Chapter 1445: Central continent

The only flaw is the physical body, which destroys the overall power.
Conceptual consciousness made him feel the power of conceptual consciousness when he entered Daowen as a whole into the magical space, which is equivalent to the level of Daowen.
Otherwise, even if he achieved Taoism in the beginning, he could not clearly see what was happening in that great space, just like an angel and a who could not look directly at the mortal power.
The conceptual consciousness is so powerful that the Taoist power that can perfectly cooperate with it does not need to be questioned. This is the same level of power.
The only flaw is the physical body, and the only flaw in the integration of the three is the physical body.
In fact, the flesh represents the true level that Wang Sheng is now in. He takes the path of the flesh's power. Every transformation of the flesh represents every progress of his path.
His physical level has always been at the second peak level. His strong strength has always been because of the strong conceptual consciousness, and then the power of Dao Wen will be added after the epiphany.
But it was impossible to hide the fact that his physical body had not improved for a long time.
His physical body is arguably the most basic thing. There is now a core in his body. The core has the refined and integrated power, the conceptual consciousness, and the true integration of the physical body.
Once this core is thoroughly traveled, it will eventually devour the entire body, and Wang Sheng's physical body will truly progress and can be truly integrated with the conceptual consciousness. There is no difference, then the shortcomings of the physical body will be truly absent.
From the moment of Daowen's itinerary, Wang Sheng's flesh is already a Taoist, and Daowen is also a flesh. Her essence has changed.
Therefore, the limitations of the flesh are actually more intuitively reflected in Taoism. For example, the two Taoist powers used before can be directly filled by the power of the flesh if the flesh is strong, without a long time of recovery.
There are also incarnations of whole Taoism, which are actually the potential to force overdrawing the flesh, in order to exert the power of whole Taoism.
In other words, a strong physical body represents the strength of Taoism and the strength of the core unity.
There are currently two ways to improve the physical body. One of the self-evolution of the physical body needs to find his true path. He did find the way, but the opportunity for physical progress is not so easy to be born.
This opportunity used to be transformed into a flesh by the powerful pressure brought by the outside world, but at this level, he has not found a person who can bring him strong pressure for a long time.
And this way of progress is walking on a wire rope, which is extremely dangerous. In the face of strong pressure, he represents a strong crisis of life and death.
This approach is too flawed and there is no such opportunity.
The second way is today's core formation, which can force the physical evolution with the power of the core. After coming to this world, material energy is even more beneficial to his physical progress, making this way of core progress possible. So far, although progress has been weak, it has indeed changed, and perseverance is likely to be truly successful.
Wang Sheng took a deep breath and finally recovered the suffocation.
The experiment yielded results. The repressive effects attached to Daowen still exist, not only repression, but also magical powers in other aspects.
Wang Sheng thought deeply. The part that made up the subtle Daowen had no special role and became the only one of universality, but the whole became full of special and uniqueness, which was his only one.
When the whole is not used, the subtle components of the Tao can play a variety of magical functions, just like a omnipotent force.
Wang Sheng didn't experiment with more results, but these were enough for the experiment office, and the power of Dao Wen directly increased his strength.
This force is almost unsolvable for the existence of forces that cannot involve such a level.
Now it seems that the level of Dao Yuan is still almost, at least Dao Yuan he touched did not touch the power of this near concept.
The realm of the magic mirror!
Wang Sheng felt eager to try in his heart, and wanted to experience the power of this concept in the face of a real divine realm.
This stimulus comes from the pursuit of power and the unknown mystery of this power.
Before Wang Sheng, Daowen experienced a truly powerful feeling as a whole, but that was only an illusion. Wang Sheng’s only certainty was that this feeling should be absolute in the face of Dao Yuan.
The Daoyuan level, which does not involve the power to change this concept, is slightly worse.
After this instant experiment, the Taoist power in Wang Sheng's body has been weakened by nearly one-tenth. Without the physical power to directly provide transformation, this part of his Taoist power can only be gradually obtained under the overall Taoist shock. restore.
Even if Taoist power can be used, it cannot be used as a basic power.
However, the existence of Daowen alone is enough to make Wang Sheng more immune to many His physical activity is also stronger.
His whole is Taoism. When step by step, the process of truly replacing Taoism with subtle body is the process of gradually tapping the potential.
Wang Sheng had some insights into the next step, letting further subtle composition continue to expand Taoism, gradually expand from 3,650 Taoism, and continue to spread the Taoism to a very subtle place.
This is also one of the methods of physical transformation.
Wang Shengping calmed his breath and really sat cross-legged on top of Baiyun. As Baiyun flew forward, the speed gradually increased.
Flying over time and space, Bai Yun flew in this wild world, Wang Sheng did not deliberately accelerate. He was surrounded by a unique space. There was a very strong power in this space, so that he could always absorb and supplement himself.
As for the Shenting space, Wang Sheng has completely controlled it, and has also watched the Shenting space.
There is nothing left in the Shenting space. The Shenting space in that year has no effect on Wang Sheng, and only the sufficient energy is necessary for Wang Sheng.
Until there was no more history of the Shenting era, the role of the Shenting space was only this way.
Wang Sheng opened his eyes and looked down. The sea that had been passing under it not long ago finally crossed. The fresh sea breeze came with very different customs and customs.
After crossing the sea, the location is a huge continent. The most intuitive change is that the material energy is richer and the world is broader.
Central continent, the true center of this world.
"Friend, please stay away!"
A streamer flew across the sky, and an old voice rang in Wang Sheng's ear.
The streamer speed quickly came to Wang Sheng's side, in parallel with Wang Sheng's Baiyun.
This is an old man stomping on a white jade sword, and a robe makes the body grow longer.
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