Chapter 2261: Killing God

  In the course of the struggle between these creatures, three stages have passed. In the first stage, the gods appeared and led many creatures to conquer together.
   In the second stage, the gods are hidden in the world. These spiritual civilizations are fighting each other. In order to grab the experience site, they are so violent that they are not as big as the gods, but they are no longer small.
   In the third stage, the situation between civilizations has probably stabilized, and each has its own territory. Except for a few battles between civilizations, similar chaos wars that all participate in have never been born.
   And this stage lasts for a long time. In this process, the trail of the gods is getting less and less, and even some civilizations are wondering whether the behind them is still alive.
And this environment, coupled with the ever-changing world atmosphere, has led to the rapid development of spiritual civilization, born a strong one, turned upside down, opened up space, and even enlightened creatures. These things that only once gods could do, cultivate civilization The strong can also do it.
   These strong men are like living gods.
They enlighten the road of rules and understand the road once dedicated to the gods. If in the second stage, they can already be regarded as blasphemy, but now the gods are hidden, no one intervenes in their affairs, so that the minds of these powerful people are relaxed. .
  Even some of them have become stronger in their strength promotion, and began to consider a thing that they never dare to imagine, that is, to replace the status of the gods.
  Although many existences say that the gods have fallen, only these powerful men know that the gods have not fallen, because the rules they occupy still exist, and no one is allowed to intervene.
   And these powerful people want to go further, only to rob these rules of control.
   So inspired by this thought, they began to look for the gods and wanted to the rules from the gods.
   was strange and unsuccessful at first, they could not find the place where the gods existed.
  Only after an accident, a strong man fell into a peculiar space, where he found a who was falling asleep.
  He was very embarrassed in the beginning. After all, this was a who had won, and he recognized the existence of this god, but even then in the world, it was regarded as a powerful divine force to achieve death.
   is rumored to have disappeared in a magical war in ancient times. Later generations speculated that he had fallen. Now it seems that even if the news is not true, it is almost the same, because the death is in a deep sleep that can not be autonomous.
   is obviously still in the case of serious injuries.
   Faced with this situation, the strong man who inadvertently fell into here was more tempted, so after some planning, he began to penetrate the rules of this god.
   penetrated very smoothly, and even successfully let the strong man break through the realm, but just when the penetration rule reached one-third, the sleeping death suddenly woke up.
   is obviously a passive awakening. After all, his authority is about to be taken away. He is not awakening, just afraid that his life will not be preserved.
  Although the strong man has broken through, he is still not the opponent of the awakened Death, who was killed by the Death and completely fell.
   But this battle has not been silent for a long time. A strong man was attracted and knew the state of death now, knowing that the other party was unable to stop them from doing more things.
   So before he healed his wounds, he found that he was stared at again, and was still surrounded.
   In his cognition, a group of ants must exist and dare to plot against him in this way, and death is naturally extremely angry.
  He wanted to kill all of them, but he didn't have enough power.
   and escape, these people can not let him escape, so this war is inevitable.
   The result of this battle has also been completely changed. The attitude of the ordinary spirits to the gods, and the gods above will also fall.
   That's right, the death is finally falling, and he is attacked by so many existences together. His state is the worst in history, so there is only one result, that is, falling.
   This matter is enough to remember in the entire historical process, because this is the representative of mortal against the sky.
   From the beginning of the birth of the spirit, to countless hours until now, a finally fell and dragged the off the altar.
   This thing did not end with the death of death. In this battle, the participants were rewarded generously.
   They successfully comprehended the rules and controlled the rules originally controlled by Grim Reaper.
  Although they do not claim to be gods, they are no different from gods at the moment, both in status and strength are comparable to gods.
   Of course, it is still not as good as the of death in the heyday, after all, this man is a powerful divine force in the fall of money.
   The death of the of death is just the beginning. Only a large number of creatures have made a good start. The gods can fall, they can kill, this is what they learned.
   So they are more enthusiastic about finding gods, because they want to control the rules. There is only one way to improve the realm. After all, the rules are all controlled by the gods.
   was searched in this way, especially with the assistance of the existence of the gods who had already been accomplished, and still found some traces of the gods.
   Therefore, during that special period, the war broke out again and again, and the gods they found were no accidents. They were all seriously injured gods, otherwise they would not hide their identity.
The ending is naturally similar to Grim Reaper, because they can’t exert much power at all, and those who already have a strong world help, even easier than killing God for the first , Another group of people got the rules and became more powerful.
   During a period of time, it was simply the end of the gods. The gods became prey and were hunted.
In a short time, the whole actual practice frenzy broke out again, after all, there are examples of life before us.
   However, after all, the gods are gods. Even if they tried hard to find, they only found less than ten traces of the gods, and the number of smooth kills was even rarer.
  After all, when prepared, the god's ability to escape is surprisingly powerful.
   So there are only a handful of mortals who can finally break through.
   As history progressed to this stage, Wang Sheng happened to pay attention.
  He also knows why these gods are hidden, and even if they are killed by these ants who once looked down on them, they will not show up.
   is waiting for them because of a more powerful crisis.
   That is a chaotic creature outside the world!
   That’s right, the reason why these gods evaded was because they found chaotic creatures outside the sky, so they were preparing.
   As for the gods found, it was just bad luck, which was equivalent to being abandoned.
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