Chapter 1708: Are you crazy?

As many of the mobile units of the Victory Fleet finally dispersed and rushed towards the Gamilas Fleet at full speed, the Gamilas Fleet also chose to retreat to deal with the assault of the Victory Fleet. A peculiar picture of more than a dozen airframes recoiling more than one hundred warships and pushing back more than one hundred warships appeared in the eyes of everyone present.
And the attack of more than one hundred warships has also undergone some changes due to the movement of these dozens of airframes. Just now Xiao Ran guessed that this Gamiras fleet should have a certain understanding of the Victory Fleet, and now this Gamiras The response method chosen by the Sri Lanka fleet just illustrates this point. They are very aware of the threats that these mobile units can bring when they approach them.
However, just a dozen of them together can’t compare to the size of one of their battleships, but while maintaining a retreat, the Gamilas fleet actually reduced the firepower that suppressed the fleet to only half. , And the half of the space left was all scattered to cover the dozen or so units.
All attacks are not aimed at accurate hits at all. They are clearly blooming on all sides just to block the assault routes of the dozen or so units, and they start to retreat at full speed while maintaining the direction facing the victory fleet, even Xiao Ran can clearly see In that group of Gamilas fleet, many warships are slowly opening a huge pod, revealing a huge round-headed item.
"That's it? The Star Bomb!?" Xiao Ran's eyes opened up suddenly, and he said in amazement, "Don't they worry that the star bombs downstream from such a distance will be hit by our attack and directly affect them!? "
The star bomb, a super missile similar to a reaction bomb in Xiao Ran's view, is powerful and contains an abnormal radiation that is extremely harmful to humans and terribly harmful to the environment, and even the entire new world of Earth They have been completely "remodeled". Of course, a two-star bomb is the same thing, but if there are a lot of them, it is really enough to cause headaches, and it should be regarded as the one used by Gamilas. A big killer.
However, in the situation where the two sides are fighting like this and still being used at such a distance, as Xiao Ran said, one or two is not enough to pose too much threat to both sides, but Xiao Ran saw that half. The Gamilas battleship that chose to continue suppressing its own fleet was very neatly posed to release the star bomb, so that once it detonated, there would be a chain reaction, whether it was for Gamilas itself or the victory fleet. All words will definitely be a threatening influence.
As for which side will be more affected, it really means that the luck of the other side is better and the distance to the other side is closer to detonate. Simply think about it, this situation is basically equivalent to the one-time release of the Burning Legion. The chain reaction caused by fifty large-scale reaction bombs is absolutely terrifying.
What's more, it is still in such a place, a place with a space gate, a space gate where the five people of Sanada, ancient times, Morisuki, Basac, and Luo have already started. Who knows if these planetary bombs are in the space gate. What are the amazing consequences of being detonated nearby? Will the space gate be damaged due to these planetary bombs and eventually there will be unpredictable serious consequences, such as the space channel, time and space become a black hole, sucking everyone in and then being What is thrown out neatly is considered good. If a terrible spatial shock is caused, either everyone is thrown into an unpredictable place or other world, or they are swallowed directly by the space, the consequences will not be so wonderful.
"Is the opposite person crazy? I just need to do this for testing and collecting data? What's the situation of putting on the appearance that everyone is dying together?" Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly flashed, and the golden light shot from his eyes instantly. No matter what the other party's plan is, Xiao Ran is not ready to be indifferent at the moment when the star bomb is revealed.
When the communication was turned on, Xiao Ran’s slightly indifferent voice immediately reached everyone’s ears: "What are you doing? Is it just that an enemy of this level is limited to the point where it’s hard to fight? The advantages of the empire were brought into play. All the drags were confined to the vicinity of the warships, and the delaying fighter planes gave up the advantages they should have obtained. It seems that after this battle, we have to conduct a strategic training for you?
"Cruzer, Barsac, Row, Graham, Nalo, seeing that those warships are not there, we must not let a star bomb affect us or the space gate below, and leave it to you."
"Oh, oh, that's really incredible." The eyes under Cruzer's mask also saw the star bombs exposed by the warships, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly and said: "I guess what they want to do. It’s an attack? It’s not like, in such an environment and distance, it should be a warning, a warning telling us to die together, which means threatening us not to get too close, ha ha, interesting.

Cruzer’s voice rang from all the cockpits and bridges of the entire fleet, and it immediately made everyone’s minds stunned, even the dozens of airframes that were conducting assaults and breaking through the fire blockade. Following Kluzer's words, the movements became a lot slower.
Graham said calmly: "The opponent has less than 60 warships showing missiles. Even if this number of missiles are detonated at the same time, it is likely to cause huge turbulence, but they can directly destroy the opponent. For the bridge it should temporarily relieve our pressure and get more time, but I need more people to cooperate."
Naluo’s body directly landed on the huge deck of the Burning Legion, and two brackets popped out from the special backpack behind him to fix Naluo’s body on the deck. The shoulders and waist were also erected for a total of four attacks. Sex weapons, the weapons in the hands also began to simply deform, following the two reverse folding into a very long and long beam sniper rifle.
There is also a blue brilliance in a pair of eyes: "I will sniper all abnormally moving star bombs, and I will never let a star bomb really leave the opponent's battleship."
Luo also said: "Barsack and I will cooperate with Graham in the advance, but there is no guarantee that we will be able to break the opponent's bridge in the first time."
On the Burning Legion, Maru also said: "All the micro missiles have been replaced with MED warheads. Once released, they should be able to effectively prevent the spread and influence of the star bombs. The large MED warheads are also ready to be completed. Bobby is here. I also began to prepare to transform and launch the cannon anytime.
"Very good." The golden light in Xiao Ran's eyes flashed, but there was not much emotion contained in it: "Ming, you lead all the summer flower teams to cooperate with Graham, Luo, Basac, and Kruze. Instantly, use Quantum You should be able to make teleportation, Angel, you and the first squadron of Yagenar all have space jumping capabilities, and you can also jump directly over. All of you can cooperate with this action. Remember, Destroy the opponent's bridge in a moment."
"This time it's your battle. I didn't want to intervene. But in such a situation, I have to take action. I will act with you, but it will only exist as your insurance, clear?"
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