Chapter 1782: Absolutely cannot refuse

"The real fact is... the Burning Legion does not have only one faction territory, but four. We have four faction territory!"
"It covers the real, super, and fantasy technologies. It has a complete inheritance, special bloodline development methods, uh... Although this is not very useful, it is still under research and testing, and there are other messy things. Thing, but what I want to tell you is that the strength and background of the Burning Legion is definitely greater than what you want to come into contact with now, and it is bigger than you imagined. Oh, yes, there is also a branch of the Burning Legion in the super zone. The current development situation is pretty good, and if you join in on missions in the future, you will also have the opportunity to see them."
After listening to Xiao Ran's words, Na Zi was stunned, her face remained blank and sluggish for a long time without recovering.
"What did I hear just now, controlling an entire faction territory of the galaxy? There is such a strong faction territory? No, no, no, no, no, no, if the ability displayed by the new MACROSS level is in a certain amount, it is not impossible? "
"Four faction territories!? What!!! What did I hear just now!? The Burning Legion has four faction territories!? How is this possible! How is this possible!!! How could there be a legion with four factions? Territory this kind of thing!!!"
"Huh!? There are four faction territories, not to mention, these four faction territories still include the territories of the super, real, and fantasy three-zone technologies!?? No wonder, no wonder!!! I have always felt the Burning Legion before. No. Luo, Basac's body technology is somewhat different from that of the pure real system. The body used by the girl named Ryukino Saki doesn't look like a real body at that level. "
"That's it, that's the way... It turns out that the bodies of Basac and Luo are super-like bodies manufactured based on super-type technology. The body used by the girl named Ryukino Saki is basically a fantasy-type body. ...It turns out that this is the case. It turns out that the Burning Legion is really so powerful. There must be no water in the matter of their more than 20 A-level pilots."
"The super zone...There is also a branch in the super zone. This...this...With the support of the four camps, plus the support of the Burning Legion in the real zone, the development speed of the branch in the super zone will definitely be very high. Very fast, and if you encounter any critical situation that will lead to a legion battle there, use the full strength of the Burning Legion to suppress the final result... Even if the Super Division Legion is currently only a small legion, it definitely has the power of a super large legion. Strength."
After a long period of stunned, Na Zi returned to her senses, and then looked at Xiao Ran with a dazed expression, and muttered: "The Burning Legion, this is the real Burning Legion, isn't it? The Burning Legion is so powerful..."
"Yes, this is the real Burning Legion." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said to Na Zi: "The reason why I have to tell you after signing the non-disclosure agreement is because the Burning Legion is indeed special in many places. If you don't agree to join In the case of the Burning Legion, the impact of these leaks is really too great."
"You can face everything I told you with your own eyes in the future. Now whether you have a decision, whether you are willing to join the Burning Legion and become a subordinate legion, I hope you can give me the answer now."
Na Zi began to breathe deeply. After recovering from the sluggishness, the more she thought about the things Xiao Ran said, the more incredible she felt, and the more terrifying the Burning Legion's background. In this contrast, the Overlord Legion Except for her, an S-rank pilot, it seems that there is nothing else that Xiao Ran can see. Compared with the conditions of the Burning Legion, the Overlord Legion is really not worth mentioning.
"I agree." Na Zi nodded heavily, gritted her teeth and said: "I agree, if you can really treat the Overlord Legion as you said, I agree to make the Overlord Legion a subordinate Legion of the Burning Legion. The real subordinate legion confirmed by the legion management center and Prometheus."
Xiao Ran laughed all of a sudden, and laughed very happily. After shaking out the Burning Legion's background, the shock to people is definitely quite big. At this time, it is not just a matter of courage to refuse. These conditions are not only useful for the Overlord Legion, even for other Legions that Xiao Ran has contacted before, they are absolutely equally useful.
"On behalf of all members of the Burning Legion, I welcome the Overlord Legion to join our big family. I have to say that you made the best choice." Xiao Ran stood up and stretched out her right hand towards Na Zi, and Na Zi also quickly stood up and used Both hands held Xiao Ran's hand.
Immediately, Xiao Ran sent an agreement to Nazi to turn the Overlord Corps into a subordinate legion of the Burning Actually, there is no need to go back to Prometheus’ legion management center to proceed. , After the two legion commanders stand here to reach an agreement, it is natural to confirm, and they can also be recognized by Prometheus and the legion management center, as long as they return to the legion management center of Prometheus to make some settings and modify And confirm that even if all the procedures are completely completed, the work is not that complicated.
After Na Zi carefully checked the information Xiao Ran sent to her, Na Zi quickly chose to confirm it. The contents of the information also indicated that the Overlord Legion became the subordinate legion of the Burning Legion, the true subordinate legion. It means that the Overlord Legion has become a member of the Burning Legion when Nazi chooses to confirm.
The other is the equal treatment issues mentioned by Xiao Ran. Of course, there are also the current internal management mechanism of the Burning Legion, the mechanism of point exchange and so on. Some management and rules are exactly the same as those in the Burning Legion. These things are also in Na Zi's view. It should be obeyed, after all, the internal management mechanism and reward mechanism of the Burning Legion are indeed quite excellent.
The only thing that made Nazi a little stunned was that every member had to hand in a mission report after the mission was over. This thing really made Nazi a little stunned. She had never heard of one. The Legion will have such weird rules.
Perhaps seeing Na Zi’s expression, Xiao Ran also smiled and explained after Na Zi chose to confirm: "This report is a combat report. People with high levels are responsible for reviewing people with low levels. In special circumstances, I, Kluzer and the others will also review, and you will do something like this in the future. The point is to highlight the deficiencies of the enemy pilots in their missions or battles so that they can grow faster."
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