Chapter 1229: capture

Balanchonel’s attack was quite terrifying. A wave of concentrated attacks directly spanned the entire battlefield and flew in front of the Burning Legion. If it were placed in the universe near the earth, it would definitely be visually horrible throughout the sky attack.
"Enemy attack!"
On the Burning Legion, CIC yelled, but in the face of the oncoming attack on the entire bridge, no one showed a panic expression. Maru watched the closer and closer beam and sent her own at the same time. Command: "Bobby!"
"Okay!" Bobby replied loudly. When a sissy held the ship's rudder, she showed a mighty spirit that was even more manly than a man. She pushed her hands toward the rudder, and the entire Burning Legion Under his control, he suddenly exploded, accelerated, and rushed towards Balanchonel's attack without avoiding the reverse.
During this process, the Burning Legion’s bridge began to rise slowly, the deck began to separate and then rotated, revealing a huge gun barrel, and the back of the battleship began to turn downwards. Soon the Burning Legion became a high. The existence of huge robots over kilometers.
Just a deflection caused Balanchonel’s shelling to pass by the side of his head, and the bright light caused the bridge to become white, but Maru and Bobby were not bothered by the dazzling light. He closed his eyes and stared at the distant fleet, especially the Balanchner.
"The main battery is charged and the attack path calculation is complete."
"Send to everyone, Bobby, waiting for the order to launch an attack."
"Roger that."
A piece of information was sent from the Burning Legion to all its airframes. After receiving this piece of information, all the troops stopped and continued to move forward. Instead, they moved on both sides of the Zorwalk fleet to attack and suppress.
After seeing the Burning Legion deformed and raising the weapon that looked terrifying, everyone in the entire Transzowalker fleet was shocked by the changes in the Burning Legion, and they listened to them. The singing that I didn't know what to use for transmission suddenly made the people on Zorwalk's heart feel a little hairy, and even the absurd idea of ​​not wanting to continue fighting came up.
The pilot sitting on Balanchonel was also taken aback. He calculated the path to launch an attack to include the Burning Legion and Xiao Ran’s dark sky tactical armor. It is speculated that even if it can escape one, it cannot escape the first. Two, but I did not expect the fact that the black body suddenly disappeared, and the warship also deformed and lifted a terrifying cannon that was many times larger than his body, and the energy response condensed from the front of the cannon. The alarms of the body began to ring endlessly.
And in the next second, the disappearing dark sky tactical armor appeared under the condensation of countless light spots, and it appeared behind Balanchonel. The huge beam saber suddenly swung down. Although Balanchonell Dodged in time, but the two sharp corners were also cut off by the Dark Sky Tactical Armor. After being equipped with the Tactical Armor, the Dark Sky at this time was definitely not much smaller than Balanchonel.
As soon as Balanchonel avoided, Xiao Ran's mechanical arm directly controlling the tactical armor grabbed Balanchonel's head, and all the GN dragoons ejected and rushed into Balan. All of Schnell’s muzzles are stuck on the inner wall of the muzzle. As long as Balanchonel dares to attack, the detonation of the next GN Dragoon will cause Balanchonel’s muzzle energy to lose control and affect To the body, it is not impossible to even directly let the body's energy explode out of control.
"Innocent?" Xiao Ran's voice spread unimpeded into the cockpit of Balanchonel, so cold that it can be frozen: "The people on earth are not naive, even if your entire Zorwalk army is under pressure, I can do it. Until I die with you, even if I can't completely destroy you, I can make you feel unreliable. The true naivety is not us, but you."
"The earth is not a bargaining chip for your Zowok faction, but a hedgehog who has to be careful not to choke to death with one bite. We have no intention of provoking any forces, but we are absolutely not afraid of any threats. Now you are accepting your failure. , Still resisted until he died."
"Hey, I didn't expect that you outcasts would have such strength. It was far beyond my expectation. I originally estimated your strength, but I did not expect that you still underestimated your strength. It really deserves to be full. A race with endless fighting spirit, showing such strength, even the entire Zorwalk will be afraid, and then you will face the attack of the whole Zorwalk."
"Don’t you think that if you get rid of me and eliminate this fleet, everything is over. I can tell you that we are just an advance fleet and cannot represent the true power of Zorwalk. Today will not be the end but just the beginning. , Zorwerk’s army will surely come to the earth and completely wipe out those of you who have endless struggle.
Xiao Ran didn't have any emotional fluctuations because of what the other party said, and the expression on his face did not change at all. He just asked, "Your name."
"Hahaha, I'm Dinick Cesenan, you will remember my name! Because I reported everything on the earth, I led the attack of Zorwalk and wiped out the earth."
"Of course I will remember you, but not for the reasons you said, but because you will be the first prisoner of Zowalk on the earth." Xiao Ran finished speaking, controlling the body and cutting off Balan. On Schoner’s head, several consecutive red lights brought up countless sword shadows with faint blue rays. He tore all Balan Schonell’s arms and blasted them out with a punch. With a blue light, Balanchonel's chest was also directly shattered.
Afterwards, he controlled the two huge mechanical arms to lift the disabled Balanchonel high, and accompanied by Shirleylu’s singing, he made his own voice to the entire Zowok: "Notice Zowok to advance. The fleet immediately surrenders President Xiao Ran, the satellite united by our satellite, will ensure that you get the best prisoner treatment without any threat to life. If you resolutely resist, we will no longer show any mercy."
An assault, a surprise that caused Balanchonel to fall into Xiao Ran’s hands and break it. After strengthening the mind power, every attack can be amplified by the mind power. In terms of Xiao Ran’s strength It is not difficult for the opponent to chop off the opponent's arm without opening any shields. The reason why Xiao Ran cut off Balanchonel's head was also because the head was exactly where Balanchonel's cockpit was.
Now that the dark sky has appeared in front of the opponent's fleet, once an attack on the fleet is launched, these warships can't avoid it if they want to hide. With the addition of the Burning Legion, which is eyeing and raising the weapon, it can be said to be completely destroyed if there is no accident This fleet didn't have any problems at all, and it directly seized the opportunity that the opponent did not disperse and occupy the land.
The reason why they were allowed to surrender was also because not everyone in Zowalk wanted to rule the earth, at least judging from the original plot, it was possible for the two sides to negotiate peace. For this reason, Xiao Ran was willing to leave these people’s lives in exchange for it. An opportunity to talk to Zorwalk, of course, if the other party doesn't cherish it, Xiao Ran doesn't mind killing all these people here, and waits until the so-called second army arrives and then destroys them again.
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