Chapter 1228: Technical difference The commentary said that the power of mindfulness is not Zuolian’s strong point. It is still drunk and recognized. However, power of mindfulness is a common human ability. People who have the power of mindfulness in Zuolian should exist, just If it is used as a loudspeaker through the device, it should be nothing. )
The dark sky tactical armor that Xiao Ran personally drove fired countless light beams toward Zorwalk every moment of his advancement. With the help of several uncontrolled dark sky floating planes, his own power was forced to follow him. One of Walker's countless mechas broke open, causing the beam to fly across and destroy it, and wiped off all traces of existence on a straight line like an eraser.
In addition to the missile attacks started by deformed fighters on both sides, there was Xiao Ran in the middle, and Aslan, Kira, Graham and others on both sides, all of a sudden, it seemed that Zowalk was panicked.
From the very beginning when they attacked the Burning Legion, they didn’t expect that just a single warship could launch so many missiles and a powerful offensive, but if only this was the case, they might be confused. It is precisely those things that can be called black holes that appear after the missiles are detonated. They not only swallow all their attacks, but also directly block them in front of them like a barrier that cannot be touched at all.
Let the body of the Burning Legion take advantage of this opportunity to bypass the two sides and attack them strongly. In addition, the violent assault in the middle was eroded and divided from three directions, but they were only driven by biochemical people.式体。 Type body.
Just such a contact, in Xiao Ran’s heart, these units of Zulian, or many of them, are not worth mentioning in his Burning Legion, and they hardly reflect too special places. Maybe It is just better than the current undead mass production machine of the Federation.
Of course, this is only in the performance of the machine. Although it is stronger than the undead, it feels a bit worse than the fighter machine of the void messenger at the time, the knight machine, and the only advantage compared to the void messenger. That is the quantity.
There are some differences in weapons. It can be said that in terms of weapon output strength, between Void Messenger, Earth Federation and Zowok, Zowok has the strongest weapon strength, even the most common mass-produced machine has suspended attack strength. Extremely powerful artillery, if Zorwalk's formation is allowed to take shape, it is really not acceptable for ordinary forces to launch an attack that cannot be covered by fire in a huge number.
Fortunately, this fleet is just a fleet of inspectors. It is not the true main force of Zowalk, and the threat to Xiao Ran and the others is naturally much smaller.
With a glance of his eyes, a variety of basic information about the machine appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes.
"Lestrell, Zowok mass-produced mobile weapons, C-class body, assault type."
"Kalejet, Zowok mass-produced mobile weapon, C body, firepower type."
"Gracetolu, Zowok mass-produced mobile weapon, C+ body, sniper type."
"Restgrand, B-class machine, assault firepower type."
"Gaosgrut, B-class body, firepower assault type, and replaceable equipment."
"Leggaeus, B+ class body, firepower assault type."
"Assault Bahrain, A-class body, firepower assault type."
"Balancenell, A-class machine, firepower type."
Among them, the three types of aircraft in the C-stage accounted for more than 90% of the entire Zowok unit. The aircraft in the B-stage accounted for most of the remaining units. There were only less than ten units in the Ougpaliu, the Balan. There is only one Schnell.
All of these Zovok’s bodies are full of real mechanical feeling, representing the cutting-edge advantages of industrial technology. Although the body is not gorgeous but rather simple, it can be said that it represents the most purely technical force among its own forces. The cutting-edge exists, and every machine can be regarded as the crystallization of Zowok's technology.
In comparison, Zowalk is truly a civilization that develops from technology to technology. There is no particularly obvious weakness. Every direction can be satisfied by technology. It is somewhat like Xiao Ran’s current status of the Burning Legion. Pure reality is pure technology. , Of course, for Xiao Ran personally, it can be regarded as starting to combine technology and magic stick.
The Balma Empire represented by the Void Messengers feels that there are more sacred sticks. No, it should not be as simple as there are more sacred sticks, but clearly the civilization of sacred sticks. The overall technology must be inferior to Zuolian, perhaps advanced combat power. Very powerful, but the advanced combat power not only tests the body, but also tests the pilot's ability to move.
Unlike Zuolian, as long as the technical level is sufficient to create a high-level machine, there is no need to consider the issue of power. Even if the technology is not fully up to the standard, the pilot can at least display the body's aggressiveness, so that it can be really used. In terms of combat power, Zuo Lian is definitely the most terrifying side.
This is like the difference between the real and super systems. One side is a sea of ​​balance, and the other side is a top-notch individual. Sooner or later, even the strongest people will be overwhelmed by the endless number. No wonder Zovok Zolian can always The Balma Empire was pressed on the ground and rubbed vigorously. Xiao Ran wouldn't believe it if Yi Zuolian's technical strength had no real star-killing weapons.
According to Xiao Ran’s understanding of Zuolian, the technical system of this force is very powerful, but internal factional struggles are also not bad, and military development is subject to legal restrictions, which makes Zuolian not as special as Balma. Up.
And Xiao Ran was actually a little fascinated after seeing the Balanchonel, which was almost 100 meters in size. He felt that this machine didn't seem to appear at this time, but it was precisely this machine that appeared in front of him. , He felt that either he had remembered it wrong, perhaps at this time the unit of Balanchonel had already appeared but did not appear on the stage, or some change caused this unit to appear early.
But no matter what, as an A-class body, Balanchonel’s firepower does have the ability to suppress the light range of a single The profitability far exceeds Xiao Ran’s dark sky, although it is against him It poses no threat, but for ordinary pilots, it is an enemy that cannot be resisted at all.
So from the beginning, Xiao Ran set his goal on Balanchonel. As for the other captain aircraft or commander aircraft, with the cooperation of those dark sky floating aircraft, Kira, Aslan and the others dealt with it. It won't be too difficult to get up.
Under the high speed of the dark sky tactical armor, the Balanchonel raised his two big and two small arms, four arms stretched forward, two giant cannons on his shoulders, and energy cannons on his chest lit up at the same time. After a short burst of energy, it suddenly fired seven incredibly terrifying energy bombardments in the direction of the dark sky tactical armor.
The terrifying energy illuminates the entire battlefield. It is obviously only a body less than 100 meters away. The attack launched is stronger than the US super battleship, and every attack is more beautiful than or surpasses the super battleship’s main gun. Power, of course, the warship here refers to the warship on the Zowok side.
Facing Balanchonel’s attack, only a few breaths of time appeared in front of the dark sky tactical armor, and at this moment, the dark sky tactical armor disappeared into countless spots of light in this world. Only Balanchonel's attack broke through countless afterimages, and the Burning Legion, which had a diameter in a further direction, flew past.
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