Chapter 1369: 1 group of waste

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The request made by the ancient defensive house can be regarded as a legitimate request. If they enter the Burning Legion, Xiao Ran will also do the same thing, but with the courage of the art masters, only Al Elf needs to be sent. Going to Gannaku to meet him is, anyway, it is quite in line with the requirements of the ancient guard. -Fiction-
For the inspections of Xiao Ran and Maru, men came to inspect men and women came to inspect women, and they did not go too far. They just shook the device and searched the body in a short period of time and it was all over. What caused Xiao Ran's dissatisfaction.
After the inspection, the ancient guard did not waste any time, and directly led the two to the Captain's Room of the Yamato. Xiao Ran and Maru also saw Okita Thirteen who was waiting for them in the Captain's Room.
When Maru saw Okita Thirteen, she was a little stunned. At the first sight of the meeting, she saw the shadows of several familiar people from Okita Thirteen, Rebir, Datie, and Jeff. Here, although Okita Thirteen does not look like the three of them, there are similarities in demeanor and habits.
On the contrary, Xiao Ran felt very accustomed to it. In short, Captain Bearded was basically like this, and he didn't think there was anything strange.
After the two entered the captain's room, Okita Thirteen stood up directly from his position, walked around the table and opened his hand towards Xiao Ran in a friendly manner. Of course, this was not a hug, but a handshake and guidance: " Welcome both of you. I have heard about the hangar. Let me apologize to them on behalf of my subordinates."
Okita Thirteen’s attitude is very friendly. Although Okita Thirteen is not sure whether Xiao Ran and his group are friends or enemies, according to what they have now shown, Xiao Ran and the group did not show any hostility, and Because the Yamato itself had some circumstance, Okita didn't have much doubt about Xiao Ran's identity, and all that was needed was confirmation.
And if Xiao Ran's identity is true, then a colonel commander of a special independent unit, a warship captain who does not look simple, is indeed worthy of Okita Thirteen's polite treatment.
Xiao Ran's conversation with Okita Thirteen did not appear to be as full of sarcasm as he was in the hangar just now. He smiled lightly and waved his hand: "It's okay, although it's just a few young people, they still have rules in doing things. Nothing is wrong, it just needs to be polished."
The appearance of Xiao Ran at this time seemed to have a very special temperament. The demeanor that had been at a high position for a long time was immediately put out, calm and indifferent, as if he took them into the captain's room but had not left. The ancient guard was also taken aback for a while, but to say that they were young, Xiao Ran and Maru actually looked quite young.
"Please sit down." The things that the ancient Shou could feel, Okita Thirteen could naturally also feel. Xiao Ran's unabashed posture also made Okita Thirteen feel a little bit, that is, Xiao Ran's status and identity are definitely not simple, otherwise ordinary Where can people have such a momentum and posture, even Okita Thirteen himself can feel the aura of the other party overwhelming him.
"Please." Xiao Ran also replied with a please, and then took Maru to sit opposite Okita Shisan, and the ancient guard stood directly behind Okita Shisan.
Before Okita Thirteen spoke, Xiao Ran took the initiative and said: "There is no need to talk about extra nonsense. Let me talk about our situation first. My Burning Legion came to this position after taking a space jump. As for the original purpose, it was actually to be bored and want to walk around. After the jump was completed, it was discovered that it was impossible to contact the Federal Headquarters on Earth. You were here when we were about to return to Earth."
"For us, your appearance will of course seem even more strange, and in my memory such a warship may have appeared only a hundred years ago. With inexplicable warships and inexplicable conditions, we naturally The body will be sent to warn you, but now it seems that the problem is not you, but who we are?"
"I understand." Okita nodded thirteen, motioned to the ancient guard and then said to Xiao Ran, "Please take a look at this first, Colonel Xiao Ran and Captain Ramias."
As Okita Thirteen’s voice fell, the ancient guard turned and left, not knowing what he had done. The lights in the captain’s room suddenly dimmed, and a virtual projection appeared in the eyes of Xiao Ran and Maru. .
The screen on the projection shows two planets, one big and one small. The big planet as a whole shows a withered orange color. There is almost no other color except this color, which looks inexplicable. A very depressing feeling, while the small planet revolves around the larger one, pitted but still maintains a normal silvery white color.
Although the colors are different, Xiao Ran and Ma Liu recognized the two planets at the first sight, and Ma Liu's face suddenly appeared astonished, and Xiao Ran wrinkled slightly. Raised his brows.
Xiao Ran raised his head and frowned and looked at Okita Thirteen: "This is the earth and the moon? What's the situation?"
"Yes, this is the earth of this world." Okita Thirteen looked serious, and couldn't help sighing as he spoke: "I probably know that you should come from another world, because of unknown reasons. In our world, I don’t know what your earth looks like, but our earth was not like that a year ago.

Following Okita Thirteen's words, the displayed picture changed again, and this time, what appeared in the eyes of Maru and Xiao Ran was a normal blue earth.
"Another world?" Xiao Ran raised his brows and showed a thoughtful expression: "That is to say, we entered your world from our world because of a jump, tusk tusk, this is really interesting. You. I just said that the earth was normal a year ago, but why is it now like this?"
"Almost a year ago, UU Reading Earth was suddenly attacked by unidentified life form Gamilas. The other side fought undeclared war and used a very destructive weapon. The star bomb launched on the earth. After the attack, the large-scale bombing came without any preparations for human beings. In just a short time, the entire earth suffered great damage, and the star bomb also has the ability to change the environment of the earth."
"The earth's weather, geology, and environment have completely changed in this year. Countless people have died in this attack, and only a few people are left to survive."
Xiao Ran waved his hand and his eyes instantly became fierce. Seeing the fierceness revealed by Xiao Ran's eyes, the ancient guardian stiffened unconsciously, and Okita Thirteen also stopped as if he felt that he was being stared at by something terrifying. What I said.
And then I just heard Xiao Ran’s indifferent voice ringing in their ears: "In other words, your federation will be defeated if there is no resistance, and countless civilians have been sacrificed. Bastards who know where they came from turned their homes into what they are now? Trash, really a bunch of trash."
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