Chapter 1609: Is it calculated?

(Take a day off tomorrow, I said in advance, hey.)
The sky was still completely lit, Ptolemy, Son of Danu, Yamato, Arkham, Rakeram, and the interior of the five ships suddenly sounded continuous sirens. Into the ears of everyone who is asleep or not.
In the captain's room of the Yamato, which was originally the room of Okinawa Thirteen, Xiao Ran, who was lying on the bed sleeping peacefully, opened his eyes when the alarm sounded, bounced off the bed, and walked quickly to the room. In front of the only table inside, I picked up the phone above.
"What happened."
On the other end of the phone came a slightly anxious voice from ancient times:
Neo Zeon’s troops appeared in Dhaka and are currently breaking through the federal defenses. However, Dhaka has not sounded the alarm at all and has not done anything to civilians. The evacuation of the city, now the whole city has been completely chaotic."
Xiao Ran frowned slightly: "Don't worry, contact the other captains immediately, and I will come to the bridge immediately."
After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ran rubbed his face fiercely, picked up his coat and put on his shoes, and hurried out of the captain's room. On the way to the bridge, he saw some fascinating sleep along the way. Suddenly, he woke up suddenly, and there was no time to clean up the crew members who went to their posts.
And soon, Xiao Ran entered the bridge of the Yamato, and all the bridge crews were present except him. After nodding to everyone, Xiao Ran sat directly on the bridge that should belong to Okita. Thirteen, now it should barely belong to the position of Acting Captain Sanada.
As soon as he sat down, a huge screen fell in front of Xiao Ran, and the other captains also appeared on the screen.
"You should already know the situation now. Neo Zeon has already begun to attack Dhaka City." Xiao Ran finished speaking, and after seeing a few people on the screen nodded, he continued: "But I want to know the specifics of Dhaka City. Happening."
Everyone on the screen was silent for a while, and it was only a few seconds before Brad spoke: "Yes, we are already clear about the situation there. Neo Zeon is attacking Dhaka City, except for the previous meeting regarding the meeting. In addition to the normal defense forces, Dhaka City did not have any more military deployment and support. It is expected that the federal defense forces will be completely broken through at most 30 minutes, and by then Neo Zeon will be able to drive straight into Dhaka City."
"The most important thing is that, knowing that Dhaka City will be attacked by Neo Zeon, the federal side has not made any other arrangements for this, including such important things as the evacuation of civilians, that is to say, up to 30 minutes. Later, civilians throughout Dhaka City will be directly exposed to Neo Zeon fire."
"Yes." Tessa also took a deep breath and added: "It is not so much that Dhaka City does not have more defense forces, it is more that the Federation does not want to use its own power to defend Dhaka. City, just now Leonard got in touch with me and told me that the Federation did not have any conspiracy at all this time. The members of the Federation Assembly had all left when Neo Zeon appeared. The current federal defense line is just these powerful people. It's just a tool to fight for evacuation time."
"In other words, the Federation did not take the civilians in Dhaka City to heart at all, not only that... we also seem to be used by the Federation."
Brad also nodded lightly and sighed: "Yes, the Federation should have calculated our arrival. Just now I received a request from the Federation, or an order, let us immediately Go to Dhaka City to destroy the Neo Zeon troops that attacked Dhaka City. Of course, we don’t have to go, but the civilians in Dhaka City..."
"Heh." Xiao Ran suddenly smiled after hearing the words of Tessa and Brad. He seemed to be smiling happily, but no matter who it was, he could hear the coldness of Xiao Ran's laughter, and only Xiao Ran said. : "It seems that the Federation thinks it has mastered our culprit, knowing that some of us will definitely help those civilians, okay, then we will go."
Standing on the bridge, Sanada glanced at Xiao Ran, and then said loudly from the bridge: "Raise the anchor, set sail, and go to Dhaka City at maximum speed after emerging from the sea."
Everyone on the screen also nodded and gave the order to let the ship sail and the pilot to prepare for battle. After everyone was quiet again, Xiao Ran said: "Tessa, you and Leonard have Haven't grasped the movement of those congressmen and the evacuation route?"
Tessa froze for a moment, then nodded: "Give me some time to find out. I will also ask Leonard's amalgam for help."
"Very good." Xiao Ran nodded, and said calmly: "Now we will begin to arrange combat orders, Yamato, Arkham, and La Kairam go to Dhaka to stop Neo Zeon's military operations~ Son of Danu, the Ptolemy began to investigate the whereabouts of the members of the Federal Assembly, to confirm whether they were acting together or separately. No matter which kind, I ask you to catch as many of them as possible. , Yagenar No. 1 Squadron is responsible for assisting you in replenishing the shortage of manpower."
"Those who have violent resistance... solve it directly. Now I don't have the time to deal with these things that are not even garbage."
"Finally..." Xiao Ran looked at Brad on the screen and said after taking a look at the other person: "Clean up and prepare to announce the original constitution and dissolve the existing federation in the name of the orthodox federation. In the Federal Military District, the General Command issued a general order to allow them to accept the leadership of the orthodox federation. Those who refused were regarded as rebellious and I personally led the team to annihilate them."
When Brad heard what Xiao Ran said, his body suddenly stiffened, his breathing stopped instantly, and his heart felt like it stopped beating at that moment, but then his breathing became rapid, not excited, not happy, but tension.
"Is this a step now..." Brad took a deep breath, calmed down his nervous mood, and his expression slowed down a bit, but the clenched fist still explained the cloth. Ryder's heart is not what it seems to be.
"It's not that we have to go to this step, but we must take this step. We no longer have time to waste here." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Notify NERV and let Ikura Gento come over and preside over the overall situation immediately. Communicate with the headquarters of the various military regions, the headquarters of the general headquarters, as well as various regions, space colonization satellites, etc., and invite them to form a new orthodox federal assembly. To deal with these problems, Ikogento is comparable to ours. You must be good at it and be more patient."
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