Chapter 2318: New immeasurable body

The latest website: To be eligible to become a person’s enemies, at least the most basic traits must be that there must be an obstacle to this person, either strength or state of mind.
Wang Sheng does not know this old man, and naturally will not become an obstacle to the other party's state of mind, so basically the only possibility is strength.
The old man thinks that Wang Sheng's family is strong enough to threaten him.
From this point of view, Wang Sheng does not deny that, after all, he believes that he does have this strength.
He was a little curious about how the old man judged that he was about to become enlightened. The other party obviously did not surpass the Hunyuan Supreme. He could only say that he reached the limit in the state of Hunyuan Supreme, and now he stands in front of the possibility of breaking the Hunyuan Supreme. It can basically be concluded that the way the other party wants to be is the way to break through the next level.
He was very confident and seemed to think that he could be promoted as long as he survived his enlightenment disaster.
The chance here has such a magic effect? If this is the case, then there will be no secrets opened so many times, but no one can be promoted.
Although Wang Sheng does not believe that the other party can definitely become enlightened, he will not ignore it. Such self-confidence is enough to show that the other party is sure, and this confidence cannot be underestimated. After all, a strong person of this degree has no possibility of madness. .
They are absolutely sensible.
The energy flow in Wang Sheng's body, it seems that this time he will interrupt the energy body and the promotion of the true spirit, and he will only make up for it later. In the face of this old man, he has to exert his full strength.
Since neither of them meant concessions, neither of them spoke anymore.
Not only is it short or long, all of a sudden, all the silence in heaven and earth disappeared, and the two beings standing here disappeared in an instant.
In the next moment, a white light spreads out quickly, filling the entire world in front of it. There is endless creation in the white light, and there is energy running in it every moment, as if creation is happening every moment.
After watching it for a long time, I could vaguely see that the two figures in the white light were intertwined very quickly.
Wang Sheng avoided a dark space crack, the blood sword in his hand disappeared in the palm of his hand, but the old man in the distance just broke a hair.
The old man carried his hands on his shoulders. "Sure enough, your strength is very strong. I have reached the level of waiting for me. Although I don't know how you reached the limit level just after promotion, the facts can't be changed. You can't beat me with your current strength."
Wang Sheng took a deep breath and suddenly smiled, "It seems that there is really no way to hide anymore. In that case, let you see the real me."
His body was expanding rapidly, as if there was no limit. In front of the old man, there was an immense giant, but the old man's expression was calm. "Gorgeous, the size of the body can't change anything. You have enough combat power, but you don't have enough state of mind. One thing is the gap between you and me."
He obviously regarded Wang Sheng's infinite quantity as a magical power of change.
But the next moment, when the giant's palm fell slowly from high altitude, the old man's complexion changed and his eyes dignified.
"The power is so much stronger." He looked closely at Wang Sheng's body again, and suddenly felt a sudden feeling.
"It turns out that this is your real body, and it can be compressed to the same degree as before."
He was shocked.
It is very common to change the size of a substance. Basically, all great magicians can do it, but changing the size does not mean that the quality of the substance can also be changed.
For example, for a tight-fitting species, when it becomes smaller, the internal skeletal mechanism and even the strength mechanism are tight. Then when it becomes larger, the structure in it will not change, it is only the same amplification, the structure is unchanged, and the strength level is naturally unchanged. .
That is to say, its strength after becoming larger is the same as its weak strength.
The reason why it grows bigger is just because the bigger body can do a lot of conveniences. For example, when dealing with a large enemy, you can keep your strength.
It is not impossible to increase the strength by changing the body shape. For example, the most common supernatural power of Fatianxiangdi is to change the structure of the body and the level of strength through enlargement, so the strength will increase.
However, the law of heaven and earth has limits, and the range of enhanced strength naturally also has limits, which has no effect on them as a great god.
There is still some kind of dharma-like phenomenon in the Great Divine Path, which can be enhanced by changing the body shape, but it is not common, and the enhanced strength will not be very strong.
Therefore, the old man regards Wang Sheng's enlargement as a flashy behavior. Even if the strength is increased a little, but the body size becomes larger but he loses his physical advantage. So it looks scary but has little effect.
But after Wang Sheng's palms were pressed down, he discovered that it was wrong. This situation was obviously abnormal, because the opponent's body became larger, and the body's sense of pressure was obviously abnormal, which was several times stronger than before. It was like It is a hundredfold increase.
He couldn't believe that there was such a magical secret, so after careful observation, some incredible thoughts were born, and the other party's body turned out to be the real body at the moment.
That is, this infinite real body is the real body of the other party, so now it is its normal strength.
Changing the conference to increase strength, becoming smaller will naturally weaken the strength to a certain extent. In his view, the other party obviously affected the combat power by forcibly weakening the body.
He doesn’t know that Wang Sheng’s strength is not affected by the change of He can play the strength of the infinite body when he is weak, so it is true that Wang Sheng won the battle with him not long ago. Wang Sheng in the most powerful state.
However, this old man could not help but see that this old man gained strength, and indeed reached the extreme level of the Hunyuan Supreme, the next step is to become enlightened.
If there is no transformation in this period of time, Wang Sheng cannot increase his strength again. After changing into an infinite real body, he has a hundred times the strength before the promotion.
This is just because the core in Wang Sheng's body has been formed. Under the urging of the core power, he can again urge his infinite real body around the core power to enhance the power, but the shortcoming is obvious, that is because the core power is scarce, he How long it can't last.
This is also something that cannot be done. Infinite Real Body is such a supernatural power. In Wang Sheng's own calculations, Infinite Real Body is such a powerful enough force to be the most powerful supernatural power of his own body.
This kind of magical power will only be exerted to the most important moment, as an overwhelming strength, and will transform itself with each promotion.
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