Chapter 690: flaw

   "I don't have much time, and my strength is less than 30%. To break through this absolute space in a short time, only by skill."
   Find the flaws in this space! Wang Sheng looked away.
There are flaws. If there are no flaws, the strength of the ancient emperor should be able to turn a level, completely beyond the emperor, because the concept of this magical power has exceeded the scope of the emperor, but neither the ocean in front of him nor the day is powerful enough to easily Crush the emperor.
   Where is the flaw!
   The sea is made up of countless energy particles. The explosion caused by the collision of particles is the main lethality of the sea.
The big day is also composed of black energy particles, but the composition is even more wonderful. The mutual help is the overall force. This round of big day exudes the force of repression and coordination, and it also guides the sea. The power and the power of space are combined, not the magical power of the dark sun outside.
What's the difference!
  Wang Sheng shook all over his body, and his momentum shattered the surrounding seawater. However, he was further reduced by a powerful explosive force, and his chest was sullen and his breath was uneven.
   The power of the sea is really huge. Even with his body, he can't resist it. It's just a shock, and there have been minor injuries.
  Wang Sheng threw out his fists one after another, and the seawater was temporarily lined up, his eyes kept staring at that round of big day, he faintly felt that the key to breaking the game was that round of big day!
  What's the difference!
Wang Sheng anxiously thought that this round of big day and the big day of the outside world are all field formations, which can be said to be no different, but one role is to suppress, and one has evolved supernatural powers. The great day in the outside world where magical powers can be performed is even more powerful.
  Why didn't the ancient emperor use that trick!
Wang Sheng's eyes lit up, and he felt that the key was found. Yeah, why didn't the ancient emperor exert more power, and let this big day play a supporting role, flashing through his mind through the spine dragon In one scene, the ancient emperor stood in the void, closed his eyes, and only responded when he attacked the tight body. Such a state, such a style, is not the character of the ancient emperor!
  He can't separate his hands, and the absolute space makes him feel difficult!
Wang Sheng’s eyes almost radiated, that is to say, the absolute space at this time had exhausted his abilities, and in this way, the difference between the two rounds of the big day was also known. The big day in the space was obviously the outer space That round of big sun is unfinished.
   The difference between the completed version and the unfinished one!
Wang Sheng pondered again. At this moment, the sky dome shook and the storm swept over the endless ocean, but the moment of the repression suddenly increased suddenly, wrapped Wang Sheng into the seawater at once, and the particles were crazy around him. After the impact, Wang Sheng's body was cracked with naked eyes, revealing a black skeleton, and the fallen flesh was hit by particles to pieces.
"Go!" Wang Sheng drank angrily, a wave of gas radiated from his body, and the rolling seawater was backed back again by the turbulence, forming a water curtain that was connected to the earth, but at this moment, Wang Sheng's upper body had been lost After the flesh and blood, only the internal organs and the internal organs were hidden in the skeleton but there were cracks.
the second time! This is Wang Sheng’s second flesh-and-blood disintegration in the hands of the ancient emperor in a short period of time. It has long been known that the gap between Wang Sheng and the ordinary emperor is already very large. Even if he can only exert 30% of his strength, it is more than ordinary emperor’s Strength, but the ancient emperor still seriously injured him.
  The ancient emperor, the famous ancient universe in the town is well known! Wang Sheng felt deeply.
   "Difference, difference!" Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly lighted up when he saw the big day that was very close to him.
It is the difference between the whole and the non-whole. The particle flow in the outside world has been composed of extremely intricate and can become a whole, and the whole body is picked up, and such a force must have changed somehow, and it can be mapped. Wang Sheng ignored the possible change in that kind of magical power, so he never learned how to learn.
   It is precisely because the big day in the space does not form a whole, there is no such change, so there is only the force of repression.
   And what is the key to this overall formation is obviously the arrangement and layout or even the number in the particle flow.
   And the big sun and the ocean in the space are not formed as a whole because of the insufficient composition of the particles, and the power is insufficient. That is to say, the flaw in this space is that there is no complete formation of a whole.
   If a thing is formed as a whole, it is difficult to destroy it again, but not the whole. Even in huge things, there are signs of destruction.
Wang Sheng’s vision is fixed in the ocean. The composition of the ocean’s particle flow is obviously more flawed than that of Dayi, and what he has to do is to destroy these particle flows again until they are finally destroyed to a limit, which can completely break the sea. Without the power of the sea, the threat of this space to Wang Sheng is equal to or better, and Wang Sheng speculates that once the sea collapses, this space should also collapse completely.
Wang Sheng was clear. In fact, each of his previous attacks on the big sea was destroying the approximate particle flow, just because he was destroying each point a little bit. Compared with the whole, it is not much damage. So it looks good without change, and what he has to do now is to find the key point, triggering the overall collapse of the sea.
   "Every magic power has some power There is also this sea, and this core is easy to find!" Wang Sheng looked up again and saw the round of black sun.
  The black sun coordinates the overall role of space and the sea, that is to say, the black sun that has been put out is the absolute center.
  Destroy it! Wang Sheng's heart moved at the moment.
   The sea threw up again, and Wang Sheng blasted into the circle for about two times, destroying the strongest part of the force. He no longer took care of the seawater backflushing, and rushed upward with his body.
   "Sifang Seal!" Wang Sheng put his hands on his four fingers, and showed his heart, and at the moment of printing, his mouth opened to the Sifang Seal!
   Dragon Roar, Sifangyin broke out with all his strength. With his current strength of 30% is enough to exert the strength of the whole body, it should be comparable to the ordinary strength of 40% or more.
The seawater that was shaken by the power of the Sifang Seal and the Dragon Roar has collapsed, and it is very rare when it can reach Wang Sheng, but even so, in the face of Wang Sheng who has no resistance, the collision of these particle streams is enough. Wang Sheng The body flew out, and the flesh and blood on him completely collapsed again, only the black skeleton was safe.
And the seawater space that has been adhered to has also poured back, giving him less room to survive, and there is no space to move around. Once all the space is flooded with water, Wang Sheng will always be in the seawater to withstand the collision and explosion of particles At that level, even if he can't persevere, maybe the fully evolved body can resist hard.
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