Chapter 1048: Puento

The first person Xiao Ran chose to meet was not Leonard who he wanted to turn him into a follower, but the first to meet the participant who had been imprisoned since the body was broken by Luo and recovered.
An independent cell specially prepared for the detention of this participant. The thick walls cannot escape even if Xiao Ran is locked in it. Every day, there are many soldiers guarding it 24 hours a day, and there are even the Son of Danu. The Mithril mercenaries drove at least two deformation fighters to guard, cutting off any possibility of allowing this participant to escape from the inside.
After catching the opponent, Xiao Ran only imprisoned him instead of killing him. He also felt that this participant was also a good talent, mastered good technology, and could get a body like Gulengast. If Xiao Ran hadn't intervened in this mission, then this participant would definitely become the ultimate winner of this mission, and his potential should not be underestimated.
If this participant is lucky enough, he will be given enough time to develop. Xiao Ran also believes that this participant will eventually rise quickly in the super zone by virtue of his identity as a technical participant, but he just met him. Such a high-level participant from the real zone blocked the other side's path.
When Xiao Ran went to see this participant, he was not alone, but he took Al Elf with him. After all, without knowing the true ability of the other party, meeting alone would be full of uncertainty. In order to insure the existence of Al Elf is also completely necessary.
When Xiao Ran entered the cell and saw this participant, what he saw was a clean, refreshing cell with almost no shortage of living materials and daily entertainment. The participant was imprisoned by Xiao Ran except for restrictions. Apart from his freedom, he has not been too harsh elsewhere.
When Xiao Ran entered the cell, this participant was also completely clean. He was sitting on the bed and watching TV. Until he saw Xiao Ran and Al Elf, he stood up unhurriedly. Silently looked at Xiao Ran.
On such occasions, Xiao Ran, who was more like a guest, directly found a place and sat down. He looked up and down at this participant who also looked like a young man, and slowly said, "Talk about it?"
The participant glanced at Xiao Ran and said in a slightly magnetic voice, "Please speak."
Xiao Ran didn't care about the other party's attitude, but said: "By the way, I don't know your name yet. How many missions have you experienced so far?"
As a prisoner, this participant may also be reluctant to speak because of his personality, or because he was impatient, Xiao Ran, and the answer was just a few words: "Puento, now is the fifth mission."
However, Xiao Ran even felt that the other party should have the kind of reticent personality, not the situation where Al Elf usually does not speak but expressionless, but will give a detailed explanation when he speaks. It is really reticent. For those who speak less, this can be slightly seen from the fact that the opponent only said a word from beginning to end during the battle.
Xiao Ran nodded: "Okay, Puento, I want to know what your mission is."
But regarding this question, the participant named Puento did not directly reply, but instead asked: "What does your detention have to do with this?"
When Xiao Ran heard Puento’s question, he spread his hand slightly and said:
The relationship can also be said to be a little bit. If there is no conflict between the tasks, I think I can help you complete it.

After hearing Xiao Ran's words, Puento was stunned. He didn't seem to understand the purpose of Xiao Ran's words. He said in silence: "Bring back the Chidori to prevent the agreement meeting from continuing."
"It's just that?" Xiao Ran asked thoughtfully: "Based on the situation at the time, if you and Leonard had set the target on Chidori from the beginning, then your mission might have been completed by this time. I chose to sniper me with Leonard. I want to know why."
"Secondary quest." Puento said lightly: "I accepted a side quest to protect Leonard or kill you and lift the nuclear energy blockade in this world."
"So this is why you and Leonard stood in front of me together?" Xiao Ran nodded, fully understanding the purpose of the other party's original actions, sniping him to kill him, and the root cause of failure was also because of being too confident. The same should be restricted by Leonard's decision and had to fight himself head-on.
Xiao Ran said to Puento: "I can't help you to prevent the meeting from continuing, but I can let you call the Chidori into Leonard's hands yourself. At least this way, you should get some in terms of mission completion. Make up so that your mission won’t fail completely."
"I can also help you complete the side missions to ensure Leonard's safe access to the world's nuclear energy blockade."
After hearing Xiao Ran's words, Puento said directly: "Conditions."
"Join my team." Xiao Ran directly stated his own conditions. In Xiao Ran's view, Puento is a very potential participant. In the super zone, the situation is not completely clear, Yi Lang From the comparison between Ba and Puento, Puento does have very good development potential. A technical participant is indeed worthy of Xiao Ran to let the other party join his team.
What's more, Xiao Ran also wants to give it a try. What will the real teaming of participants in the real zone and super zone be like? Will they be able to rely on the existence of Puento in the future to enter without a regional mission card? Among the tasks of the super zone, if this were the case, it would definitely be a very beneficial thing for Xiao Ran.
And if Puento didn't agree, then Xiao Ran would definitely not leave behind this enemy who had already had conflicts and obviously had great development potential.
Puento can probably guess Xiao Ran’s thoughts, promise Xiao Ran can complete more tasks, but don’t agree Xiao Ran will immediately die here, there is no more choice for Puento to choose, life or death Under his choice, Puento was also very calm. After being silent for about three minutes, he nodded slowly, and only said one word: "Okay."
"Very good." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and learned the other party's participant number from Puento, and then initiated the team invitation, but the moment after entering the number to send the invitation, a new reminder appeared on the watch Above the projection.
"Warning, you are making a team invitation to the super zone participant number 11258. The cross-region team invitation cannot be completed. You can make a mandatory invitation. Once the invitee agrees, it will be converted to a real zone participant and lose all mission experience. And knowledge, only physical fitness (including blood, awakening skills)..."
After seeing this prompt, Xiao Ran directly clicked Cancel, and a surprised expression appeared on his face. He did not expect that the participants in the real zone and the participants in the super zone would not be able to form a formal team, and he had never done this before. Try.
Once the compulsory invitation, with the consent of the other party, the other party will be forced to become a participant in the real area, and all the task experience and the skills learned in the task will be lost. If this is the case, then Puento Technical participants were completely abolished, and Xiao Ran naturally didn't want to happen.
"The team can't do it, what about the legion?" Xiao Ran frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he called up the legion interface, and once again invited the opponent in the name of the legion, inviting him to join his Burning Legion.
"You are sending a corps invitation to the super zone participant number 11258. The cross-regional corps invitation is approved. The invitee belongs to the super zone participant and cannot go to the real zone corps station. You need to build a new corps station in the super zone. Members of the real zone corps cannot go to the super zone corps station."
"Except for the materials and combat points that can be allocated freely for the real district corps and super district corps, the rest of the props and components will be restricted."
"When conducting legion-scale missions, members of the super district legion can join in a limited number of missions, but under no circumstances can any transactions be made with members of the real district legion."
"You have activated the Legion branch function. The current maximum number of Burning Legion personnel in the super zone is ten. As the level of the Legion increases, more permissions will be unlocked."
Xiao Ran carefully read all the prompts that popped up. Judging from these contents, he opened a legion branch in the super, but in addition to the free distribution of combat points and materials, In addition to the participation of participants in the super zone in the limited mission, this legion is basically equivalent to a new legion independent of another world but under unified command and arrangement.
There is no way to trade between the super zone and the real zone. No parts or units can be traded by people from the same legion to achieve commonality. Even Puento will not get any Burning Legion changes except for the merit points. Many support, and currently only a maximum of ten people can be used.
However, Xiao Ran keenly noticed the most important point, which was that there was no mention of the legion station in these prompts. This also made Xiao Ran think of a new possibility.
Since it is not possible to circulate the bodies and components on both sides directly through the Legion itself, it also limits the things that cannot be traded by the Super Participants and the Real Participants. The Legion’s garrison used the technologies of the two regions to develop their new body. More importantly, the inability to trade does not mean that Xiao Ran has no way to obtain parts or bodies belonging to the super zone.
It is precisely Xiao Ran and Luo, these two guys with the skills of waste recyclers, seem to be able to break the shackles given by Prometheus to some extent. (To be continued.)
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