Chapter 99:

"Okay, everyone is ready to go," the president said. "Someone is injured or has any problems on the road. Call me, and the medical team will follow."
"Get off--" someone shouted.
"Go and go--" Everyone shouted together.
"Go?" Ding Ji headed towards Lin Wuyu.
"Go." Lin Wuyu smiled and tilted his head.
Lin Wuyu's group of three girls is indeed a bit disadvantageous compared to Ding Ji's group. After all, under normal circumstances, girls' physical strength is slightly weaker, but it is still much stronger than a group of four all girls.
Everyone has no objection to the various groups. Anyway, it is similar to the spring tour. There is no difference between the first and the last one. Just go up.
Lin Wuyu of Ding Ji's group knew each other, but Ding Ji didn't love to remember people. At this time, he knew him again and set off.
Lin Wuyu's group is slower. The three girls must first pose and take a picture.
"Lin Wuyu, you stand behind us," a girl commanded Lin Wuyu, "the three of us are ahead."
"Well." Lin Wuyu responded, standing behind them.
The vice president took a picture of him. The last girl in the group was a new member, and several people repeated themselves.
When starting along the road, Ding Ji's group had already turned in front of the mountain road, and no one was seen.
This section of the scenery just after going up the mountain is general, the view is not wide enough, only the mud and stones on one side can be seen, and the other side is only a small slope.
But everyone's condition is the best at this time, with sufficient physical strength and high emotions, and the tender green that begins to sprout on the tree also makes people feel happy.
Lin Wuyu took out his mobile phone and glanced at the circle of friends. Ding Ji had indeed sent a photo. The small green buds on the treetops like a thin velvet blanket, the small green buds that had just been unearthed, and there were a group of people walking up. Members of the community.
There is also a comment from Liu Jinpeng in the circle of friends.
-Where is the green?
And Ding Ji's reply.
-Grow the sesame on your face!
Lin Wuyu smiled for a long time, put the phone back in his pocket and looked at the three girls in the same group.
"Don't worry about us," Li Yao waved at him. "My Hu Wenwen is all track and field team."
"I won't lag behind, rest assured." The newly joined girl also said with a smile.
"Only move forward at a constant speed," Lin Wuyu said. "It was too violent at the beginning, and there was no energy left behind."
He glanced at the newly joined girl again and found that he didn't remember her name. It was not good to ask again this time.
This kind of thing actually happened, which was so strange to him.
Maybe it was because most of his attention was on Ding Ji’s side when he introduced himself...No, probably all of his attention was on Ding Ji’s side, but he didn’t even care about anyone who stayed here. None of the names are written down.
The magical skills that never forget the ears, but actually fail because of Ding Ji.
Speaking of advancing at a constant speed, Lin Wuyu subconsciously accelerated his speed, and wanted to catch up with Ding Ji's group.
It's not to catch up when sprinting.
There were quite a lot of people in this activity of the club, and there were many people coming, but before halfway, the team slowly grew and people became fewer and fewer.
Lin Wuyu was a little surprised, but he never caught up with Ding Ji's group.
"There is a path here," Hu Wenwen, who was at the forefront, stopped. "Can you get closer if you go here? Just cut the front bend to the top?"
"Should it be?" Li Yao looked at them. "Why don't we go this way, it's more interesting than taking the big road."
Seeing the three girls had no opinion, Lin Wuyu nodded: "Okay."
They turned into the path.
The trail is not too small, and it is estimated that there are many people who usually walk.
But this road does not seem to cut off only one corner.
Ding Ji stopped and looked at the front: "I feel that this road is parallel to the road and goes up in a small circle."
"I feel the same," Zhou Haifei also stopped. "It's a lot like this. Why didn't you see another group keep up?"
"Let the girls rest for a while," Ding Ji said. "We walked very fast, and the other groups couldn't catch up. The road here is uneven. Tired and easy to slip."
"OK." Zhou Haifei nodded. "Take a break and drink some water or something."
When several people took a break, Ding Ji walked forward for a while and found that although there were quite a few people who should take this road, there was no one at this moment.
Where did everyone go?
During the daytime, it is also good weather for mountaineering, why are there no other people?
Although he tried to control himself, his mind was still out of his control, and he quickly pulled out a large amount of horror scenes.
Then he automatically picked out an answer that was very unreliable, but he was always inexplicably afraid.
They were all sucked into an unknown space.
"Fuck." Ding Ji whispered in a whisper, and walked a hundred meters before he didn't move forward. At this moment, he hoped Lin Wuyu would be right behind him.
Of course, when he turned around, he did not see Lin Wuyu, nor did the team members.
But he heard the sound.
The sound of stepping on a branch.
His hair was rising, but when he looked at it with his voice, he saw nothing.
"Who?" he asked.
"Me." An old lady's voice answered him.
This made him more terrified than not answering, and quickly glanced at the sound again.
There was something moving deep in the forest by the roadside.
He finally saw it clearly. There was an old lady in a gray coat in the shadow carrying a plastic bag and a small garden in his hand.
"What about digging wild vegetables." said the old lady.
"Is there wild vegetables now?" Ding Ji relaxed, and took two steps over there.
"Why not," the old lady said, "It's tender now."
"My grandma used to pick bacteria," Ding Ji took out his phone. "Can I take a picture for you?"
"Shoot it," said the old lady. "Shoot pretty."
Ding Ji thought of grandma a lot, the old lady's words made him miss grandma more.
After taking the photo of the old lady, Ding Ji told her individually and was not afraid. She walked back and sent the photo to her grandmother.
-This grandma is digging wild vegetables, kind of like you
Grandma made a voice over later.
"Like a fart, I'm much prettier than her and younger than her! I don't dig wild vegetables! Who knows if it's poisonous!"
Ding Ji heard the music out loud, grabbed the phone and smiled for a long time, and almost fell back on the rock when he returned to the place where their group rested.
"Laughing so happily," Lin Wuyu's voice suddenly came in front of him, "Who fell behind you?"
"Huh?" Ding Ji raised his eyes and saw that there were more people in front. Lin Wuyu leaned against a tree and was watching him. Behind them were the three girls in four groups.
He was stunned. Although he knew that he was caught up with a bit of depression, it showed that Lin Wuyu's three girls in this group were not weak, but he couldn't help feeling light, and almost smiled.
"You're pretty fast." He suppressed his smile and raised his eyebrows.
"You are not too fast." Lin Wuyu also raised his eyebrows.
"How is it?" Ding Ji looked at the people in their group, "Let's continue?"
"Continue." Several people answered, all stood up.
"Leave." Ding Ji glanced at Lin Wuyu.
"Well," Lin Wuyu smiled in his eyes and whispered, "Aren't you with me?"
"No, you rest first." Ding Ji replied coldly.
The second group quickly re-started and went out.
But he didn't go far, and it was less than 500 meters. Ding Ji heard the laughter from behind.
He turned back: "Fuck."
Lin Wuyu's group of four has already followed.
"Are we going to speed up again?" Zhou Haifei asked.
"No," Ding Ji said. "Let's go with them. At the end of the sprint, try to find a way to see if you can distance yourself. It's more interesting to walk a little bit more."
They didn't speed up, Lin Wuyu, they slowly caught up, and whispered in his ear: "You said, don't join me."
"Huh?" Ding Ji looked at him.
Lin Wuyu did not speak, and went forward with a smile.
Their group was obviously faster, and within a few minutes Ding Ji and them were separated by a distance.
"Catch up." Ding Ji said.
Everyone accelerated, and soon surpassed Lin Wuyu's group.
"Yo," Ding Ji also whispered into his ear when he passed Lin Wuyu, "Meet again, little brother."
"Are you upset?" Lin Wuyu smiled.
"Your brother said that both of us are annoying." Ding Ji went forward without saying a word.
But a few minutes later, the Lin Wuyu group pulled up by them came up again. When they passed them, Lin Wuyu patted gently on his back: "Youth is good waist."
"Catch up!" Ding Ji issued an order without waiting for them to exceed ten meters.
Several people caught up with the speed again.
Ding Ji hit Lin Wuyu's shoulder while overtaking: "Brother don't run."
After not knowing how many rounds, Ding Ji again issued the order: "Catch up!"
Zhou Haifei stopped, turned to look at him, and shouted again: "Four groups! Wait a minute!"
"Huh?" Lin Wuyu stopped a meter in front.
Ding Ji looked at this distance, it was indeed a little too close, not quite worthy of catching up with this instruction.
"You two," Zhou Haifei pointed at him and Lin Wuyu with a smile. "You two have chased from a few hundred meters to one meter now, are you tired after half an hour?"
"Or... rest for a while?" Ding Ji was a little embarrassed.
"Tired?" Lin Wuyu said.
"Hey?" Ding Ji looked at him.
Li Yao also laughed: "I have served you two, otherwise, we two groups will send representatives to fight alone, and we will not be able to catch up in the next 20 minutes, you two fight together first, We are going together in no particular order, and they will be in your order."
"This..." Ding Ji hesitated, "Not too..."
"Okay." Lin Wuyu didn't wait for his words to finish, and he turned around and went on.
"Hey?" Ding Ji froze.
"Hurry up!" Hu Wenwen shouted with a smile.
"Catch up!" Zhou Haifei waved his hand, learning his tone.
Then a group of people shouted and laughed.
Ding Ji can't take care of anything else. He can't carry this kind of scene where everyone is rushing at him and rushes forward.
"Ding Ji cheer—" I don't know who shouted behind.
"Lin Wuyu Come on--" Someone immediately shouted.
When Ding Ji started chasing Lin Wuyu, he realized that this guy was rushing quickly, and he almost ran up, only to chase back the distance that Lin Wuyu had rushed out in less than a minute.
"Are you crazy?" He grabbed Lin Wuyu's waistband.
"No shamelessness," Lin Wuyu quickly grabbed the waistband. "Can't you just pick your pants?"
"I can't fight you?" Ding Ji narrowed his eyes.
"Then don't pull your pants." Lin Wuyu said.
"Who took your pants!" Ding Ji stared at him.
Lin Wuyu lowered his eyelids and looked at his hand.
"I'm talking to you!" Ding Ji immediately let go and flicked twice.
"Speaking while walking--" Lin Wuyu did not wait for him to react and ran out again.
"You're crazy!" Ding Ji chased after pulling his leg.
"Come and chase me." Lin Wuyu waved his arm.
"Next sentence." Ding Ji said.
"Let me catch you up..." Lin Wuyu raised his voice.
"Shut up!" Ding Ji quickly looked around.
"What did you just want to tell me?" Lin Wuyu asked while trotting.
"Make you angry." Ding Ji followed him closely.
"The spirit is so great, bomb the chicken." Lin Wuyu said.
"It will blow you up in a moment!" Ding Ji said.
This path returned to the main road when it was almost at the top of the mountain. Lin Wuyu looked back and forth, there was no one else.
They copied the near path, and used to run, no one has such a strong sense of victory or defeat.
Everyone is mountain climbing, and they are running mountains.
However, Lin Wuyu felt that Ding Ji retained his strength. In fact, he should not be able to run Ding Ji on the mountain road. Grandma said that Ding Ji had not been good at aisles since he was a child. Where to go.
Lin Wuyu couldn't compare with this, he walked very well since he was a child.
Ding Ji did not surpass him on the trail, and always followed him.
"Did you let me?" Lin Wuyu asked while running.
"Discovered?" Ding Ji sneered. "I'm not letting you, I'm sprinting with my strength."
"Is it." Lin Wuyu saw a sign in front, 500 meters away from the hilltop observation deck. It was estimated that he would come around the corner and he rushed out instantly.
Ding Ji responded quickly, did not allow him to distance him, still followed behind him, listening to the footsteps before and after the difference of two meters.
Lin Wuyu turned around and saw the small pavilion in front of him. Two students, a man and a woman, were standing in front of the pavilion.
"How about the team members?" a classmate called out. "Why are you only two?"
"Individual Representative Game -" Ding Ji replied with a cry.
Logistically stunned.
"Where is the flag!" Lin Wuyu pulled out the small flag of their group from his pocket.
"In the pavilion!" The boy pointed to the stone table in the pavilion.
Lin Wuyu rushed past.
Just before he rushed to the table, his arms had not stretched out, Ding Ji suddenly rushed up beside him, grabbed the flag in his hand.
"Hey?" Lin Wuyu smiled. "Why!"
Ding Ji flew to the stone table and flicked his flag up: "Two!"
Then shoot Lin Wuyu's flag again: "Four!"
Lin Wuyu couldn't help but smile at the stone table: "Do you want this effect?"
"Let me lose 0.1 seconds," Ding Ji was very happy, patting the table while panting, "Do not accept!"
"Unacceptable." Lin Wuyu pointed to the back of the pavilion, "there is the highest."
Ding Ji turned around and saw a mound of hills, about ten meters high, behind the stop. He was speechless: "This is also considered..."
Lin Wuyu has ran away.
As soon as he gritted his teeth, he rushed out and threw two inexplicable students from the logistics department.
There was actually a stepped out road on the mound, and it went up in circles. It seems that there are indeed many people who use this as the highest point to climb up.
Lin Wuyu has already reached the back of the mound, Ding Ji quickly followed, and this last trembling cannot make Lin Wuyu...
Turning around and not seeing the situation clearly, Ding Ji felt that his arm was being pulled, and then he was dragged and thrown onto the mound.
"This little man," Lin Wuyu stretched his arms and leaned in front of him. "Where are we going to run so urgently?"
Ding Ji stared at him, and after a few seconds he couldn't help laughing: "Lin Wuyu, how can you act like this?"
"Hurry up!" Lin Wuyu stared at him.
"Go to the top of the mountain," Ding Ji said.
"Have you bought the money?" Lin Wuyu said, "This mound is mine."
"No," Ding Ji said, "I'm a poor man wandering the world, where is the money."
"So poor?" Lin Wuyu said.
"Do you think you are rich, you are just such a mound," Ding Ji said, "Where does the face smile at me..."
"Let me kiss and let you go," Lin Wuyu said, "how?"
"Okay." Ding Ji answered immediately.
Lin Wuyu snorted: "Can you resist a little bit, are you too cooperative?"
"The hijacking is so handsome, I still resist a fart," Ding Ji said, "Hurry up, kiss me, brother."
Lin Wuyu turned to the beginning and almost couldn't hold his smile.
"Hurry up," Ding Ji pulled his chin. "There's no chance of coming up after a while."
Lin Wuyu turned his head and kissed it.
This kiss is a bit short.
Ding Ji felt that it didn't take more than five seconds.
It wasn't because someone was coming, but they were both breathless too much, and they were covering their mouths with light and using their noses.
"Fuck." Lin Wuyu was a little unwilling.
"Forget it, Wuyu brother," Ding Ji said, "This kissing condition is a bit too difficult, and I'm afraid to spray your nose."
"Okay, since I'm already kissed," Lin Wuyu said, "Let you go up."
Ding Ji climbed to the top of the mound and found that there was only more than ten meters of height. It felt much better than the scenery seen in the pavilion of the observation deck.
"This is ours." Lin Wuyu waved his hand.
"Uh." Ding Ji nodded.
Ten minutes later, there were people behind him.
Their site was quickly squeezed into a small piece under their feet. The top of the mound was filled with one after another arrived and found that it was the highest member of the society.
"Wow! It seems to be looking far away here."
"How come it feels so high, the wind is a lot..."
"Squeeze and squeeze and squeeze to keep warm."
"Are there any echoes after shouting?"
"No echo?"
Lin Wuyu stood in the corner, looked into the distance, and whispered in a crowd of noisy voices: "Let's find a mountain for a few days during the summer vacation. It must be quite comfortable."
"Okay, do you want to call someone else together?" Ding Ji asked.
"It's okay to call," Lin Wuyu thought for a while. "Whoever you want to call is."
"I think about it..." Ding Ji sighed for a while and then sighed again, "Hey, it's too early to think about this matter. There are still months in the summer vacation."
"Time passed quickly," Lin Wuyu said. "I think of seeing you in the small square now. It's the same thing as the other day. Do you remember what you said to me?"
Ding Ji smiled.
Lin Wuyu looked at him: "Don't remember? You are still a child prodigy, what brain?"
Ding Ji took out a lollipop and dangled it, and wrapped the tip of his tongue, and the little lollipop pointed to his face: "What are you looking at?"
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