Chapter 1084: Transformation of the earth, the secret of history

Ye Yang found that some skeletons were struggling.
Not getting up from the sea of ​​bones, but releasing a powerful force to the ground of the sea of ​​bones, and didn't want to get up at all.
Most of them didn't resist, only a few very strong skeletons were hiding in the sea of ​​bones.
"This situation is..."
Ye Yang looked at the Immortal Land, and then at the sea of ​​bones on the ground, his face gradually showed a sudden realization.
"So... there are countless dead bones around the Immortal Land. This is not accidental. The corpse energy that these bones emit over the years can conceal the cause and effect, and can contain the bones of the strong.
"Therefore, the strong are lurking here, and they want to calculate the indestructible place, and the core of consciousness in the indestructible place will naturally count these strong in turn.
"Early in the void of the Bone Sea World, put special spiritual fragments. The dry bones are absorbed in, not purified or digested, and then absorbed by the heavenly masters and Taoist powers who sleep here, they will become immortal. The puppet of the land!
"Besides, I don't even know I become a puppet."
Such a method is no stranger.
When Ye Yang was in the old universe, he once saw that there was a mortal civilization with relatively advanced technology, and some nano robots were secretly placed on some mortal planets with relatively backward technology.
When the mortals on that planet drink water and nano robots into their stomachs, the nano robots will slowly penetrate into the brains of those mortals, and then piece them together to form chips. From then on, the mortals on that planet became the puppets of the high-tech civilization. And they don't know yet.
But with a single order, the chip can be used to control the brain and nerves of the person on the backward planet and seize control of their body.
Here, maybe the same!
Many skeletons, sucking the problematic breath, gradually become stronger.
Numerous Taoist women are here, thinking that they can rely on the immortal land. The consciousness core of the self-thinking Immortal Land has not really formed, so I can stay here safely.
But they never expected that the core of consciousness of the immortal land had already possessed wisdom, but pretended to be without wisdom. Still growing, but it's not impossible to fight. Although it is not considered final, it actually already possesses a certain degree of immortality.
"Awesome... However, since the consciousness core of the Immortal Land has long been wise, why would they tolerate another Ye Yang staying here? And Duanyu Sword, why would they guard this consciousness core? The ancient temple of the beginning too."
Ye Yang thought for a while and felt that this should be mutual use.
The consciousness core of the Immortal Land hasn't really been completely condensed, and there is no unity of all the avenues of the Immortal Land, and it hasn't really been used. Although it can have a certain strength, it is not yet immortal beyond the dominance level of the Dao.
The other sages of Ye Yang and nearby Taoists wanted to wait for the consciousness core of the immortal land to "mature" and then be picked by them like fruits. And the immortal place also wants to use their power to protect it before it "mature", so that it can be safe, so that it won't be picked off by the powerhouse passing by it before it "mature".
"It should be like this, empty information, it should be like this after reasoning.
"However, the foreign masters of the main road continuously attacked here, causing their plans to fail.
"Now, Immortal Land uses its own dark hands, and there are many skeleton Dao saints who are not strong enough around them. They can only stand up and be manipulated like puppets."
At this time, a large number of skeletons, or complete skeletons, or just skulls, or just green fire ghosts from the skeletons, fly uncontrollably to the immortal land.
However, before reaching the immortal land, the void formed the array of the universe!
This battle is almost the same as Ye Yang's previous research!
It is completely simulated.
The power formed in the formation constituted a huge Ye Yang figure. It was another figure of Ye Yang.
He rushed inside.
Ye Yang saw that a large formation was formed. The sea of ​​bones also has a large number of dead bones that move automatically, forming a huge bone array. There are also bone battleships that are similar to the bone battleships before Ye Yang.
Only a few skeletons that can resist tenaciously are not under control, and the others are involved in the formation, becoming part of the formation, or part of a bone warship.
Many warships entered it. The figure of Ye Yang simulated by the Array of the Great Universe rushed into it.
There are also figures of other ancient masters simulated by the Great Cosmos Array, which also fly into it.
Ye Yang even saw that there were the masters of the Great Dao who had come here to participate in the war last time. He also saw the huge corpse that had been suppressed by Duanyu Sword. These figures appeared at this moment.
Ye Yang couldn't help taking a breath, and took a short step back. His face was pale, and he faintly understood: "That's it!"
The immortal place is made by the gathering of all things.
The essence of the sea of ​​bones has been condensed into an indestructible place, where countless avenue fragments merged into an indestructible place. The Indestructible Land itself possesses the ability to absorb the fragments of many powerful avenues, and Ye Yang has long discovered the reason for the formation of the Indestructible Land. It was also discovered that the immortal land even simulated and copied Ye Yang's figure, possessing all the abilities that Ye Yang had shown.
However, he did not expect that Duanyu Sword's suppression of the corpse was actually not allowing the immortal land to away the corpse of the master of the road too quickly.
The same was true of the things suppressed by the ancient temple in the early days.
Including the Zhenfeng Earth Vessel, it also prevents the growth of the Immortal Land.
To be precise, they hope that the immortal place will take shape and mature quickly, but they hope that it will grow in another direction. Don't let it too much of the master of the avenue.
However, after a few battles, the skeletons of the masters of the avenues that have fallen here have increased, and even the external red hair is a certain power, which will be absorbed by the immortal land and used for its own use.
The Duanyu Sword was suppressing the remains of those strong people before, but the main ruler came again, which caused the Duanyu Sword and the Ancient Hall of the Beginning to fly, and the suppressed things below would be sucked by the Indestructible Land. Eaten up.
Moreover, the backhand that had been hidden in the sea of ​​bones was also taken over by the Indestructible Land.
"Speaking of which...The Immortal Land, in the last war, not only was it not hit hard, but it went further? Or, it got further resources. Is it almost complete now?
"Wait, since the original immortal place was a gathering of many powerful will fragments, mental fragments and memory fragments, and condensed into the core of consciousness, and gradually grew, then another Ye Yang..."
Ye Yang's face changed suddenly.
Is the other Ye Yang alive or dead?
If the other party has long since fallen and died, it is actually part of the immortal land, or his core of consciousness has long been integrated into the immortal land... then it may not be impossible.
If he seizes the indestructible place, his consciousness actively blends in in order to occupy a dominant position...
"Interesting!! Now the strong figure simulated by the Great Universe Array is another Ye Yang. Does this mean anything?"
There is no evidence, so Ye Yang is not sure.
But another Ye Yang lurking in the Immortal Land for so long must have a lot to do with the core of this Immortal Land!
Ye Yang's mind turned rapidly, suddenly his expression changed drastically, and his figure retreated.
In the distant void, one after another twisted space cracks extended, like huge tentacles.
Densely dense, like ten thousand fish crossing the river.
"this is……"
The void barrier shattered, and countless cracks extended into it.
But at this moment, the entire immortal land exploded.
A famous sage-level skeleton, piece by piece of artifact, rose into the sky.
The fragments exploded from the entire immortal land are twisted and combined in the void.
Pieces of land are transformed into huge cells, compressed and reduced. At the same time, a large number of the power of the avenue and the chain of the law converge in the void, forming a huge figure.
Those cells, those chains of the power of the great avenue and the laws, constitute a golden figure, with a huge momentum bursting out in all directions.
"This guy……"
Ye Yang gasped.
He felt the wave of terrifying power that was more powerful than ordinary masters of the Great Dao.
Millions of the power of the Great Dao wave bloomed.
There are not so many types of avenues, but two-to-two fusion, three-three fusion, there is no power disorder after the fusion, which is very unusual.
The power of the Dao is extremely difficult to merge. Forcibly merged can increase the power, but it will also lead to insufficient purity and even conflicts of power. Inconsistent inner cores can cause power disorders.
Therefore, it is more appropriate to combine the powers of the great powers with each other. If they are truly integrated, only a few can combine to produce a stronger effect, or they are temporary. But at this time, it seems that a variety of new and different avenue powers are merged, which makes people feel a bit weird.
Ye Yang concentrated on his eyes and saw a very ugly and strange figure.
The immortal place is transformed into a giant, on the surface it is human, but it is covered with big and small bulges, with cracked mouths, or cracked eyes, or different faces. .
It seems that the souls of many different strong men have been compressed and condensed into a ball.
"No, maybe, this is the truth!!
"The immortal land is formed by merging many great avenues. The spiritual fragments of many strong wills are merged to form a complete core of consciousness. Now, many shards of will are forcibly merged, and when the fusion is about to complete, there will be some fragments of will It is relatively powerful, and the spirit fragments become powerful after absorbing other fragments of will. But they have not been absorbed, digested and melted by the core of the immortal land. This is the situation!"
That huge figure seemed to be forcibly pieced together by the will of multiple masters of the avenue, but it did not explode.
"Ye Yang! You didn't die, and you seized the house to control the entire immortal land?!!!" A roar came.
Ye Yang was a little confused, but soon realized. The strong man's roar was not him, but the other Ye Yang.
The weird twisted figure sneered and said: "In the beginning, the immortal land is the deity, and the deity is the immortal land. What about control?"
"Huh? What did you say?" A famous master Dahai.
"Impossible! Before you were born, the land of immortality existed." The strong said.
"Hahahaha, do you really think that this deity was born in the same era as you? Splitting Universe, a total of three Ye Yang were born. This deity is only one of them."
"What?" The strong were shocked.
"The third Ye Yang is over there." The figure of the immortal land pointed towards Ye Yang.
The masters of the avenue stared over here.
"It's another scourge!" Some strong snorted.
"Actually, it's almost becoming arrogant?" Some strong said.
"But, compared to that, what is more important now is the fusion with the Immortal Land." Those strong men quickly turned their gazes back to the distorted figure formed by the Immortal Land, and no longer looked at this side. Ye Yang.
Ye Yang was speechless.
Unexpectedly, I was exposed so easily. You can't hide it from them. However, as he converged his cultivation base, he didn't see much.
"What age was the first Ye Yang? Where did he go?" a strong man asked.
"The first Ye Yang, accidentally fell, the core of consciousness dissipated, and then the wreckage automatically gave birth to another consciousness. His inner demon seized his old shell and escaped into the ancient tomb market!" Another Ye Yang Dao.
"Could it be related to this immortal land?"
"Yes, he seized the resources of this ancient tomb ruins and turned it into the prototype of the immortal land. Then this thing went to the Rift Universe, where time went backwards. Back to the past. After two cosmic epochs, The prototype of the consciousness of that immortal land is projected out, reincarnated as the deity, and you were born at the same time as the deity."
"Wait, is it possible... Are you the first Ye Yang's demon?"
"Not really, there are some differences. I don't want to disclose the details."
"Then the Immortal Land projected your consciousness, and then the Immortal Land was already consciously formed?"
"Hmph, when we let the time of Rippling Universe flow backwards, we wanted you to fall into the backward flow of time. Actually, you experienced the reverse flow of time earlier than we did, so we didn't succeed in calculating you?" There is Dadao dominates. .
"Yes, you are right." Ye Yang said.
When Ye Yang heard this, he couldn't help but gasp.
How many secrets does history hide?
That other Ye Yang was actually not a creature born and grown in the Sky Rippling Universe, but a power reincarnation split from the Immortal Land. And this guy knows the secret of the time reverse flow of the Sky Splitting Universe better than other strong people.
But what about the other strong? How can the strong man of the same age as him be promoted to the master of the Great Dao after he leaves the Rippling Universe?
Too much secret. Ye Yang felt that the amount of information was huge.
And at this moment, Ye Yang, who was transformed from the entire immortal place over there, laughed.
With one grasping and pulling with both hands, countless spatial cracks in the void were torn apart and burst, creating new spatial cracks. These newly born cracks are very different from the spatial cracks that extend from the core of Naji Ancient Tomb Ruins, and they will no longer extract power from this side.
"Do it, UU read and killed him!"
Many strong people feel bad, and they no longer inquire into secrets with him at this time, but directly do it.
"The Great Ancient Tomb Ruins, great changes are imminent, everyone, this deity has half-stepped into the ultimate realm of immortality, immortality, and eternal existence. If you want to stop this deity, come to the core of the ancient tomb ruins!
"Here, an unprecedented opportunity will be born. Those who come in may become sacrificial offerings. They may also receive unprecedented benefits.
"If the deity is perished in this deity, all the remains of the deity will be acquired by you. If you perish and the deity finally gains, the deity can use your power to let this imperfect and immortal body completely enter The level of perfection and immortality. The deity is the place of immortality, and the place of immortality is the deity, eternal and immortal."
As he said, he flew up suddenly. Surrounded by many Dao Sage-level skeletons and dry bones, countless broken bones and bone meal from the Bone Sea Earth flew up and gathered around him, blocking the attacks of many Dao masters.
He took a few steps in an instant, shuttled through the void, and flew toward the direction where the void crack extended.
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