Chapter 2326: the truth

Because of the inexplicable power, Mengchu gave up the chance at the time. He suspected it was the power of the emperor, but Wang Sheng thought of the scene he saw from outside the latitude world. It was a majestic body with infinite might A giant, a scene surrounding the whole world.
But then shook his head, the giant is not the realm of the emperor can be described, its real strength is afraid that it is already supreme, at least it should be the realm after breaking through the Hunyuan Supreme.
To sum up the narrative of Mengchu in the early days, with the latitude world as the core, there are four big worlds nearby.
The world of advent, the world of devourer, the world of immortals, the core world of latitude.
Around these four worlds, there are three achievements with the highest chance.
First, the chaotic world in the immortal ancient world, a fantasy and false world formed by a body that descends from the sky, but in this fantasy and false world, there is a chance to break through to the highest. Among them, Xuan Miao Wang Sheng, even if his avatar has entered, cannot See through.
Second, the opportunity of the Land of Desolation consists of two rudimentary spaces formed after at least the highest confrontation. There are doubts in the confrontation process. After all, Wang Sheng can't find another force.
The opportunity here is the most real. After all, it is right in front of me. It seems to be at hand, just waiting for the latitude space to be formed before this opportunity can be formed.
Third, the abyssal force in the latitude world is also the last chance. It is also the most powerful chance to support more people. It was once occupied by the great emperor of the latitude world. Now the latitude world has not fallen and is shared by the three parties. share it.
And this time it is the world of devourers that draws the latitude world.
Everything is clear in my mind. Wang Sheng has an explanation for the surrounding situation and some doubts, but it is still unknown what the origin of the body in the chaotic world is, since the projection of the chaotic world is here , Then, does the real chaotic world exist, can we find the real chaotic world through the lost body of the harness.
There is also the reason for the disappearance of another force in the land of silence, and the true origin of the abyssal force of the latitude world.
Just in front of me there is a person who can answer the doubt, Wang Sheng directly asked.
"As far as the poor Dao knows, the body in the chaotic world that the friend said, the projected chaotic world does indeed exist. At the beginning, because of the fierce fighting of the Sifang Great World, the power loss was serious, and even the world’s source was consumed too much. , Many know that there is no hope that there is a way to start exploring and leaving."
"The projected chaotic world is under their consideration. The exact situation is not clear. I only know that they really disappeared mysteriously afterwards, and it disappeared into the ancient world of Xiangu. The ancient world of Xiangu should have The clue exists."
Wang Sheng nodded thoughtfully. In this way, the existence of the chaotic world can be found, and somehow, he suddenly thought of the forged jade dish that brought him here, and then he was in the world of Xiangu. Supreme Master also saw the existence of the jade dish.
Could it be related to the chaotic world?
This intuition, Wang Sheng has no basis, just keep in mind, and can be ruled out in the future.
"Dao friends, please continue."
Mengchu nodded his head, "The secret of the land of silence, the old way knows a little bit. Dao friends know that the two people who met at the beginning existed, did they really represent the road?"
Without waiting for Wang Sheng to answer, Lao Tao continued deliberately: "The answer will exceed Taoist imagination. Although the existence of those two disappeared, their path has been left behind."
Wang Sheng moved.
Old Tao said: "One is the Hunyuan Supreme Road where I wait for the three worlds to walk, and the other one, Daoyou, I am afraid I know."
"Road of the Emperor." Wang Sheng spoke slowly.
Old Tao nodded, "Yes, these two roads didn't exist, or the four worlds that I waited for didn't exist, because these two great beings finally gave birth to the worlds and roads that I waited for."
"They are the pioneers like me."
Wang Sheng was surprised by this fact. He never thought that these two beings had such a history, just a battle, they created two civilizations, four worlds, and countless strong men. The limit of the state of existence is even higher.
Since the inheritance of these two left these two roads, to a certain extent, the world that inherited these two roads is naturally in a position of opposition.
However, these two no longer exist, and several worlds have no such meaning. Or, without these two beings, the battles in several worlds have been fierce enough. From ancient times to the present, the world has been sore. Hundred holes, civilization has declined.
After Wang Sheng digested the news, the old Tao continued to say, "The power that Dao You can feel now, according to speculation, should belong to me and other Hunyuan Supreme Road to have that great existence, because in many ways, the strength is with me Similar to this, there is also the direct enlightenment of Dao because of this power, and the path of the Emperor has not received any benefits here, and it seems to be born with a sense of rejection."
"According to the original speculation, both great beings have fallen, but because the power of the emperor has disappeared, there is another speculation that there is that the great existence of the path of the great emperor has not fallen, but just disappeared. Finally, all traces of myself are eliminated."
Wang Sheng He couldn't help but think of the giant outside the latitude world, it was too coincidental, so he had to think, if this is the case, is the giant the one that disappeared here? Great exists.
Simply talking about the realm and the feelings given to Wang Sheng are quite consistent.
Mengchu sighed, "Besides many restrictions on the road of the emperor, the road to practice is very difficult, but once the practice is successful, the road certificate of the emperor is not as strong as the roads like me, and the advantages it has are very strong. A great existence should also have an advantage in order to survive and leave."
According to their speculation, the two great beings should be in the same state, but the strength of the great emperor is obviously higher, so they can leave safely after the battle.
Such an explanation can explain why there is only one power in this place of silence. Wang Sheng nodded thoughtfully.
In this way, the opportunity here should be completely designed by the existence of Hundred Elements Supreme.
Latitude space is also this man's handwriting! Wang Sheng has benefited a lot from him.
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