Chapter 727: The breath of fairyland

  The ancient world, the fairy of the fairy world is not the fairy in the universe.
In the universe, the spirit realm can be called a only by refining the gas realm, and the refining of the virtual and the Tao has already stepped on the reality, and the pinnacle realm is a half-step detachment. That is to say, in the ancient world, the fairy is a half-step. It can only be achieved beyond the realm.
  Fairy, is the result of real life evolution in the world of fairy land, and is also the real upper class in the world of fairy land. This kind of powerful fairy is the real free world.
After the immortal realm of the fairy land, there was a difference. In the ancient world, because of the many ways of cultivation, the cultivators below the half-step detachment still follow the realm of their own world. After promulgation of detachment, they are unified according to the evolution of life. All realms.
  Fairies, gods, and big witches represent three levels after they promulgated the state of transcendence, collectively known as the Three-Step Avenue.
The first step is completely detached. It is also a rare power in the ancient world. The peak of the first step is enough to create a sect in a vast field. Some powerful sect pioneers in the ancient world even know It is the first step to the peak state.
In the second step, promotion is the pinnacle of quasi-imperial power and detachment. Cultivating to the pinnacle already has the power of the emperor, not the strength of the emperor in the universe, but the strength of the emperor without suppression in chaos. This second step peak state is called the real monarch state, and it is also the state of the great emperor in the universe.
Wang Sheng took a deep breath, and in the second step, he delineated all the strength levels in this universe. In the introduction of Wu Xianzun, although the strength of the great emperors such as Wang Sheng ancient emperor demon emperor far exceeded the general emperor, but still Belonging to the real monarch realm, even if the fighting power is strong, it is impossible to go beyond the scope of the second step, and even in the face of the true legendary power of the third step, there is no way to fight back.
And the third step is also the true pinnacle of the ancient world. There are three hundred domains in the ancient world, and the domain master of each domain is a definite step 3 power, and these characters are eliminated in the ancient world. I don’t know if there is such a character. After all, the third step is too difficult to achieve, and because of the characteristics, the achievement of the third step will definitely open up an enlarged world and become another large domain and domain master. Such characters want to hide both. It's not that simple.
Tianyu World and Xianyu World are the pinnacle worlds in the ancient world, especially the Tianyu World. I don’t want the Tianyu World to have as many as ten. There are ten celestial lords, and there is only one celestial lord. However, it is unpredictable, stronger, and it has raised the world of heaven to the highest level. It is one of the nine peak worlds in the three hundred domains. This also includes the world limited to the top ten in the fairyland. Hundred Yuan World, the Great World of Divinity is also one of them.
   The third step is such a powerful one. It can destroy the existence of a large world without a domain master by itself, and it is also the level of the ancient world like the great emperor.
Wang Sheng kept beating in his heart. He used to think that the emperor was already at the peak. Even if the new world is stronger, it cannot be too much. After all, the emperor is already the limit of cultivation, whether it is cognitive or physical, even if it is Wang Sheng, the body evolves, but even after the evolution there will be no possibility of stronger cultivation, unless he constantly familiarizes and enhances his weaknesses in the golden realm, and also reaches the realm of the emperor.
   And the third step!
"There is no road in the third step, there is no way to make a big hole. Even if you are promoted to a three-step powerful domain master, you can’t repeat the road, you can’t take a avenue, and you don’t even know how you took this step. Because no matter what kind of life limit, to the peak of the true king, which is the peak of the second part, it has been unable to move forward.
  Wang Sheng's heart thumped, not his own emotional change, but when he saw the words of the third step, he suddenly felt a strong sense of suffocation, and he also had a life-and-death crisis with him, an unprecedented sign.
Outside, outside Wang Sheng’s body, a circle of black holes enveloped his body. It would not be an ordinary black hole, but lost all the special features and the real world of all external performances. Outside this black hole, Wang Sheng felt To a vast breath, this breath is so vast, covering up the existence of the universe.
   "This breath!"
   In the space, Wu Xianzun exclaimed, and for the first time produced a huge emotional change, "One side of heaven!"
This is the breath of a heaven. Even if Wuxianzun is distinguished, the original breath of a heaven is qualified by the master of the heaven. She has only been contaminated by a small gift sent by the of the heaven. With this breath, you can recognize it at this time.
   "One side of the heaven, is this the heaven!" Wang Sheng has sharp eyes. He can be sure that the black hole is related to the third step of the news he just learned, but he is completely unaware of appearing away from him.
"Fog doesn’t know all the news. Fungus, please stay away. This kind of breath is the original breath of a heavenly It’s a great creation in the ancient world, but in the universe Abandoned land, what will happen, Wu Wu does not know." Wu Xian Zun was shocked, and for the first time felt the development of things beyond her expectations, why such a natural atmosphere of heaven appeared in this abandoned land, why Appeared in front of this local emperor, is this the secret of the abandoned place, it is a taboo in the ancient world, is this also a side of heaven?"
Wu Xianzun thought a lot at once, but the first thing was to persuade Wang Sheng to leave quickly. As a person of the ancient world, she came to the forbidden land that has become an abandoned place. There is no doubt that it will be accompanied by a powerful crisis. Wu Xianzun has not been caught in a real crisis all the time, but her heart was thrilled and she instinctively sensed the existence of God's consciousness. This is her body's unique sensory talent, and the heritage she got as a fairy.
"True gentleman, please believe the concubine. This place is definitely an important reason why the deserted place was turned into a taboo by the ancient world. No matter how, the hasty contact is accompanied by a huge crisis. There may be opportunities, but not all. You can get it when you are ready. It is not as good as drawing it slowly. With the help of concubines, Zhenjun will certainly have a chance."
Under the crisis of life and death, Wu Xianzun put his title on the low level for the first time. This is very rare for him. After all, after understanding the information of the ancient world, Wang Sheng probably knew the second concubine of a domain owner. What kind of person is that, it can be the existence that has a connection with the person who is powerful in the third step. With this kind of existence, even the fungus horror of the second step can be ignored, and the attitude towards exuberantness has not been too much. After all, she has the law of preservation in her heart.
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