Chapter 1725: Assault Legion's Intelligence

In the end, Leonard still silently accepted the task of trying to improve Sara’s favorability. Just like Luo said, you have to try to get in touch to know if you feel it, although Leonard doesn’t think he likes Sarah. That's it, but the improvement of the degree of affection does not require the aspect of affection to be improved. For example, the friendship between master and apprentice, the bond between friends, these are all within the scope of the degree of affection.
Like when Xiao Ran was in the seed world, didn’t Kira treat him well, Cruze placed all hopes on Xiao Ran, and his expectations for Xiao Ran didn’t also bring good affection. The two good friends of Xiao Ran and Luo are not yet full. The relationship between Xiao Ran and Graham can also reach the full value. Therefore, it is also possible to increase the favorability through methods other than love.
Leonard chose another way besides talking about love, that is teaching and fettering, and preparing to transfer Sarah to the Burning Legion, of course, because of the need to borrow Sarah’s technical skills. Then in the process seized the opportunity to establish a friendship between master and apprentice... But Leonard was not sure how much time he could stay in this world, nor was he sure whether he could return to this world, so the means and In terms of methods, I am afraid that some unconventional ones will be used.
As a result, Leonard thought of two people, Al Elf and Kluzer, one king of agents and the other a master of psychology. With the cooperation of these two people, all aspects of investigation, analysis, and monitoring were added. Pulling every move, analyzing the other party's psychology, deliberately guiding, in the end, it really has to be resigned, anyway, Leonard still feels that it is the guy who is really suitable to do this task.
How to do it, you can only take one step at a time. Anyway, Leonard has already decided in his heart to push Xiao Ran up at any time, betraying his hue and using beautiful men's tricks, especially when he plays with his feelings with others. Leonard really couldn't do it with his pride.
Xiao Ran didn't know what Leonard was thinking at this time, especially the idea that he was ready to throw him out of the tank at any time. After telling Leonard about this, he left without waiting for Leonard to recover. Going to Ganaku, went directly to the bridge.
On the bridge, Xiao Ran asked Maru to perform three shifts of the pilots guarding the Gamilas fleet, leaving one-third of the manpower to continue to monitor the Gamilas fleet, and the rest Then return to each ship to rest, so as not to reduce everyone's combat capability due to fatigue. If a new enemy suddenly appears, there is a possibility that some unforeseen circumstances will occur.
It’s worth mentioning that Xiao Ran dedicated the Flame Dragon, Canglong and Bilong three units driven by the Dragon Girl to the Burning Legion. The purpose is naturally to allow Leonard to have more with Sarah. The opportunity to contact, after all, is the first month to get close to the water. The more you contact, the faster your favorability will naturally increase. Otherwise, there will be no chance to connect, and that will increase Mao's favorability.
And if you want to raise the favorability to the threshold level, it is said that it is complicated and not complicated, and it is not easy to say that it is simple. The key is to see whether the two can get along and whether the affinity is appropriate. Maybe the favorability is directly full at first sight. Maybe the two of them couldn't be promoted for a long time without pleasing their eyes. This thing was beyond words, so in Xiao Ran's heart, whether she could really get Sarah into Prometheus, in fact, did not hold much expectation.
It didn’t take long for Al Elf and Saki to return to the Burning Legion. At the same time, they brought back a lot of information stored in the database of the Domel battleship, including text and video, not only the Assault Legion. On the one hand, even Gamilas has obtained some internal information, but there are not many secrets.
Think about it, after all, it’s impossible for just a general’s battleship to have confidential information about Gamiras. Even if a part of the information is about the Gamiras’ military divisions, it’s impossible for the whole of Gamiras. All of Sri Lanka's force distribution maps are in such a warship, so the value of the information about Gamilas is actually quite limited, that is, it can analyze a safer, faster, and safe route without interruption.
However, Xiao Ran was more concerned about the situation of the Assault Legion and the Overlord Legion, so Xiao Ran didn't care much about the information about Gamilas, and immediately read the information about the Assault Legion and the Overlord Legion.
A bunch of text files plus a bunch of video files. In the video files, there is a video of the Shock Legion suddenly appearing and then directly landed on Iskandar. There are also Shock Legion trailing out trying to attack Iskandar, but they are slightly caught by Nazi. After blocking, he was surrounded by Gamilas's fleet and finally stopped the attack, and Nazi also took this opportunity to flee directly.
At the same time, there are also video recording materials of the Assault Legion. Almost all battleships, airframes, etc. can be found in these video materials. In terms of text, UU reading describes in detail the number of battleships in the Assault Legion. The number of bodies that appeared, as well as the subsequent analysis of a large paragraph of text, and Domel’s signature, it seems that it should be a document that Domel recorded for analysis. As for why Domel did such a thing, the reason It was nothing more than that he didn't believe in the gang who attacked the legion.
In terms of battleships, the Shock Corps appeared in Iskandar and surrounded by more than 30 battleships, but there was only one battleship with a length of more than 600, and the others were only 150 to two. There are four types of battleships of the 150-meter class. They are not the conventional battleship types that Xiao Ran can often encounter. They are different from Zeon and from the Federation. They are neither zaft nor coalition, nor are they a Macross. The style of the world.
It’s another kind of ship that looks like a toy, it’s curved, and it’s designed with its own style. Needless to say, it must be a battleship produced in the X Gundam world, a double-layered artillery ship, which is like a huge plane but heavy. The cruise ship does not seem to have a high level of technology, but in general it looks relatively new and should pay attention to maintenance.
However, all of these warships have a very significant and the same feature, that is, all these warships have a huge muzzle and deployable cross-shaped flying wings. Xiao Ran understood this at a glance. What is the thing?
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