Chapter 1088: caveat

Because the Newborn Midnight Gundam is equipped with an eight-foot mirror armor, there is basically no real defense strength against physical weapons. Therefore, compared to the Assault Freedom Gundam, the hand-held main weapon is replaced by a beam cannon and a beam gun. A long beam rifle with a shield in his left hand.
The flight pack, which is the part of the wings, is the most similar to Strike Freedom Gundam. The eight GN Dragoons also have all the abilities of the original Midnight Gundam Dragoons, that is, the ability to create light curtains, but the contact method is complete. The difference is that the Dragoons of Strike Freedom Gundam are hollow in the middle, but the GN Dragoons of this machine are hung on the backpack in the form of components. Although the appearance is not visible, the essence is actually the GN shield type of the GN Dragoons. .
Therefore, the addition is not the eight-foot mirror armor, but the VPS armor. However, because of the release ability of GN particles, this GN dragoon can have the ability of light beam defense, which is also a supplement to the body's own live ammunition defense ability.
As soon as several airframes came out of the Galaxy Diva, they followed the action route given by Al Elf and began to directly land on the earth. The several airframes formed a closely connected team, following a certain trajectory in front of the dark sky. Burning Fate and Newborn Midnight are on both sides, Luo's body is behind, Saki and Kane's bodies are in the middle, turning into a bright light and plunged into the earth.
After Xiao Ran and the others left, the Galaxy Diva turned and flew at full speed toward the current satellite integration and the DC remnant army. At a place farther and farther away from the earth, a huge warship was also activated. After he lost his engine, he moved forward slowly until he reached the highest speed, and rushed into the jumping channel that appeared in front.
After Xiao Ran and others began to land in the universe, they rushed into the earth’s atmosphere in a short time. As the flashing red light in the cockpit stopped, a beep sounded in the cockpit again. Sounded in.
"There is battle ahead, there is battle ahead."
"I know Harrow." Xiao Ran stretched out his hand to pat Harrow on the head, and saw the battle in front of the screen.
At this time, the Iron and Steel troops belonging to the Federation had already fought with the troops on the DC headquarters of Hades. The sky was full of beams and live ammunition. From the screen that appeared, Xiao Ran felt that it was the power of the DC army. There are more forces to raise the Iron Force, but the fact is that in the end, the Iron Force will defeat the defense forces of DC and win the final victory.
In the picture, Xiao Ran also saw the bodies that made him very familiar, undead, wild boar, raptor, R-1, ancient iron, white knight, etc., seeing so many familiar protagonists appearing in his eyes, Xiao Ran Even though I had been in Prometheus for a long time, I still felt a touch of excitement in my heart after seeing so many bodies.
But this excitement is not only because of seeing these protagonists who have left a lot of money in the Super Robot Wars series, but also because Xiao Ran is about to turn all these protagonists into his own defeats.
While holding the operating lever with both hands again and pushing forward, Xiao Ran's feet also stepped on the pedals, controlling the dark sky into a ray of light and rushing to the lively battlefield ahead.
"My lord, slow down!" Zhen Asuka yelled helplessly while controlling the burning fate of his new body, but he could only watch the dark sky at a faster speed than the burning fate instantly turned into a small spot, letting He really quickly controlled his body and hurried to catch up.
Several units falling from the sky naturally attracted the attention of all members of the DC Army and Steel. When the units in the dark firmament penetrated into the atmosphere and appeared near the battlefield, the pictures of the units appeared on everyone on both sides. On the screen, seeing the body that had never appeared before and was coming from the universe quickly approaching the direction of the battlefield, both the cautious DC and Steel began to show obvious restraint.
When the dark firmament erupted at full speed and rushed towards the battlefield, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but be surprised, and at the same time they jumped out the same thought: "So fast!"
The dark sky swiftly approached the battlefield under the driving of Xiao Ran, and also temporarily stopped the fighting between the lively fighting DC and Steel, and unified their guns at Xiao Ran, the ‘outsider’.
Perhaps for the two parties, the battle between them is just an infighting between humans, and the Dark Sphere that Xiao Ran drives is a machine that has never appeared before, although many companies in this world are developing different series The body, however, was added because it had descended from the universe, which also gave Xiao Ran a little more possibility for his identity as an'outsider'.
"Z...Z...This is the Earth Federation Steel, warn the unknown body that this is a warring area, please declare your identity immediately, or you will be treated as an enemy and attack you, repeat... this is Earth Federation Steel Number, warning..."
Hearing this sound coming from the full-frequency communication, Xiao Ran also opened the full-frequency communication while keeping the body moving at high speed, and said in a calm tone: "I am the exploratory, the president of the immigration convoy. Xiao Ran! We will now provide military support to the DC Army and formally warn the Earth Federation Steel and all its members to surrender immediately, otherwise we will carry out military strikes on you."
"Explore the fleet!?"
Everyone who heard Xiao Ran’s voice was taken aback by Xiao Ran’s words. The warning of the Steel’s surrender seemed a bit inexplicable. At this time, how could it be possible for Steel to surrender with a single word because of him, a member of the Steel’s side. It was either angry or heavy, and DC was surprised that he had an extra support army. UU Reading was still an inexplicable reinforcement.
"Hey, I'm Major Zhen Asuka of the Immigration United Army." Zhen was unwilling to lag behind and spoke in the public communications. He was obviously laughing but everyone present could hear a little bit of contempt: "Please In accordance with the requirements of the adults, immediately stop fighting and surrender, or you will be attacked."
Yola's dissatisfied voice also appeared in the public channel: "Don't talk nonsense at this time. Seriously, this is fighting."
Zhen Asuka's voice suddenly weakened: "Good, good."
Countless people heard the conversation between Zhen and Yula, and at the same time came up with an idea of ​​what these two people are here for.
Soon, DC Commander Bian and Captain Steel also knew the identity of Xiao Ran, found clues from Xiao Ran's words that were deliberately revealed, and then found out the identity of Xiao Ran, explored the fleet, Xiao Ran.
But now Xiao Ran's status as the president of the immigration convoy has given both parties more doubts.
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