Chapter 1540: Want to go back

However, the increase in difficulty also brought a balance point for the Overlord Legion to not really crash into at the beginning of the mission. That would be the Stasha on Iskandar. If the Overlord Legion met Stasha. Choosing another, more radical way, instead of choosing to have friendly contact with Sitasha, then the current situation may be the real hell.
The protection of the universe and the recovery system required by the main mission 1 will definitely not be completed. Maybe you will become a lost little lamb. Under the constant pursuit of the enemy legion, you will eventually choose to face the opponent head-to-head and lose both, or even sacrifice all , If you are lucky, if you can contact Xiao Ran, it will naturally be another situation.
But even if Xiao Ran knows that the current location of the Overlord Legion is in Iskandar, the final result is of no avail. Not to mention that the new calendar world needs to rush to Iskandar, even if they want to come over, they have not found it. Ways to return to the new calendar world.
Moreover, the Universe Century side is also unable to go away. The squad will go to Iskandar with half of its strength to face Gamiras. Xiao Ran will definitely not do it. Moreover, the Victory Fleet is still in the stage of leveling for the next instance. , Xiao Ran would never want to feel the despair of difficulty with the Overlord Army.
But on the other hand, the embarrassing situation of the Overlord Legion is not a compromise and sacrifice to the current situation of Xiao Ran. It is precisely because they are firmly nailed to Iskandar like a nail house, making the enemy legion like this. From guarding, there was no time to delve into the true situation of the mission in the three worlds, and there was no way to come to the Western calendar world or the universe century, to let Xiao Ran easily and without infection from the beginning of the mission to the present. Free development.
Once Xiao Ran took the Victory Fleet to level-up and equipment, and waited until the level was raised and fully armed and arrived in Iskandar, perhaps the despair of the difficulty of would in turn envelop Gamilas and the hostile army. This kind of direction should be Well the normal process.
The Victory Fleet has stayed here for several days since entering the NERV that day. With the help of NERV’s asylum, it is true that I have never encountered the Federation or Neo Zeon to make trouble, everyone. I have also been fully relaxed and rested in the past few days, and the members who have experienced the world jump for the first time have also been relaxed.
Although I didn’t say I started to actively integrate into this world, I at least started to accept this fact. As long as I do what’s in front of us, we can better find a way to return to the Western calendar world. However, only a few people such as Xiao Ran know that. The key to the door of the Western calendar world has been obtained, and the difference is only the final result.
On this day, Okita Thirteen, Hoshino Ruri, Tessa, Brad, Miss Huang, and Captain Ott all gathered on the Burning Legion, and Xiao Ran, Maru, and Luo sat around the big table in the middle. Together, discussing the arrangements and arrangements for subsequent actions.
In the entire Victory Fleet, although there has not been a serious explanation of who the first commander of the Victory Fleet is, the captains of the ships in the usual exchanges and contacts are almost all rated, what happens to the internal situation of the ship Deal with each other separately, discuss and deal with the external situation, getting along can be considered relaxed and happy, with indescribable cooperation and tacit understanding.
But in fact, even the two newly joined Captain Bled and Otter have already figured out that if a major event is really encountered, in addition to everyone’s discussion, there is also someone who can directly decide or guide the final As a result, the general direction of everyone's actions was determined, and this person was Xiao Ran on the Burning Legion.
You must know that at present, in addition to being able to directly command the Burning Legion, Nadeshizi and Ptolemy will also act according to Xiao Ran's wishes. Simply put, the members of the entire Western calendar will also act according to Xiao Ran's orders. It was destined that Xiao Ran would be the one with the most power in the Victory Fleet. Although Xiao Ran would not give orders indiscriminately and let everyone do something, they would still make the final decision. Unconsciously refer to Xiao Ran's opinions, and also choose to come over to the Burning Legion during a meeting.
This time everyone gathered together for the purpose of discussing the key issues discovered by Hoshino Ruri, Ms. Huang, and First Mate Sanada.
First of all, Ms. Sanada on the Yamato explained to you about the key. The special fluctuations discovered when jumping from DRAGON are likely to be the key to returning to the Western calendar.
It was at this time that Tessa of the Son of Danu, Otto Captain of Arkama, and Brad of La Kairam knew that there was such a thing.
It wasn't until Sanada that he returned to the back of Okita Thirteen, the emperor said to Tessa, Brad and Otter: "I'm sorry to tell you at this time, but I was not sure about this key before. Whether it's useful or not, so I wasted some time on research and analysis. It is only now that it is truly certain that this kind of fluctuation is the key to achieving a jump between the world."
Tessa nodded lightly. Brad and Otter, who had just joined the Victory Fleet, did not speak, but Tessa said, "It doesn’t matter, but I didn’t expect to jump to DRAGON in a few days. The resulting fluctuations have been studied to this extent, so is the purpose of calling us here this time to tell us about it?"
Tessa’s question made Ms. Huang look at each other, and Okita Thirteen’s main purpose as a third world person is to find a way to return to the new calendar world, so it is currently for him whether to return to the Western calendar world. It's not too important, it's just smoking a pipe and bowing his head without talking.
Xiao Ran did not speak, and Miss Huang could only continue to say: "Yes, accurate results have been obtained and after a long period of analysis, we feel that if we can jump with the same fluctuations, there is a great possibility that we can be safe. He returned to the Western calendar world, but the problem now is that we have no way to conduct any tests. Regardless of whether we can really jump back to the Western calendar world, we only have one chance."
"Furthermore, we were suddenly transferred to the Universe Century during the battle between the Western Calendar World and the successor of Mars. It is not clear what will happen because of our disappearance, especially..." Said this, Miss Huang also looked towards Xiao Ran. After a glance, this movement naturally attracted the attention of Tessa, Brad and Otter.
The three of them immediately understood what Miss Huang wanted to say. After all, with Xiao Ran’s special identity, the sudden disappearance is indeed likely to cause chaos in the Western calendar again, so they definitely hope to return to the Western calendar to confirm the situation there. , Tessa, Brad, and Otter can all express their understanding.
However, there was only one chance and it was impossible to determine the result of the jump, but it also made the three of them feel a little too risky.
And Miss Huang who paused for a while continued: "So we also hope to return, or send some people back to the Western calendar world, confirm the situation there and test again, to see if the second key can return to the universe century. key."
The three of Tessa nodded, and Brad said, "But there is only one chance and it is impossible to determine whether the key is useful or not. Will it be too risky in this way."
"I will explain about this." Hoshino Ruri looked at the crowd and nodded and said, "Although I came to this world, I can use the boson jump that should only be used in the Western calendar world for unknown reasons. , It’s strange to meet the requirements of jumping in this world."
"So based on this, I believe that there should be a special Bose network node between the two As long as we can use the key to open the door, then we can use the Bose network to identify us. It takes a real jump to the end, and then rely on the A-level jumper to guide the target to jump successfully. Although it is risky, there is actually a high possibility."
"In the past few days, after constant analysis and simulation, we can basically ensure that there is an 85 percent probability that we can return directly to the Western calendar world, and for us, even if it is 8% The probability of fifteen is also worth trying."
Everyone nodded when they heard it. For their group of soldiers, 85 percent is indeed very feasible. After all, these people are people who often deal with one percent. . And even Xiao Ran glanced at Hoshino Ruri, who didn't expect Hoshino Ruri and the others to achieve more results in just a few days.
Xiao Ran finally spoke at this moment: "Is there no way to continue to increase the probability of success?"
"At present, this level is the highest. Although it cannot be said to be absolutely and foolproof, there is basically no possibility of failure." Hoshino Ruri shook his head and said: "The only thing that is not certain is whether he will return to the Western World. We can return to the cosmic century through the second wave, but if we can be sure that this world also has boson jumping, then maybe we don’t need to learn DRAGON jumping. In the future, we can freely go back and forth between the two worlds by boson jumping.
"Is this a new possibility?" Tessa looked thoughtful and said: "Then this jump, there are two things that need to be determined, the first one is risking Try to see if you can return to the Western calendar world, and the second is to confirm the possibility of Boson jumping across the world."
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