Chapter 30:

The car drove very punctually and took a few minutes to sit down. Ding Ji looked out of the window and was inexplicably excited. He would travel with grandparents or aunts every winter and summer vacations, as if he had never been far away , Looking at the platform outside is very fresh.
Like a fool.
Sure enough, Lin Wuyu glanced at him: "Have you never been out of the house?"
"I have been out of the country more than a thousand times," Ding Ji said. "The door is out every day."
"I haven't been abroad," Lin Wuyu thought for a while. "Actually, I haven't traveled too much. When I was a kid, no one took me to go. I didn't go out to play after junior high school."
"I will go out to play and call you in the future," Ding Ji said, "I and Peng Peng... Hey, this man is now at work, and he can't just say go."
"This time it's tourism." Lin Wuyu said.
"Yes," Ding Ji nodded and took out his mobile phone. "Peng Peng has listed me all the places to eat and shop. There are more than 100 places to go."
Lin Wuyu laughed: "Let's play slowly when going to school."
Although it was only for chatting, I didn’t talk for long. Ding Ji didn’t know when he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, his head was on Lin Wuyu’s shoulder, and Lin Wuyu’s head was leaning. On the window, under his forehead, there was his little starfish.
Ding Ji sat upright and continued to sleep. He didn't sleep for two minutes. He felt his head tilted and pillowed on Lin Wuyu's shoulder.
He straightened his head and leaned back as soon as he closed his eyes.
It feels like worshiping the of the mountain, knocking Lin Wuyu head to head.
It wasn't until the station was approaching that the two uncles quarreled with their luggage, and he finally woke up from a lethargy.
It was found that Lin Wuyu did not know when he was awake, and he watched the uncle arguing with interest, with his head on his shoulder and a small starfish in the middle.
"This thing is good?" Ding Ji picked up the small starfish.
"I have to take the car with me when I go out," Lin Wuyu approached him and whispered, "Do you think these two uncles can fight?"
"No," Ding Ji said. "It's time to get to the place and get out of the car anxiously. It's not cost-effective to fight now."
"Also," Lin Wuyu smiled. "I'm coming soon. Do you have a place to live?"
"Just find a random..." Ding Ji glanced at him halfway through, "Have you booked a room in advance?"
"No." Lin Wuyu shook his head.
"What about you smug with a smug pride?" Ding Ji said, "I thought you booked a room with me."
"The house I rented," Lin Wuyu said.
"...What?" Ding Ji froze.
"I rented it for two months," Lin Wuyu said, "Whether I'm looking for someone or not, I'll just give my parents an confession, go back to meet our class teacher, and I will deal with it Come here, he sent me the notice."
"You mean..." Ding Ji looked at him. "Don't stay at home this summer vacation?"
"I didn't stay at home, I was in the dormitory," Lin Wuyu said, "I came in advance and just had time to meet some of Ben's friends."
"Ah," Ding Ji thought for a while, "you have to work part-time to make money, right?"
"Unlike some people," Lin Wuyu said, "Dare to owe tens of thousands of debts and dare to tell the creditor that he is going to watch the national flag."
"...I will get a place to wash the dishes as soon as I get off the train," Ding Ji said.
"Tangtang No.3 Middle School is known as a child prodigy," Lin Wuyu said. "The positioning for yourself is to wash dishes?"
Ding Ji thought about it seriously: "I tell you the truth, I am not as viable as Liu Jinpeng. He can still sell a watermelon to do a little business, and I will give a fortune teller."
Lin Wuyu smiled and did not speak.
Ding Ji hadn't thought about these things before. When he was with Lin Wuyu, his comparison became obvious.
Although his relationship with his parents is not good, he at least has distressed his grandparents and aunts. Although his parents’ love and concern are absent so far, he can have a hiding place when he feels pressure. What he lacks because of his parents A sense of security can get some compensation from grandparents, so that he can still be coquettish, can play lame, and can not consider many things, just like most classmates around him, to be an ordinary high school student.
However, Lin Wuyu is different. Lin Wuyu's side is empty. Only the piece under his feet is front, back, left, and right. It is true. He only stepped on it step by step.
Lin Wuyu's personality is not so cheerful, but he can be friendly with everyone, leave an impression on everyone, and will use the summer vacation to pave the way for his part-time job.
And he can only do the dishes.
This is the gap.
Ding Ji sighed, and could also distribute leaflets, help people walk dogs, and feed cats for people...
When can I still get the 30,000 yuan!
Lin Wuyu had already contacted the landlord before coming over. The landlord showed him the house, suite, with private bathroom, a simple kitchenette, and can cook some meals with little smoke. The room is quite new, just a bit Children are expensive, because the rental period is short, but Lin Wuyu still rented it, because the house is near the subway entrance on the photo, and it takes less than 20 minutes to walk.
Ding Ji took the mobile phone out of the station and started looking for a hotel. Lin Wuyu pressed his hand: "just live in my house."
The bed in the bedroom is a double bed, the double bed is below, and there is a single bed above, which should be arranged according to the structure of a family of three.
Although Ding Ji was not included in his plan, now that Ding Ji has come, he cannot let Ding Ji find a place to live by himself.
According to the rules of Ding Ji's rivers and lakes, this must be too unjust.
"What house did you rent to accommodate two people?" Ding Ji asked. "Can a single room accommodate two people? It is estimated that the beds are single?"
"You can sleep on the floor." Lin Wuyu said.
"...The sofa will do, why send me to the floor?" Ding Ji said.
"Who told you there is a sofa?" Lin Wuyu said.
"Thank you." Ding Ji immediately took out his phone and looked down to continue looking for a room.
"Let's go." Lin Wuyu reached out and pressed his phone to turn off the screen. "Do not squeeze the single bed, do not sleep on the floor."
According to the subway route given by the landlord, they were wrapped in the crowd and found the place smoothly.
The subway exit was the one where Lin Zhan was photographed. Lin Wuyu stood outside for a while. There were many people coming and going. Many people passed by and disappeared without a chance to see clearly.
"If you want to squat," Ding Ji looked around. "You can only pestle here. You can't see people when you enter the next shop. Even if he goes here, we may not recognize it."
"It's okay, just come here every day and stand for a while." Lin Wuyu finished and went on.
Ding Ji followed up and said after a while: "If he is really here and willing to be found by you, he should have appeared in two days."
"Well." Lin Wuyu responded.
"Can he recognize you?" Ding Ji said, "Are you eight when he left? What did you look like when you were a kid?"
"It's ugly." Lin Wuyu said.
Ding Ji suddenly turned his head: "Can't it? How could a person who was very ugly as a child grow like this now."
"Why not?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"There's no reason why," Ding Ji pointed at himself. "When I was a kid, my grandma said that I was very cute when I was a kid, like a small milk cake, so I'm handsome now."
Lin Wuyu couldn't help but looked at him several times.
Ding Ji looks very handsome, but the rivers and lakes that he can't hide can't be related to the small milk cake, not to mention which small milk cake will be deceiving at a few years old, and the cake is a metaphor, that is, the block Brown sugar rice cake...
Thinking of this, I suddenly became hungry.
Lin Wuyu laughed.
"Are you laughing again?" Ding Ji was upset.
"I think you are like brown sugar rice cake." Lin Wuyu said with a smile.
"Am I so dark?" Ding Ji looked at his arm. "It's very white, what do you look at, do I think I'm whiter than you?"
"Good little prodigy milk cake." Lin Wuyu said.
"...If you call me that, I'm still a little rice cake." Ding Ji sighed.
Lin Wuyu took out his mobile phone, flipped it for a long time while walking, and finally handed the mobile phone to Ding Ji: "Look, this is my primary school performance. The teacher took a picture for every child."
Ding Ji took it immediately and looked at it with interest.
Then frowned: "I'm leaning, it's really ugly, have you had a facelift?"
"Go away," Lin Wuyu said.
"Is there any other picture?" Ding Ji enlarged this picture and looked at it again. It can be seen that it is Lin Wuyu, but it is really not good-looking, thin and small, and there is some timid rustic, there is no point Smile.
"Just two," Lin Wuyu said, "and the latter one, too, with ... Lin Zhan."
Ding Ji hesitated for two seconds, then swiped back a bit, and saw a photo, which was also remade by the mobile phone. It should be earlier than the previous one. Kobayashi Wuyu was thinner and rustic.
Squatting next to it should be Lin Zhan, which looks much better than Lin Wuyu.
Amazingly, neither of the brothers had a smile on their faces. Lin Zhan even looked a little melancholy. It couldn’t be compared with the photo taken secretly. After all, it was the same as it was ten years ago.
"He may not recognize me," Lin Wuyu said, "I am after all..."
Ding Ji nodded. After all, he was no longer a thin boy, but a handsome guy.
"So handsome." Lin Wuyu said.
Ding Ji choked for a while and coughed for a long time before laughing out: "What's wrong with you?"
"A little bit lost," Lin Wuyu smiled. "I don't know if I want to find him, or I hope I can't."
Ding Ji didn't speak, his arm swayed on his shoulder.
The landlord left the key with the doorman downstairs. After checking the ID, they took the key and went straight into the building.
There is no elevator in the house. They climbed from the stairs to the fifth floor, which was ok, not too high.
The room is the same as the one seen in the previous video, simple furniture, clean and tidy.
The first thing for Ding Ji is to look at the bed: "Okay, there are actually two beds. Let me sleep on the one above."
"Well." Lin Wuyu put down his luggage and stood by the window and looked out.
"What are you doing now?" Ding Ji looked at the time. "At this time, after get off work, the time has passed. If he is an office worker, it is estimated that he has already entered the subway."
"Eating," Lin Wuyu said, "I'm going hungry."
"Can I take a shower first?" Ding Ji said, "changing clothes..."
"No," Lin Wuyu insisted, "I want to eat."
"...Go walk! Eat!" Ding Ji was helpless, "Eat, eat, eat!"
He said that he was in a hurry to eat, but when they went out, they both subconsciously walked in the direction of the subway until they reached the subway entrance before stopping.
Ding Ji felt that Lin Wuyu probably knew himself, but he really wanted to find Lin Zhan very much.
"Where to eat?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Just around here, don't run away." Ding Ji said.
"Well," Lin Wuyu pointed to the side, "I just saw a roast duck restaurant over there."
"OK." Ding Ji was very simple.
There were many people in the shop. Lin Wuyu wanted to find a table near the window. He no longer had a place. He hesitated, probably because he hadn’t been hungry after finding Lin Zhan. He ended up next to the table where he couldn’t see the street. Sit down.
When Lin Wuyu ordered, Ding Ji asked him for the secretly taken picture, put it on the table, and looked closely at him, hoping to find some clues.
When the waiter walked away, Ding Ji pushed the photo to Lin Wuyu: "I'm not sure, do you see if he is holding a bag?"
Lin Wuyu glanced at him and stared down at the photo to start looking at it.
To be honest, he never looked at this photo carefully, he didn't dare to read more.
After Ding Ji reminded, he immediately saw the man suspected to be Lin Zhan in the photo. A corner was exposed next to the right leg. It was a white plastic bag. The bag could also be seen on the other side of the leg. Stripes.
"When we first came," Ding Ji said, "there is a supermarket."
"Is there?" Lin Wuyu looked at him.
"Yes." Ding Ji said.
"Are you sure?" Lin Wuyu asked. He walked all the way and looked sideways. He didn't pay much attention to the supermarket.
"Ok, you believe me, I rely on these people," Ding Ji said. "There is a big billboard in front of the subway entrance. The billboard is a supermarket on the other side. There is a bookstore on the left and a stationery store on the right. You rent a house from you. I can tell you all the shops out of that place in order."
At this moment Lin Wuyu's observation of Ding Ji admired his five bodies.
"Did you see the sign of the supermarket?" he asked.
"Supermarket chain, green characters on white," Ding Ji said, "much like."
Lin Wuyu looked at him.
"There are supermarkets everywhere, just as soon as they come out of the neighborhood," Ding Ji said. "If you buy something in such a dense supermarket, you will definitely live nearby. The supermarket downstairs has bought something and carried it back?"
Lin Wuyu felt his heart beat faster.
"But I'm still not sure, is this sign true," Ding Ji said, "finished after a while..."
"I'm going to watch now." Lin Wuyu stood up.
"Hey, hey brother," Ding Ji grabbed his hand. "Don't worry, I haven't finished."
"Say." Lin Wuyu felt a little confused.
"There is another possibility," Ding Ji looked at him. "He just used this bag to hold things. If so, he would not necessarily live nearby."
Lin Wuyu frowned and returned to the table to continue looking at the photo. The tip of his nose almost reached the photo.
"What about your glasses?" Ding Ji asked.
"Oh." Lin Wuyu just recovered, and took his glasses from his pocket and put them on.
"Lin Wuyu," Ding Ji whispered to him, "Lin Wuyu?"
"Huh?" Lin Wuyu looked at him.
"You don't feel like learning God now." Ding Ji patted him twice.
Lin Wuyu froze for a while. He grabbed Ding Ji's hand and pressed it on the table. He lowered his head and rested his head against the back of his hand. After a while, he whispered, "I'm a little flustered."
"I see it." Ding Ji said.
"Ji Banxian'er," Lin Wuyu said, "Would you like to count a gossip?"
"Be careful when you speak!" Ding Ji raised his voice in a single click.
"Let's count it," Lin Wuyu corrected his title, "Ding Banxian'er."
"What is it?" Ding Ji asked.
"Can I find Lin Zhan?" Lin Wuyu muffled his voice.
"This can't be counted," Ding Ji said, "I can only count whether you can gain something on this trip."
"You little scammers," Lin Wuyu raised his head and smiled. "Isn't that the correct answer?"
Ding Ji chewed out three copper coins from his pocket and arranged them on the table: "See, I brought my grandma's money out. Every time I go out, she will let me take it with me, my grandma. Not half fairy, this old lady is all fairy."
Lin Wuyu nodded with a smile.
Ding Ji looked around, picked up the money and threw it on the table. After a few times, he began to ponder.
After a while he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Wuyu: "You will have a windfall."
"Accident?" Lin Wuyu froze, "How accident?"
"I don't know." Ding Ji took away the money.
"Harvesting a sister-in-law?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Fuck," Ding Ji smiled for a long time. "It's not impossible."
Lin Wuyu smiled and did not speak, feeling slowly returning to his previous state.
He was indeed a little flustered. I don’t know whether it was because his mother suddenly fell ill, or because Lin Zhan suddenly got the news, or maybe it was because he made him feel the lonely trip this time. The emotion of living will suddenly lose its balance because of this little detail.
If Ding Ji is not nearby, he really doesn't know what kind of mood it will be.
The meal was still very pleasant and the food was delicious.
When coming out of the restaurant, Lin Wuyu touched his belly: "I haven't run this time, I may be fat."
"As far as you eat, you have to run a full horse, half a horse is not enough for you to be thin." Ding Ji frowned.
"Go to the supermarket and buy some snacks and drinks by the way. You can eat them at night." Lin Wuyu said.
"Whatever you want, I want to vomit now when I hear it." Ding Ji said.
When going to the supermarket, Lin Wuyu took a closer look. The stores Ding Ji said did match up, and the supermarket was indeed a green sign on a white background.
At this time, cooked food is discounted, and there are quite a few people in the supermarket.
Entering the supermarket, Ding Ji went to get a basket. Thinking of Lin Wuyu's food, he put down the basket and pushed a car next to it. When he was about to walk in, Lin Wuyu turned sharply. Look at the door.
Ding Ji quickly followed and looked at it.
A few people were going out, seeing the backs of three men and one woman, and not seeing if they were together. Several people were carrying supermarket bags, and they seemed to have bought a lot.
Ding Ji didn't know why Lin Wuyu would look at these people, he couldn't see his face, he didn't even have a side face. The only thing he could be sure of was that two of the three men were tall and thin.
"Really?" Ding Ji put the car back.
"I don't know." Lin Wuyu ran back.
Ding Ji swooped in front of him, and was about to move forward, and when the supermarket staff stopped him, "No shopping exit is over there!"
"Sorry." Lin Wuyu said, and turned back to the exit.
Ding Ji followed up and the two quickly ran out of the supermarket.
But for a while, those people were no longer visible on the street outside.
It was already dark, and there were still many people coming and going down the streetlights. Everyone was in a hurry, and a few people in the same footsteps rushed into the crowd. They didn't even use it for a second and disappeared.
Lin Wuyu stood for a while, inexplicably feeling a lot easier.
Unfamiliar environment, unfamiliar crowd, unfamiliar noisy sound, even the breath of the crowd is unfamiliar, the air is also unfamiliar.
Everything he was familiar with disappeared into strangeness.
"What should I do?" Ding Ji asked.
"Buy snacks." Lin Wuyu turned around and walked back to the supermarket. "Buy a lollipop for you."
"A lollipop sent me away?" Ding Ji stared at him.
"A pack." Lin Wuyu smiled.
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