Chapter 1257: Grey Antelope of Soul

[Title: War Machine unlimited text 1257 chapter soul of the Gray antelope Author: also drunk]
Welcome to the latest chapters of 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k fiction", easy to remember! Good novel
Highly recommended: the gate of good fortune, the perfect world, immeasurable, immeasurable, immortal, devil, sage, wisdom, emperor, mountains and rivers, three realms, blood song, best practice, strong and young, master, but I, god, reckless, desolate, I want to conquer the sky, I am the honor of God of Han Yu Way to Awakening, Wu Zun Dao Invincible Yao Zun When Xiao Ran appeared outside the White Star with Zeng Jia and Elsam, the three parties of Steel Dragon Team, Zowok, and the native species have become a mess. You come three. As I went, the explosions kept shining with the steel shell of the white star.
Although the personnel on the side of the steel dragon team were few people due to the native species inside the white star, the total combat power of the four warships did not drop too much because of this. The combat power and number of the steel dragon team were passing through Xiao Ran's hands. After that, it was directly developed to the highest level. Perhaps the members' skills could not be compared with the later period in the original plot, but the number definitely exceeded the steel dragon team in the original plot.
But even so, Team Steel Dragon still has the least number of the three. The second most is the native species, and there are many new native species, except for the low-level native species that looks like a crayfish accident. In addition to the species, white has a large number of native species like claws, and even wears full armor, just like a warlord's native species.
The largest number is on the Zowalk fleet. The number of drones is simply terrifying, but it is precisely because of this that Zowalk has suffered the most attacks, whether it is the Dragon Team or the native species. , And most of the attacks were directed towards Zorwalk.
And there are two people who have never been attacked by the original species from beginning to end. The original species still shows an enveloping attitude around the two people vaguely, but it is more appropriate to say that it is surrounded by surveillance. , Akselin and Nanfang Kosuke both enjoyed the'special' treatment of native species.
When Xiao Ran appeared with the dark sky, the situation on the entire field seemed to be the most inferior. It was also the Steel Dragon team. Not only did they have to resist the attacks of the two sides, but they also had to find ways to intercept any enemies heading to the White Star. The pressure was great enough Let everyone in the steel dragon team clearly feel it.
When someone saw Xiao Ran’s dark sky with several floating planes appearing, the Captain Iron on the Steel was obviously relieved. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to understand one thing, why he had to deal with the actions inside the White Star. The White Star Defense Fleet, which is currently being exchanged and supplemented, was opened, it seems that it was deliberately because of the thought of the native species or Zorwalk would appear and attack the White Star.
And according to the news from the surrounding fleet, they are allowed to arrive after five minutes of reinforcement. All this seems to have been prepared long ago, not to mention the complete elimination of the native species, but at least it seems that there is a plan to bring Zowok to a nest. .
However, although Xiao Ran did have the idea to guard against Zorwalk and the native species at the beginning, he was even more worried about the fact that the native species accidentally swallowed the white star. At that time, a fleet might be wiped out in the blink of an eye. , So it will deliberately move the defensive fleet.
The native species will appear. Xiao Ran has thought, and Zorwalk will appear. Xiao Ran has also thought about it, but the real purpose of moving the defense fleet is still the native species inside the White Star, rather than deliberately killing Zawok. It is said that two birds with one stone happened to happen to be different.
Moreover, in order to deal with the native species and prevent the native species from engulfing the white star, Xiao Ran prepared a real killer, ready to completely annihilate the white star at any time, so that if he had his own fleet next to him, he might be injured by mistake. From the beginning, it was adjusted far away, anyway, only a few people were needed to deal with the situation inside the White Star, and the task of guarding against the White Star was also enough to entrust the Steel Dragon Team.
As soon as Xiao Ran came out, his attention first focused on a few special models on the battlefield. A blue body was the gray antelope that caused Graham's injury and the Basac body damage. It is a classic Zowok commander's classic footless machine.
The native species on the other side, a red native species, attracted Xiao Ran's attention. Two ghost faces were floating on the left and right shoulders of the machine. Behind them were twelve faintly blue ghost fires burning in the void. It was the body that had a human appearance and was driven by the original species of Exelin's clone. It seemed to have the title Alofimi with the title of Ghost Loli.
This red body is called the Soul Seat. It has a very special name, so Xiao Ran still has some impressions. It has the same green vines of the original species, forming a body similar to the skeleton, and then the outer armor, or rather This machine is completely composed of a skeleton, and the hollow and two ghost faces make people look shuddering.
After the dark sky appeared, it was like pouring water on the boiling oil surface, and the battlefield that made you come and me suddenly boiled, and countless native species gave up all the targets around them and plunged straight into the darkness. In the direction of the sky, and at the same time, the overwhelming drones on the Zowok side rushed towards the dark Not only the ordinary native species and Zowok drones, the Soul Seat, and the gray antelope also face at the same time. Pounced in Xiao Ran's direction, the self-confidence and arrogance that made no secret of his actions also caused the big iron captain, who had sensed the movement of both sides, to pull out the pipe in his mouth.
"Left rudder sixty, approaching the dark sky at the fastest speed, the main gun is ready to stop all those things that I don't know what it is!"
The action of the Steel also pulled the defense line composed of the four warships and the many fuselages. The other three warships also followed the movements of the Steel and began to approach towards the dark sky. The situation seemed to have changed for a while. The battle for the dark firmament and protecting the dark firmament also made the battle more anxious and intense.
Seeing the actions of the four warships, Xiao Ran frowned slightly to understand their thoughts, and then sent a message directly to the Steel: "Stop, reorganize the queue for defense."
After the information was sent, Xiao Ran also showed a serious expression as he watched more and more enemies, and controlled the body to dodge back and forth in the rain of countless dense beams of light like rain. Several floating planes also disappeared in an instant. Turning on, each machine sprayed out gn particles like wings of light. With the addition of the machine Xiao Ran piloted, the gn particles quickly deformed into dragons of light, and silently gave the entire battlefield to the battlefield. Swallowed it in.
"Is the main target me?" This thought flashed through Xiao Ran's mind. Suddenly he understood Zorwalk, the reason why the native species really appeared here in Bai Xing. Perhaps their goal was not Bai Xing at all, but he was separated from the Great. The army only relied on the Supreme Commander of the Earth Defense Force guarded by the four steel dragon fleet fleets. 2k novel reading network
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