Chapter 968: Space seal supernatural power

No one controls the power, even in the vastness, it is still a big difference!
Faced with this force, a vague black hole appeared outside of Wang Shengzheng’s spirit. The black lacquer could not see the end, the touch was not visible, and there was no breath of heaven and earth, but it was mediocre as if it was just an obscure Embellishment, but it was at the moment when this black hole appeared, a magical feeling emerged in Wang Shengzheng’s heart, as if the horizon was rising, and the vast seen in front of him suddenly dropped to a level, and he was easily seen from the top. Composition and structure.
"It's a very mysterious composition, but it's still unfinished, and it's not as powerful as the finishing touch."
This poor part is the core of this force. The lack of this core makes this mysterious structure unable to play a key role, but only has its own appearance!
Wang Sheng, who had this idea, exuded this power in the true spirit, and then clicked on the power of this white wave, and clicked into the structure of some of the power, seeing the stitches, and then that part of the power suddenly collapsed, and each other Oblivion, although this part of the power is only a small part of this white wave, it is enough to prove the weakness of Wang Sheng's observation.
Then, the mighty power of the real spirit surged out almost at the same time, and all the white waves were steeply contacted, but it was just miserable. The countless white waves from the surging pavement crashed and collapsed, and there was no Caused a little fluctuation, the whole process was silent.
It was not only the vast white wave that collapsed, but also the existence of the system that turned into an aperture. At that moment, a black hole was exposed, as if another kind of black hole existed, but also at this time, the black hole issued again Mechanical electronic sound.
"Drip, encountered an irresistible force, and touched the original rules, applying for the highest authority."
Wang Shengzheng was silent. From the records left by the system, it can be known that the system has failed to apply for the so-called supreme authority once, and this time, most of the applications in Wang Sheng's heart think that it will continue to fail. After all, the reason for the expression of supreme authority The failure seems to be due to the existence of the core beam. Now that it has entered the core beam, this authority is more unlikely to succeed, but the next moment, the system's cold electronic sound continues to sound.
"Drip, successfully connect to the high authority, get the highest authority, and open the highest strike."
The mechanical sound is even a little sharp. The meaning at this moment makes Wang Sheng jump in his heart suddenly. Why did the expression inside this beam of light succeed, it is because it is no longer in that channel, or even has nothing to do with the channel, otherwise the channel is to the system Why the oppression will end.
But there is no time to think about it. Wang Sheng has seen the surging momentum once again on the system. This momentum is unprecedented, and the same white energy that has always appeared with this momentum, so it can be two. From the appearance, it looks exactly the same as before, but when Wang Sheng looked again, he saw that there was already a core-like thing on the previous structure. In other words, the white energy at this time had really finished.
The qualitative change really happened, and the effect of the qualitative change made Wang Sheng like an enemy, and the black hole outside the true spirit breathed into the abyss. The magical perspective, which is also a superior perspective, reappeared, let Wang Sheng feel like a god, he commanded again The power of the true spirit is transformed into a sharp sword, which is based on the frontal white energy of the dragon, which can be seen on both the whole body and the structure that lacked the core.
But it was just a bang, the countless powers of the real spirits suddenly turned to fly back and disappeared, and the vigorous real spirits groaned for a while, and the rising perspective disappeared, and the black holes around them also gave a slight shock, but in the end it was Wang Sheng’s transformation There was no real damage at this time, but Wang Sheng was absolutely uncomfortable. Even if the power of the real spirit instantly made up for the recovery of the injury, the painful feeling of pain was uncomfortable, and correspondingly, The white energy was unscathed, but it was attacked like a broken bamboo.
The white energy impacted on Wang Sheng's true spirit, as if it were earth-shaking, Wang Sheng's true spirit's instantaneous vibration, as if losing consciousness, was blank for a moment, but the shock was still worn out, and then Wang Sheng felt it Some connections outside the true spirit, that is the connection with the physical body, as he expected, the physical body and the real spirit are still together, but only blocked by a deep darkness, this layer of darkness is so vast, only such a force can be enough to shake Darkness, a wave of cashier cash out, so that Wang Sheng and flesh again restored contact.
Wang Sheng did not hesitate, with the help of this momentary connection, a mighty force came from the darkness, as if through a distant time and space, this force was weakened But if Wang Sheng has a higher From the perspective of once again, when the trace structure of this power can be found, it is a palace, which is the power of the flesh to become a god.
This force came even though, despite numerous weakenings, it was still vast and collided with Wang Shengdaoguo. The two forces were completely different but combined with the same source of power. At this moment, Wang Shengzheng turned into the core and concentrated the dispatch of this share. Power, relying on the perspective that rises a layer higher, he exerted this power and blocked it against the overwhelming power, but it was not a violent collision, but a strange structure. , As if a thin net wrapped white energy.
"Space blocked!"
As this magical power is called, this is a magical technique of space blockade, which originated from the space sealing technique Wang Sheng has always understood. After sealing the power that rages in the flesh, he has been thinking about how to change this power. , But has been in vain, but now, Dao Guo is promoted, and the perspective of the true spirit is elevated, allowing him to view this magical power from a higher level of perspective, and finally seeing the essence of this magical power, and finally taking this to the current state The state of space blockade has approached the perfect state, which has turned into a great seal of space seal!
This magical power was catalyzed by such a powerful force, and the effect was remarkable. It wrapped all the white waves without leaving behind, the strong seal, from the subtle structure, and the core seemed to exist like a consciousness, all started Seal.
But the system is not a dead object, nor is the power without resistance.
But listening to the system's cold voice, "Drip, encounter resistance, apply for supremacy again, apply for supreme power."
boom! The white force exploded suddenly, completely bursting the space-blocking magical power, and Wang Sheng only saw a black light rushing out of the white explosion, rushing towards Wang Sheng to rush into his true spirit.
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