Chapter 1748: Possible observers

The human race calls the gods that appear suddenly and suddenly as invaders, but for the gods themselves, they don’t have any memory of the human race, just like the memory of the gods that Wang Sheng got, they are the original birth of this world, the first in this world Creatures.
Not only did Wang Sheng know this from the words of this mother-in-law, but the memory of the gods can also be verified.
Human races and gods are two kinds of cognitive concepts. The gods think that they are the creatures at the beginning of heaven and earth, and the human race has had a once prosperous civilization. This memory is not false.
In order to prove her words, this mother-in-law also specially extracted a memory crystal to Wang Sheng, which was something she had experienced differently.
Wang Sheng can't see any falseness. In the frozen human era, there is a road different from the star master. This kind of road is not false, nor can it be fabricated.
Therefore, the existence of the human age should be correct.
And the memory of the gods does not have any human race, it is more likely that they do not know the human race.
Perhaps after the original human beings were frozen, these innate powerhouses were indeed born in the world and became innate gods.
However, the rules of heaven and earth have been occupied by the once prosperous human race, and the birth of the original gods may be almost nothing.
To achieve this condition, it is necessary to change the world and restore it to what it was at the beginning of creation, in order to truly have the conditions for the birth of gods.
When the gods were born, the only seeds of human beings were asleep, unaware of the changes in the world, and the gods could not find the existence of human beings.
Misunderstandings are possible.
But this explanation is far-fetched, because in Wang Shen's memory of the gods, the appearance of the human race was created by the gods, not born, and the gods supported the human race for a long time.
It is impossible for a to produce such a memory out of thin air.
"Why do you judge those gods to be invaders, completely denying the gods that were born during the change of heaven and earth during your sleep."
The mother-in-law shook her head and said firmly: "That's impossible."
"Because the origin of our world has never been leaked, it has always been in the hands of human beings. Even if the world at that time died, the origin is in the hands of seeds like me."
Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, "Is the origin rule of heaven and earth now different from the former origin rule."
The mother-in-law nodded, "A lot of places overlap, and it also constitutes a complete world, but compared to the prosperous era of the human race, it is worse than too many, and it also adds too many strange rules."
She said there was a slight hesitation here, "Actually, I have had speculations that perhaps it is the origin of the supplementary rules of heaven and earth that gave birth to such gods."
In fact, from this perspective, these gods were actually born in this world.
It can also be explained by changes in world rules.
But Wang Sheng believes that this mother-in-law has another explanation and basis.
But the one who spoke became the owner of the evergreen star.
"Since Venerable is in charge of our world and is also a human race, then these things should not be hidden from Venerable."
He gave Wang Sheng a careful look. After discovering that he mentioned that Wang Shengnai was a human race and only gave him a soft look, his heart was slightly relaxed, which was also his temptation.
"In the frozen human seeds like me, there is actually a memory, which is also a last word, and it is a memory left by the dominant powers in the world at that time."
"There is no more information in that memory, it seems because of time."
"The only implication is about the roots of world change."
"Before human beings were frozen, in fact, the powerful people at that time had already had a hunch, and made a prediction at any cost, and finally predicted that a huge change would occur in the world."
"The change here is a huge change for the world itself, but it does not destroy the world, but it is enough to destroy all the creatures that depend on the existence of this world, even the strongest man who was in charge of the world at that time cannot exist."
"The only thing waiting for them is destruction."
Sorrow is hidden in the eyes of Changbaixing. Although they have not experienced such despair in person, they can feel the despair from the lines of the information.
At that time, the prosperous human race civilization tried to resist, but in the end, it only chose to leave the human race seeds for later follow-up.
It can be seen that the despair and expectation in their hearts, expect these seeds to retain the glory of the human race.
"The predictions of those predecessors actually showed a little bit. The change that caused despair was not a natural occurrence, it was artificial, it was deliberate!"
Chang Bai's voice was heavy, "The final result of the gathering of the most astounding gods at the time was that this might be just an experiment conducted by a person or a higher civilization."
"It may also be a world on the verge of despair, trying to invade our world."
"In short, this is a destiny."
"The predictions left by the predecessors mentioned possible changes in the world, but they did not know that after these changes, not only the seeds of our human race, but also the birth of the gods."
"After an in-depth analysis of the prophecy, we determined that these gods were either like me, the seeds of unknown civilization, or the experimental products of experimental civilization."
Wang Sheng thought deeply that there was still such a memory and such a prophecy.
The human civilization that once existed in this world seems to believe that those gods are behind the existence of civilization, and civilization has intervened in this world.
They have two interpretations of this civilization, one is that it is on the verge of extinction, and the gods save the fire and put it into this world for continuation.
One is a civilization that is so powerful that it is unimaginable. UU reading may be a joke, or an experiment may be involved in changing the world, and we look forward to the changes we can see.
If it is the former, it is fortunate that it is on the verge of extinction. Although it destroyed the once prosperous human civilization, it is also on the verge of extinction. Even if it is strong, it will not be so strong, and it is very likely that it has really become extinct.
If it is the latter, the meaning of the representative is scary, which means that the civilization has been watching this world until now.
Looking at the changes and derivations of this world, even Wang Sheng's appearance and even the Honghuang latitude world have been discovered by him.
This conclusion is creepy and does not stop Wang Sheng, proving that its owner can crush Wang Sheng's self-confidence and Honghuang Latitude's self-confidence.
In the final analysis, Wang Sheng was eliminated by the flood and latitude, and even the world at hand cannot compare.
Wang Sheng pondered, and had some speculations about the possible powerful civilization or powerful existence.
There was no confusion in his heart, and it was the most stupid thing to be in disorder because of the unknown.
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