Chapter 1020: Additional equipment

(It’s Christmas Eve today. It’s also Saturday. We will update a chapter every Monday. Dear book friends, you should pay attention to safety when you go out on Christmas Eve. Old drivers should pay more attention to safety when driving, haha Haha)
The task was assigned by Xiao Ran in a few words. With the participation of two operational forces composed of Luo, Al Elf, Langba, and Yulan Yufang, and Sōsuke Sagara, it can be fully supported. A small war. ??
And Luo, who is also a Class B pilot, even if he is only driving a fighting heresy that only has a d-class limit, but can wield the special powers of the class-type fuselage, he can also replace Xiao Ran in the middle of the battle, and even destroy it. In terms of strength, it was far better than Xiao Ran, who was just driving a deformed fighter.
This time the action is dangerous. After all, it is entering the homeland of a major country to fight, but as long as the number of participants participating in the battle is small and the battle can be ended in the shortest time and the battle begins to evacuate, then it is dangerous. Sex is definitely not as big as imagined, after all, ordinary as and low-level tier players can't be Xiao Ran or Luo's opponent at all.
After the assignment was over, other people began to lay out the specific plan of the action in detail. Even Al Elf was involved in the layout of the action plan, but Luo walked to Xiao Ran’s side and patted him. On the shoulder, he smiled and said, "It seems that your gains have been pretty good these few days. After this operation is completed, the production of ms can be put on the agenda."
Xiao Ran nodded and said, "After all, it is only a task for the novice stage for the participants in the level area. When we can come to this world, we already have enough power to crush, and we have not encountered anything that can bring The troublesome enemy, if it weren't for the transformational fighter, it would have progressed faster."
"Lack of arms, inability to use micro missiles, plus the lack of firepower that can support multiple locks and the inability to cover firepower, you may find it troublesome in battle, but there is no way. After all, even if you can make a deformed fighter, There are also certain deficiencies in materials and technology."
Luo paused while talking, and then smiled: "Although it has a performance similar to VF-171, it cannot enter the universe, and the hardware has not reached the level of VF-17. It can only be said to be pieced together with VF- It’s just a product of 171 performance, but this time I brought you something good, which should satisfy you."
"Are there surprises?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows. Xiao Ran had long been dissatisfied with the current deformed fighter, and always had the idea of ​​wanting to replace the body.
Originally, an assault-fire pilot piloted an assault-powered airframe, but with too little weapon power and too little firepower, he felt that he had served as an assault combat pilot for a long time.
Rohaha smiled, his face also showed a complacent look, and he patted Xiao Ran on the shoulder and said, "It's not a surprise. It's just that I made a backpack for the deformed fighter during this period. Now I can be there. There are a lot more resources that can be used than in Mithril. For some things, as long as you make a plan, take out the drawings and technology, someone will be responsible for the production, which saves me a lot of work, and it is not too much to make a backpack. trouble."
"Heavy backpack?" Xiao Ran's eyes lit up. If the increase in firepower that the deformed fighter can get after equipment is just enough to meet Xiao Ran's current use needs, it will bring great convenience in battle.
"Yes, although it's just a fake, the backpack of the deformed fighter is the same thing. It took a little effort to make it." Luo sat down beside Xiao Ran and shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm here. After checking the equipment there, it turned out that there is still a production line of micro missiles, which is different from the micro missiles we use."
"This kind of micro missile is half the size of the micro missiles we use. It is generally used for individual soldiers and small drones. It is too small and generally only used against personnel, small buildings and light armored targets. It has a low range and a short range, in my opinion there is almost no advantage."
"After that, I changed the design of this miniature missile according to the design of the miniature missile, and finally made this kind of missile larger on the original basis, and the overall performance was about doubled. Relying on the limits of existing materials and technology, it can barely meet the performance of as and can be used as a miniature missile of a heavy backpack."
"In contrast, the missile’s mouth and capacity have also been changed due to the size of the missile, and the number of missiles carried is one-third more. However, the tracking performance of this missile is not very good. The level of tracking performance of the world's conventional missiles has an effective range of only five kilometers, so it is only suitable for attacking targets at close range."
"Except for missiles, the backpack itself has no difference in appearance like the original backpack. It is also equipped with a thermonuclear energy engine and additional thrusters. The original standard warhead flank position has been replaced by a real full-power beam gun instead of The low-power beam laser guns currently used on morph fighters, and finally two 1o cluster beam guns that can only be used for frontal attacks."
"I think you will be satisfied with this level of firepower. I also know that you must be dissatisfied with the use of this deformed fighter. However, things about the new type of fighter are too troublesome. During this time, you should not find something for me. , Let’s use it with the newspaper first."
After speaking, a tired look appeared on Luo's face, which made Xiao Ran smile apologetically at Luo when he saw Yi Ling in his heart. This made Luo Du, a participant and with a strong physical fitness, tired. , Then I am afraid that Luo did not even have much time to rest during this period of time. It also shows how busy Luo is.
In view of the difficulty of manufacturing heavy armored backpacks with external components and manufacturing new types of aircraft, backpacks that can effectively increase the firepower of deformed fighters are of course simpler to manufacture. There are basically no joint structures, skeleton structures, armor structures, and systems. The structure and other messy things can be said to be able to use the weapons and energy needed to make a frame to load.
But if it were to build a body, the matter would be too complicated. Luo is currently responsible for a lot of things to be done, and he can only use another method to enhance the combat power of the body used by Xiao Ran, in a short time. Nei really couldn't spare the time to prepare a new body for Xiao Ran.
The backpack that Luo Long has now produced is not much different from a real heavy-armored backpack, except for missiles. Four beam guns and two cluster beam guns are used without missiles. It also fully met all Xiao Ran's needs for full firepower.
Moreover, it takes time to make a new body. How quickly could it be to make a backpack so that it can be used on the body of the deformed fighter. It can be said that Luo has worked hard for Xiao Ran's body.
"Fortunately," Xiao Ran patted Luo on the shoulder, and said: "If you have a backpack to use, it will be enough. When you return to this operation, you can put the things that can be done below and do it below, and you are fine. Rest awhile."
"It's settled. This is not enough to make you tired and unable to move. There are still many things to come. The neutron jammer project has already been launched, although logically only a few official versions are needed. Subjammers can cover the entire earth, but I have prepared some more just in case."
"Next is the anti-neutron jammer, and the online work of ms, although these ms only need to be copied according to the degree of fighting heresy, and work on the research results of the fourth generation of as with Mithril. Manufacturing is a lot of things waiting for me to deal with anyway."
"I will pay attention to rest or something, but this time without the help of those equipment, coupled with the poor industrial strength and technical ability here, the next time I encounter such a situation or a worse situation, I can alone There’s really no way, and with our current team, it’s really impossible to take care of it just by relying on me alone, so we should find a few suitable people to add in."
"I also know this, but I have never met a suitable candidate. After all, even a technical person must have the ability to fight." Xiao Ran slapped Luo on the shoulder and said with a sigh: "A generalist who understands technology is true. Not much, but I also have a goal here. During this time, I will try to get in touch with the other party first."
Luo also knows that what Xiao Ran said is indeed a problem. A simple technical staff is indeed not necessary to join the team unless they are really excellent. After all, Prometheus is going to different worlds for missions and what he has encountered There will also be many dangerous situations. Technical personnel without self-protection and combat capabilities will also become a drag that must be protected at all times. Extinguish Heaven and Conferred God
Only people who have combat abilities like him, who are not low in potential, and have excellent technical abilities, are truly suitable to join the team. Those who are both technical and capable are indeed hard to find. The key is See if the xinxing is appropriate.
The two people deliberately suppressed their voices very low when they were talking, so others only noticed what they were saying but could not hear the specific content. After a long time, Xiao Ran and Luo walked out of the conference room and arrived. Gnacuri.
Gnakuri, the two containers Luo brought with him have been opened. At this time, all the contents have been taken out through the equipment and as on the Son of Danu, and placed next to the deformed fighters in different categories. After Luo arrived, he instructed Genaku's maintenance personnel to install things on the deformed fighter.
A heavy backpack has a lot of parts. After being equipped with a deformed fighter, it is basically equivalent to covering the deformed fighter with a thick layer of armor. A pair of leg kits contains a total of four missile bays, and a pair of flying wing kits contains missile bays. As with the four beam guns, the front and rear torso armor contains a missile bay and two cluster beam guns, and the waist armor contains the missile bay, which is completely the same as a firepower pendant.
Some parts need to be transformed into ms form before they can be equipped, so they must wait until Xiao Ran comes to Gnaku to start the body before installation.
Because there is no special robotic arm, it took almost an hour to complete the manual installation front and back. The deformed fighter equipped with a heavy-duty backpack is much stronger in the MS form, and it gives people a mighty feeling to catch up.
After Xiao Ran tested the opening and closing of the missile hatches in the cockpit, and tried to calibrate the access parameters, the people who had been busy for a long time looked at the densely packed missiles up and down the entire body, and felt their scalp numb.
However, after checking it, Xiao Ran also found that if you want to use multiple locks for all guns, you must keep the deformed fighter in the fort or fighter form to achieve this. Otherwise, if you want to use the ms form for all guns, That can only be used to deal with enemies above the head.
Xiao Ran just needs to pay attention to this. It does not matter in what form to use the full gun. If you really want to use the ms form to fight after the backpack is equipped, then it will only be in the case of melee combat. It will appear, and Xiao Ran's explosive characteristics can completely change the body's posture in an instant, and it will basically have no effect.
In addition to bringing the external firepower component of the heavy backpack to Xiao Ran, Luo also brought another thing, a trial-produced neutron cylindrical body similar to the shape of a missile, below There is also a drill bit that allows the neutron jammer to penetrate into the ground, making it hard to destroy.
However, in this mission, you don’t need to use this thing. Otherwise, Sagara Sosuke’s crossbowmen, Magnolia Yufang and their king type, and even Yu Danu’s son will also be affected and unable to The purpose of Luo's use was only to add insurance to Xiao Ran.
As he got closer and closer to the mission target, Xiao Ran took the lead in driving a deformed fighter without es and flew away from the Son of Danu alone. Luo's fighting heresy occupies a large transport aircraft and crimps in it alone. As was sent to the only remaining transport plane, and the fully armed and armed operatives were also in their positions.
After finally arriving at the time, he flew to the sky through the Son of Danu who surfaced, activated the es stealth system, disappeared into the night, and flew to their respective scheduled mission locations.
According to the mission plan, Luo’s fighting heresy will be launched first. After landing, it will disrupt the defensive force on the ground of the factory to create a safe landing environment for the next ass. On the other side, Xiao Ran’s deformation fighter will also be in The scheduled time was the first to attack, and the air defense fire at the target location was cleared so that the people of the operation team landed safely and the rescue operation was officially launched. (.)8
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