Chapter 131: The battle begins

Sitting on the brand new black VF-25 captain plane, Xiao Ran did not see the weird look of other members in the hangar looking at the body under his seat. Perhaps Alt, the new SMS person, is not too many. It just felt like Xiao Ran's weapon was a little bit more powerful.
But for Ozma who use armored backpacks as long as they attack, the equipment on Xiao Ran's body is a real shock to him. He can see that the backpack equipped on Xiao Ran's body is clearly an improvement of his current backpack. The increase in the capacity of the missile compartment also causes the weight of the backpack to become heavier. This does not include the weight of the armor-piercing sniper rifle, which is not small, and the beam cannon on the top of the fuselage.
   Luca opened a private communication with Michelle, and asked a little surprised: "Is this equipped Mr. Major really able to drive flexibly? It's just a combination of several backpacks."
   "The ship has already jumped over, and the battle response is found 02 distance ahead, and everyone immediately starts preparing for battle."
   "Skull Team No. 1 machine, No. 5 machine, please go first."
   Ozma squeezed the joysticks on both sides: "The skeleton team received it, Major Xiao Ran, are you ready?"
"Ding, trigger a side mission, rescue the Galaxy Ship Regiment's Integrated Defense Force battleship, 0/2, reward 1000 merit points for each warship that is guaranteed to be safe, if two battleships are defeated, the mission will be deducted 4000 merit points, accept: Yes/No ."
   "Accept the mission." Xiao Ran paused when he heard the voice in his mind. After accepting the mission, he turned to look in the direction of Ozma and nodded toward Ozma: "Start the attack procedure."
   The body shook, and as the lifting plate on the floor began to rise slowly, Xiao Ran lowered his head and took a deep breath. Holding the mask beside him with his right hand and covering his face directly, after fixing the mask with his left hand, just after putting the helmet on, the universe starry sky appeared above Xiao Ran's head.
At this time, there were already staff in spacesuits on the ejection deck, under the transparent barrier of a dome, shaking and making a countdown action. Xiao Ran stepped on the pedals with his feet left and right, and was working. While the personnel’s colored light rods were swung down, Xiao Ran’s feet were stepped on at the same time, and the two pedals were directly stepped to the bottom. With a push of the left hand, the six thrusters of the body broke out at the same time, and the VF-25 directly ejected. Out. Fly towards the universe: "Skull Team No. 5, Xiao Ran, strike!"
Xiao Ran’s VF-25 flew away from the SMS warship, and Ozma’s warplane followed closely. At the same time, thirty large battleships and five carrier warships also lit up nearly a hundred spots at the same time. , Formed a formation of fighter planes and followed behind, and the two planes sailed forward for less than a minute. Alt, Michel, Luca and his three drones also followed from the battleship.
   Five fighter planes and three UAVs once again increased the power of their propellers and fired in the direction of combat at a high speed, while the rear formation of the unified army fighter planes kept the queue and followed at a constant speed. Until the skeleton team will be further and further away.
   Ozma’s voice sounded on each of the Skeleton Team’s machines:
The Skeleton Team’s captain speaks to all parties. We are leading the army. By the way, we also collect Vajra’s intelligence data. We must pay attention to safety.

   "Received." Four people including Xiao Ran answered one after another.
   Luca also said afterwards: "The trial-based induction communication is in good condition. With it, I should not be disturbed by Vajra."
   Everyone knows what Luka means by interference, which means that the three drones carried by the reconnaissance airframe that Luca drives will not be disturbed by Vajra and can be used normally.
   Ozma replied: "Received. And you, Alt, you try to stay as far back as possible, not too far ahead."
   Alt's anxious voice sounded: "What? I have no problem!"
   "You rookie, hehe." Ozma smiled, turned his head left, and looked at the pure black VF-25 juxtaposed on the left: "Major Xiao Ran, do you have anything to say?"
"If you find a humanoid body in the battle, try to stay as far away as possible. Those are the members of the United Nations Army Headquarters Investigation Team. Remember, there may be people from Galaxy and the group behind them. You don't need to deliberately rescue." Xiao Ran looked down. After looking at the vision of the battle on the screen, the left hand pulled back and then pushed forward again, and the released feet stepped on again, causing the VF-25 to suddenly increase in speed, turning into a streamer and flying towards the fighting area: "Be careful, and ensure safety is the top priority."
   "Mr. Major?" Luca was slightly taken aback when looking at the black VF-25 fighter plane that had taken the lead to fly towards the combat area.
   "That one is very motivated." The three of the fairy squad also followed up with the battle capsule, and they saw the long trail of black VF-25.
   "Protect yourself, don't cry because you can't see me. Fairy squad, get on!" Glenn flew to the side of Michelle's fighter, jokingly said that after a round, he also accelerated to chase Xiao Ran's fighter.
   "Don't be in a daze, Skeleton Team, start attacking!"
Under Ozma’s order, the skeleton team began to disperse. Michel’s blue plane flew into a group of meteorites. Lucca’s green reconnaissance plane flew towards the periphery of the battle area, while Ozma’s The fuselage and Alt's fuselage followed the path of Xiao Ran's fighter.
Just as Xiao Ran’s fighter took Ozma behind him, Alt and Glan from the Skeleton Team flew towards the battle area, some bugs also discovered and discovered these uninvited guests. They were besieging two Galaxy warships. A third of the bugs were also separated. There were about a dozen or so bugs flying in the direction of Xiao Ran and the others, but in just a dozen seconds, they all included each other into their own. Within the attack range.
The two warships that were under siege were also less stressed due to the absence of a dozen bugs. Under the protection of surrounding fighters and MS that shouldn’t have appeared in this world, they began to speed up towards the twenty-five ship. The regiment rescued defenders flew in the direction.
Xiao Ran’s radar had already started to alert, but he still glanced at the less than ten mobile suits that appeared on the hatch screen, three Zaku, two Jim, one storm dagger in SEED time, and one duel dagger. frame. An AEU mob room, and even a C-class machine, is one of the three C-class machines Xiao Ran has seen before, the Skymaster Gundam.
One of the three Zakus uses a sniper weapon, and Jim, who also uses a sniper weapon, is each stabilized on a battleship, constantly shooting at the bugs, and at the same time supporting his comrades from time to time. The target of support is not only the participants, but also the unified army driving the deformed fighter.
   Storm dagger and duel dagger are right in front of the battleship, trying their best to help the battleship behind to clear a passage for quick evacuation. Although it has the support of transforming fighters, it is not very effective. On the contrary, it seems a bit precarious in order to avoid the attacks of insects.
Except for the Skymaster Gundam, the remaining four fuselages are all scattered around the two battleships. These mobile suits are just close to the battleship. As long as they see the bug approaching, they will desperately move towards that one. The insect attack does not require the ability to hit the enemy at all, but merely pushes the attacking enemy back. More importantly, it has the effect of supporting a larger number of unified and military fighters.
   Among these participants. Only the Airmaster joined the deformed fighter team of the Defense United Army and played a leading role in the deformed fighter team. It appeared wherever the defense line was critical, desperately maintaining the defense line to resist. Bug attack. However, even with the various efforts of these participants, there is still no way to gain a little initiative in this battle.
   But these MS cooperated tacitly, and Xiao Ran felt a little surprised when he saw it.
   Xiao Ran also saw from the screen that the deformed fighter planes of the United States Army in the defense line would be shot down by bugs from time to time. The two battleships were also extremely badly damaged, with scars and mutilations everywhere, and even billowing smoke. There is a possibility of being defeated at any time.
It was just after seeing this scene that Xiao Ran was a little unbearable and took the lead in rushing over. One battleship is critical to 1,000 reward points, but two battleships are directly related to 4,000 reward points. I already know that the reward points are in Promi. Hughes represents all Xiao Ran, how could it be possible to let those two battleships be exploded in front of them.
After a glance at the screen, Xiao Ran also entered a state of combat. The dual beam cannon above the VF-25 and the two small beam cannons below the wing turned under the control of Xiao Ran, and then spouted four shots at the same time. The light beam directly punched a yellow bug of the Zongbing level that came towards him with four big holes and then exploded in front. At the same time, Michel, who had selected the sniper location, also fired high-explosive armor-piercing bullets continuously. Also kill a red bug.
The side of Xiao Ran and the side of the insects quickly approached under the flames of war, and half of the scattered insects also rushed in Xiao Ran's direction, and there was also a red boss-level insect in it. The insects relied on the number. Advantage did not intend to engage in entangled battles at all, but chose to fight directly face to face.
In close combat, the form of a fighter plane can’t gain any advantage. Xiao Ran’s left hand lifted up and the seated fighter plane turned into a human form. The fighter plane on the right arm seemed to be shot without even aiming and exploded one. The yellow bug circumvented the attack of a bug with huge claws extending towards him. At the same time, it went around behind this bug. After being deformed, the beam cannon mounted on both shoulders simultaneously Launching once again turned this miscellaneous soldier-level bug into cosmic garbage.
After killing three insects in a row, Xiao Ran showed consistent driving skills even while driving a deformed fighter, continuously dodge in a small area ~ ~ beams on his shoulders The cannon and the armor-piercing sniper rifle in his hand, which was used as a spray, kept shining, causing the bugs that appeared by his side to be killed one by one.
Faced with the rapid maneuvering of the boss-level red bug, Xiao Ran also used only one skill to completely lock the bug in one second, and the armor-piercing sniper rifle held on his arm was also less than two seconds away. Three rays of light flashed in a row, without seeing whether it really hit the enemy, a transformation turned into a fighter form and rushed to the two warships that were still in danger at this time.
   "Obviously it is such a heavy backpack, why can you perform such an operation!" Alter gritted his teeth and watched Xiao Ran's pure black VF-25 exuberantly, unconsciously expressing his desire.
"Don't be in a daze! Alt!" Ozma saw the tendency of Alt's fighter to be a little stupefied in its actions, and hurriedly shouted, driving his body to protect in front of the Alt fighter, and it was also killed in a short time. After removing four yellow miscellaneous soldiers-level bugs, they cleared the surrounding enemies and transformed them and quickly followed Xiao Ran's back. (To be continued...)
  PS: There are only two chapters today, and I'm sorry. I feel that someone in the book review area sometimes inexplicably pops up to say this, and I don’t know why.
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