Chapter 1078: Another purpose of Ye Yang

"It's you..." Ye Yang said again.
He realized that he was most likely in an unprecedented crisis.
The person opposite was another Ye Yang.
In the former time forbidden zone, the old universe where Ye Yang used to be, once gave birth to the most powerful master of the avenue. After leaving that time forbidden zone, he has been pretending to be dead and has been hiding in the dark, not knowing what he was doing.
After so many years and such a long time, he reappeared, not confronting any mysterious powerful enemy, but hiding in this immortal land, waiting for Ye Yang to calculate.
"Something's wrong!" Ye Yang said.
"What's wrong?" asked another Ye Yang.
Ye Yang said: "This land of immortality, just as the time forbidden zone expands, time reverses and becomes the current situation. How can you keep hiding in the land of immortality?"
"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that the deity can't do it." Another Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang said again: "What is the matter with you calculating the deity?"
"Hahahaha, do you still need a reason to calculate you?" Another Ye Yang said: "Don't you think that two people with the same fate can really cooperate with each other like TV shows and myths?
"It is said that the self in the parallel world and the self in this world are natural friends, natural confidants, and mutual knowledge, so they can cooperate and trust each other. That is all nonsense.
"In fact, no real smart people are willing to let this world have another self!"
Ye Yang said: "You are the master of the Great Dao that was born before the last time against the flow of time. The deity is a new master of chaos that was born from the old universe after this time mutation. You and I have different experiences and different memories. The things you learn are also different and the strengths are different. The people and things you love are also very different. You are you, I am me, and we are not the same person."
If the two are people of the same name and surname in the parallel world, they have exactly the same body appearance and hobbies, and the experience and memory are the same, and they can replace each other's identity at any time. That is a natural enemy. But the two Ye Yang didn't have the same memory at all.
Hobbies and personality may be the same, but the people and things you know are different, and the people you love are different from the things you love the most. One takes the avenue to dominate the road, and the other takes the chaos to dominate the road, the things that both sides need are different.
"Haha, what do you know? Although you and I are different in memory and experience, power and practice are different, but the essence is still the same. As long as the core key is the same, it will do." Another Ye Yang said. .
"The essence is the same?"
"Yes, it's like a core of consciousness is divided into two, and then experience different things, have different cultivation bases, and take different paths. It seems that they are different, but the core of the core is the same. ."
"You and I were once the same core of consciousness?"
"It may or may not, but the essence is the same, but it is certain." The other Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang asked again: "The deity feels weird. In that case, you have to kill the deity, and use your strength to secretly attack and calculate, and you will be stable. Then why do you plan to deliberately let the deity master the mystery of the universe? , Let the deity condense the inner universe? What good is this for you? Why is it so troublesome?"
"You talk too much, you don't need to know so much. I didn't want to kill you so soon, but unfortunately, why do you have to be smart? It seems that you just want to kill the other sleeping powerhouses in the immortal land. Wake up, clean up the indestructible place. Actually, your purpose is to target the deity. You shouldn't expose the secret so quickly." Another Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang sighed slightly: "The deity understands..."
"Hehe, I don't know what you understand. But in that case, you will die. With your strength, you will never escape from the deity..."
The other Ye Yang said, and grabbed it here with a palm.
The attack of the master of the avenue is very powerful.
But Ye Yang quickly burned himself, and the inner universe projected out. He didn't retreat but moved forward, and slammed into the giant palm: "Even if the deity is perished, it can't escape, I will try to make you uncomfortable!"
Murderous, a look of generosity to death.
However, I never expected that... the other Ye Yang who was supposed to smash Ye Yang with a palm of his hand, unexpectedly stopped, and didn't shoot down.
That giant palm turned rigidity into softness, forming a force of relief, to remove Ye Yang's impact, and then confine the void together with Ye Yang's seal.
Ye Yang's figure quickly retreated at this time, and many bans were enveloped. He blew part of the chaotic energy on his body, and forcibly blocked a part of the avenue. Moreover, the chaos on the body is boiling, and the whole body will explode at any time.
"Are you... so afraid of death?" The other Ye Yang was surprised.
Ye Yang sneered.
"You have left behind elsewhere?"
"you guess?"
"Hmph, do you really think the deity dare not kill you? So, you actually want to fight with your fate. If you lose, you would rather blew up?"
"Ha ha."
"What did you guess? What did you know?" The other Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang smiled slightly and said, "I know what I should know."
"Talk about it?" Another Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang groaned a little, and said: "You have the ability to kill the deity, but you don't quickly cut the grass and roots, but secretly calculate the deity. There are only two reasons. First, you are sure to destroy the deity quickly and believe that the deity cannot escape. Or whether the deity is dead or not, the impact on you is not great, and the deity cannot replace you.
"Second, you need the'essence' of the deity! You said before that you and I have the same essence. You also said that you did not intend to destroy the deity so soon. From this, it can be inferred that you are calculating the deity and want to use the deity to achieve Some purpose.
"You don't mind destroying the deity in advance, but hope that the deity can live longer. In other words, when the deity cultivates stronger, you will pick the fruit.
"This situation is no stranger.
"At the beginning, in the land of immortality, the phantom of the Heaven-Splitting Dao master who was suspected of being the master of the great avenue, before the deity was promoted to the master of chaos, obviously had a way to kill the deity, but he didn't do it. Kill the deity.
"Your thoughts are also the same.
"So, you want to make the deity cultivate stronger. But what is the benefit of a Chaos Master who cultivates stronger?
"So, after thinking about it, there is only one reason... you need to let the deity cultivate a powerful inner universe, and then you can pick the fruit.
"You secretly allowed the deity to successfully obtain the secret of the Great Cosmos Formation, successfully comprehend it, successfully cultivated the inner universe, and successfully occupied a territory in the immortal land. I am afraid, you are secretly helping you? Or personally. , Or send his subordinates to take action, or mobilize his luck behind his back to make the deity's luck in this immortal place stronger and more vigorous.
"What you want is the inner universe.
"But in the inner universe, even if other powerful people it, it's useless. After all, this is not the embryo seed of the young universe. However, the deity is consistent with your essence. You seize the inner universe, and even the skill cultivated by the deity, or take The deity’s chaotic air, and the template of the universe array in the deity’s body, are not a problem for you. You can inherit it completely.
"Your purpose is to plunder these!"
The other Ye Yang laughed: "You can really guess."
"But you guessed it right, didn't you?"
"Are you so confident?"
"Hmph, for no reason, no relatives, no reason, why would you benefit the deity behind the scenes? Either you thought of the method of condensing the inner universe, and the master of the great avenue also tried to condense a new universe in the body. However, it is not clear whether there is any It is dangerous, you can let the deity go first, and then you follow the practice. Or, you want to directly capture the success of the cultivation. The deity deliberately exploded before, and you have to fight to your death. You are not willing to destroy the deity. This has already explained the problem. You are not afraid The deity fell, just don't want the deity to fall with the inner universe and the inner universe, right?" Ye Yang talked freely.
The other Ye Yang couldn't help sighing slightly, and said: "Are you really sure, it was the deity who gave you benefits in secret, let you go this way so smoothly?"
"If it weren't for you, you would have been able to use the deity long ago. Unless there is another powerful behind-the-scenes hand that prevents you from showing up, and you obviously want to do something to the deity and dare not show up. But such a strong one does not . Otherwise, you won’t show up right now. Therefore, you are giving benefits to the deity in secret. This matter is sure of ten. It is almost impossible to be someone else.
Ye Yang said.
"Haha, I really deserve to be the other me...because of this, you are more damned. This immeasurable Chaos Domain, the extremely ancient tomb ruins, only need one Ye Yang." Another Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang's eyes were cold, and he thought to himself: "This other Ye Yang wants to swallow me, wants to replace me, then, in turn, the deity swallows him, absorbs his power, and uses it for me, is it possible? ?"
On the surface, he said calmly, "Have you ever suffered a serious injury? Or for some reason, you can’t just condense the cosmic array in your body? Or, the cosmic array can be condensed in your body, but it can’t Concentrated in the soul. So, you count the deity?"
The other Ye Yang shook his head, did not say much, just waved his right hand.
In an instant, dense chains emerged between the world and the earth, chain after chain traversing the void, interspersed with each other in a crisscross pattern.
This vast emptiness was completely blocked.
"You can't escape, and the deity is prepared. Once you explode, the deity will definitely make you batter, do you believe it?!!!" The other Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang chuckled.
"If you want to explode, you need to concentrate your whole body's strength at one point, which will cause your other abilities to be temporarily weakened or even useless. This is not a big weakness. After all, you will explode and perish. Why are you afraid that your combat power will temporarily decline? However, this happens to make you unable to resist the suppression of the deity. Once the deity takes action to suppress it, you will no longer have the opportunity to resist, and even self-detonation is not feasible. Either you do not detonate, or you will be suppressed as soon as you detonate. You have no chance. ." Another Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang smiled again.
"For the sake of the same nature of you and me, you completely surrender your own cultivation base and all your insights, allowing you to reincarnate with great power and time, your essence will be twisted and changed, and you will no longer be an enemy in the next life." Another Ye Yang Tao.
"Rather Stick to your guns."
"If that's the case, there is nothing to say. Kill you, and then go back in time in your area, you can get what the deity wants!" Another Ye Yang said coldly.
In an instant, dense avenue textures appeared between the heaven and the earth, and countless avenues interlaced, stagnating the void.
But at this time, a strong golden light broke through the void, passed through the protective layer formed by these avenues, and slashed onto Ye Yang, but the cut in half Ye Yang did not fall, but was forced to fly out. .
"You guys!!" Ye Yang's face changed suddenly.
The Duan Yu sword was suspended in the void, and the sword's edge pointed here.
But Ye Yang's two halves were closed, spitting out blood, and there were all kinds of indigestible fragments in the blood.
He coughed up blood and said: "Sure enough, you are injured. It is estimated that something is wrong at the soul level and cannot be repaired, so you need to go to the deity. But there is a problem with the consciousness level at the soul level, and the great formations laid out must be serious. Loopholes.
"The deity once viewed the Great Universe Array, and can see through your loopholes, but it does not have enough strength to break it. Although Duanyu Sword can break, but it does not have such a powerful calculation ability, we cooperate with each other, and you can't trap the deity.
"With the Duanyu Sword, it is impossible for you to get the inner universe and cultivation realization of the deity intact. Even if the deity loses, the Duanyu Sword will destroy the deity and its soul. Where do you hide... when do you want to find?"
Ye Yang was smiling while vomiting blood.
Ye Yang's face was gloomy.
Destroying Ye Yang was easy, but it was difficult to get what he wanted from Ye Yang.
With Duanyu Sword on the side, he was still sure to kill Ye Yang in seconds, but he was not sure to control Ye Yang instantly without letting him explode or being killed by Duanyu Sword.
"Maybe you and I can discuss..." Another Ye Yang said.
Ye Yang laughed loudly: "Understood, in the legend, you also have a great enemy, so you lurking in the long river of time or the long river outside the time forbidden zone, secretly calculating who. Now it seems that you are secretly avoiding whom.
"If the deity's backhand is outside the immortal land, it is preached everywhere that Ye Yang, the former master of the Dao, appeared in this immortal land, and has been seriously injured, unable to recover, unable to cultivate the inner universe, and unable to go further. , What will be the consequences?"
Another Ye Yang was furious: "You are looking for death!"
Ye Yang sneered.
He is indeed looking for death. In this situation, he can only survive by facing death.
If this other Ye Yang had the same temperament as his, then he would be good at forbearing and cautious a lot of the time, instead of just being reckless in anger.
As long as there is still a chance to win what he wants, he will not directly kill Ye Yang just to vent his anger. Unless there is no chance at all, they will be angry and killed.
However, since the genius is like him, has been the master of the avenue for such a long time, don't they have some cards? If the hole cards are not used, there is still a chance.
Will not give up easily.
The other Ye Yang didn't give up. UU reading www.uukā, Ye Yang has a ray of life.
"Do you think that with this Duanyu Sword, you can stop the deity?" Another Ye Yang sneered, and stretched out his right hand: "Come on!"
In an instant, a golden chaotic clock flew toward here from the void. The clock body trembles slightly, and there is a turbulent flow of time. This thing can seal all the strong... as long as the Chaos Clock is not damaged, as long as the master is strong enough.
The squad, even if he blew himself up, as long as he didn't burst the chaos clock, the time in the clock could go back to before he blew himself up. Or ban it first and go back in time.
This kind of thing, Ye Yang hadn't reacted, the Duanyu sword hummed, the sword energy rushed, and it was as mighty as a pillar of heaven, tearing through the sky of the immortal land.
when! ! !
Before the Chaos Clock arrived, it vibrated violently and made loud noises.
And Duanyu Sword also cut out at exactly this moment. Sword Qi tears through the wave of invisible time and space.
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