Chapter 629: Extinct

[Fenghuo Novel Network wap station:]135 Chinese harvested all the information that the compass and the elders of Yinzong knew, and Wang Sheng had an understanding of this plane.
The development of this plane is different from all the planes he has seen. The Zenith of the realm is not huge. It does not develop in a main world, but it is really based on the starry sky and divided into stars. There are four star fields, four star fields in the southeast and northwest.
Here Wang Sheng was a bit surprised to find that there was a main world long before this universe, this main world was called the fairy world, but only experienced the ancient times, the fairy world was broken for no reason, countless fairy people fell, even the fairy system is because It is impossible to cultivate without some real material in the fairy world.
Gradually, a cultivation system based on the starry sky was born, and there was no such thing as flying into a fairy. All monks survived in the starry sky regardless of the level of the realm.
The starry sky cultivation system replaced the fairy system. Wang Sheng found that compared with the fairy system, this starry sky system actually has the same strengths and footholds in addition to its longevity. It pays more attention to the development of personal strength and is divided by a Nirvana line. Two systems.
Physical nirvana, spiritual nirvana, the result is the evolution of the body, naturally with great power, but because of the loss of the nourishment of the real material, there is no hope of longevity, and the longest living monk has only one hundred thousand years. After the decay, it is similar to the situation of the black cow.
These are all the news I know from the compass of the Jade Dragon Son, but after reading the description of an ordinary jade slip from Elder Yinzong, Wang Sheng found that Nirvana also had a way to go, which was the so-called third step of Elder Yinzong before Yes, I have learned something from the origin, and can survive the decline, the power has greatly increased, and Wang Sheng simply judges that it should be the level of the real domain, that is, the big Luo Jinxian!
And that kind of origin should be about the avenue in heaven and earth. Previously, because of the existence of the fairy world, the avenue was easier to understand, and lost the fairy world, which is the forehead of the Zhu world. The avenue is difficult to detect, not to mention the perception, but the avenue After all, it exists, which is also an opportunity for thousands of monks.
Wang Sheng nodded slightly, and the way was normalized. The end point of this system is the same as the peak of other systems, but it is not difficult to practice, and the third step can be achieved by people who are stunning and brilliant. .
However, this is also a symbol of the end of the universe. The breakdown of the fairy world is not caused by the insufficient supply of spiritual machines. After a few chances, perhaps even true power cannot appear.
"Come on, go to the place where you saw the ancient god." Wang Sheng glanced at Liu Chuanjun. He didn't say anything threatening, only indifferent. I believe that Liu Huanjun's knowledge would conceal his end.
Liu Chuanjun gritted his teeth fiercely, "Senior, there is in an extinct area of ​​the Northern Pluto domain. The strength of the junior enters into ten deaths and no life, and entering it requires some chance coincidence. The junior only knows the approximate position, and entering it requires the senior judgment."
After talking, a disc-shaped magic weapon appeared at his feet, and took him to the distance. Wang Sheng raised his hand to him a little, and Liu Chuanjun's speed increased suddenly.
Starry sky flew behind him, Liu Chuanjun knew Wang Sheng's strength more deeply, while his mind was hidden in his heart, he worked hard to identify the position, and tried to wait for Wang Sheng to enter the place where he had happened by chance.
Wang Sheng easily followed this Liu Chuanjun, while looking at the many jade slips loosed by the elder Yinzong, he did find several jade slips that could be used as treasures by the elder Yinzong, all of which had some hidden information. However, cracking means requires absolute strength.
These jade slips are all about the ancient immortal world. Wang Sheng found that one of the messages pointed to a cave mansion. After a simple judgment of the location, he found that the cave mansion's location was consistent with the direction he was heading. He raised his eyebrows slightly, there should be no Such a coincidence.
Except for this jade jade, he never got any information about the ancient god.
I saw a ranking of the top ten corpses in the world from the jade slips of the Yin Sect. The first place is the body of the ancient god. The ninth is the starry giants in the population. The rest of the rankings are also more than half of the ancient ones. There is only a handful of levels that can be cultivated by magical powers, and there are corpses of any race that can reflect the inherent strength and superiority of this race compared to the ancient gods.
Wang Sheng knows that the ancient gods are indeed tough, not comparable to those of the dragons and beasts. For example, Wang Sheng’s ancient flesh can increase his strength by drifting in the universe, and does not require so-called spiritual machines, which can devour the universe. Human and material matter, even the planet, can be swallowed, and because the character of the ancient god's qi is a strong body, it can fit most Jedi.
Even if the spirit disappears in the end of the world, it will not have much impact on strength. It is much stronger than most other races. The ancient family may be the darling of this Sheng can’t help but doubt Whether this universe is generated naturally, perhaps it is a universe developed by a powerful ancient god, otherwise it will not be born a race that is more powerful than the Wu clan and many gods and beasts of the Pangu world.
Compared to his speed at this moment, this universe is still too small, and Liu Chuanjun's difficult identification led him to believe that he would have to travel for countless years to become such an extinct place that he arrived in a short period of time. Head deep down.
"Senior, here is the limit of that extremity. If you go further, you will fall into the extremity. The direction is unknown. The cultivation base has completely lost its function. Only the powerful physical races like ancient gods and starry giants can enter. However, even if a powerful race enters it, it will encounter other crises and its strength will be suppressed. It seems to be the characteristics of this extremity, and it is also the best in the starry sky." It seems that Wang Sheng knows some knowledge There is a lack of understanding, and Liu Chuanjun explained it in detail.
Wang Sheng looked up, this extremity is a real land of end-of-laws, the range enveloped a starry sky, glanced at the very center of his binocular convergence extremity, the binocular slightly condensed, where there is a hollow existence, He felt the breath of death outside the void, and he knew the reason for being called extinct here.
The place where the peripheral spiritual machine is lost is indeed a Jedi for the race of non-old gods, and the inner place of silence is a true place of death for all creatures, even the ancient family.
He judged that the only way to enter this extinct area is to promulgate beyond the level above. This strength will reject most of the monks in the starry sky, but it has no effect on the prosperous ancient body.
"You are the ancient you saw here." Wang Sheng's eyes flashed slightly. Forrest Novel Network [Remember Us: Fenghuo Novel Network Wap Station:]
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