaken the sense of resistance."
"A Zhou, clones and humans cannot coexist. They are both humans, but they are different humans. The subject will not allow their own copy to replace themselves. It should be said that most subjects are afraid of them. Replaced by clones. For most subjects, if an organ is broken and someone provides them with a clone, they have a high chance of accepting it."
"Sister, what you answered is almost the same as if you didn't answer." Tang Zhou was actually a little happy in his heart. The two months of hard work seemed not in vain.
She has realized many things, and she has a sense of resistance from the perspective of human cloning.
That day is coming soon, and if someone is sent away temporarily, I don't know what will happen in the middle. The reason why he chose to talk to Tang Guo on this mountain was because he was afraid that he would be easily spotted by Ouyang Xixian in the city.
Ouyang Xixian didn't know that they had come to climb the mountain, and even if someone followed quietly, he couldn't follow too close. Now they are sitting here, surrounded by empty frames, and only a few people are vaguely under the hillside. The person who followed should be among them.
Having finally found such an opportunity, Tang Zhou certainly would not let it go.
Sooner or later, I have to say it, it is better to say it earlier and give her some time to think.
"I want to tell you a secret," Tang Zhou's voice suddenly became quieter, and he approached Tang Guo with a smile on his face. From a distance, he didn't seem to be sharing a secret, but instead was saying something happy. "What I told you next is true. Don’t believe it. Even if you don’t believe it, don’t show a look of surprise or fear. If you can, I’ll just say it."
Tang Guo nodded very cooperatively, looking at Tang Zhou curiously.
"Actually, you are a clone." Tang Zhou said the secret simply, "Don't talk, just listen to me."
"You are a copy of my relatives. If you don't believe me, I will show you this." Tang Zhou took out his phone and showed Tang Guo a picture. "Look at this, you know I didn't deceive you. Now, you see if this person looks exactly like you."
Tang Guo looked at the phone screen, and the picture was of the heroine sleeping in the container of life, the same as Tang Guo's current appearance. I have to say that this approach is indeed very convincing.
"Don't show a look of surprise, especially panic, fear... The people of Ouyang Xixian have been staring at us. He doesn't trust me, afraid that I will let you go. He has sent someone to watch for two months." Tang There was some sarcasm on Zhou's face, he didn't believe that his sister was so unhappy, Ouyang Xixian had no idea.
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