Chapter 2082: Miraculous

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Xiao Ran with all his skills activated not only entered a state of absolute saneness, but with the activation of his skills, the dawn tactical armor also began to explode with full power or even super power.
The originally jetted GN particle stream is already quite terrifying, but at this moment, the GN particle stream jetted by the tactical armor at the break of dawn is more like an endless ocean, which grows to the power of countless. The madly rolling green dragon directly dyed the starry sky green in the shortest time.
Looking at the universe from the earth, it is like a green galaxy descending on the earth, showing the earth a beautiful and dreamy scene.
The huge coverage area also allows all directions except the earth to notice this unusual scene. The moon and the gathering point of the Free ZAFT Army can all see a green spreading rapidly.
And Xiao Ran himself entered the quantum realm at this moment, leaving only a figure made of light in the cockpit of dawn.
Tie Gamanlans, who appeared very arrogant just now, watched the universe around him quickly change to another color, and countless bright spots of light enveloped the starry sky. He raised his left hand and wanted to hold these spots in his hand. , But he could only watch the light spot that had been held in his palm penetrated his body like nothingness.
He couldn't help being surprised: "This...what is this?"
Omega posted a heavy voice: "According to the analysis, this kind of light particles can effectively enhance this person's body performance and combat ability, and at the same time have a very strong interference ability, please be careful."
After hearing Omega's voice, Tejamanlans snorted in embarrassment, "Huh, with these light spots, I want you to see how good I am!"
But at this moment, countless light particles began to surging, and they soon enveloped the six Tigamans. The light and shadow in the dawn cockpit burst out with a powerful blue energy, making the dawn tactics The armor itself also shone with a blue light that was different from the dreamy green.
A burst of invisible fluctuations instantly appeared from the dawning tactical armor, locking six Tigamans separately, pouring them into their bodies with the power of the quantum domain and a terrifying special power and rushing to their brains and souls.
How terrible the quantum realm is. It is a special realm that can swallow all spirit and information. It also represents an infinite terrifying realm. Xiao Ran cannot explain to others what the impact of this realm will bring to people, but he can At this moment, these Tejaman felt personally.
In Xiao Ran’s normal state, quantum shock can already be regarded as a magical existence for those with low mental power. After Xiao Ran enters the quantum realm, he can use the power of the quantum realm to expand the power of quantum shock. Coupled with the motivation of Shang Nian, the quantum impact displayed at this time is simply terrifying.
Endless messy and useless spam just rushed into the hearts of the six Tigamans, rushed into their brains, and brought to these Tigamans a powerful burden that they could not cope with.
After Tegaman Lance was attacked by Xiao Ran’s quantum impact, his whole body suddenly began to tremble. Under this tremor, he couldn’t even make a sound. After trembling for more than ten seconds, his whole body suddenly began to tremble. After a shock, there was no movement of his head.
In addition to Tegaman Lance, only the subordinate Tegaman Daga of the superior grade did not last for more than ten seconds. The next second after being attacked by the quantum shock, the brain and heart collapsed completely. Became the first person to be brain dead.
Tejaman Ackles, Tejaman Sudu, these two superior Tiegamans had a longer time than Lance, and their resistance was greater, but they also knelt down. , Screaming in pain while curling their bodies and holding their heads. At this moment, their heads were about to explode. The infusion of countless information quickly assimilated their spirits and led them to endless nothingness.
In less than 30 seconds, the two Tigamans lost all their ability to act, Aks became a fool to command the smirk, and Su Du became a vegetative in the true sense, a vegetative who lost his soul.
The Omega battleship was also constantly shaking, and Ibiro also knelt down on one knee and hugged his head with a painful growl. Under Xiao Ran’s wave of quantum assimilation attacks that locked the six people, all six Tigamans were affected. Terrible impact.
Quantum Impact is a skill that Xiao Ran is very seldom practical. Under normal conditions, this skill does not have much utility. It can be used at critical times for unexpected purposes. As long as the enemy is distracted, Xiao Ran can make a decision. Victory.
However, he did not expect that the Quantum Assimilation Plus skill is fully activated, coupled with the power of the mind, after bringing the power of the quantum domain, the quantum impact skill will become so terrifying, let the four iron pluses before moving. Man became four living dead, and two others were uncomfortable.
Xiao Ran estimated that under this situation, it seemed that there was no need to fight. Continuously using Quantum Shock to scrub Omega and Ibiro would be able to collect the spoils after waiting for a while.
However, Xiao Ran can be regarded as feeling the biggest weakness of these Tigamans, that is, their mental power is terribly low, their sense of autonomy is very weak, and their will is not as high as that of many ordinary fighters who have been fighting for a long time. The soul in the body is fake but the soul is real. The real saying is that their soul, spirit and will are all affected by another thing and eventually become very weak, although there is It is strong on the outside but weak on the inside.
This result is actually very normal. These Tejamans were originally human beings, but they were human beings controlled and transformed by the Ladham forces. The spirit, thoughts and souls are all affected and changed by Ladham all the time. Let these Tegamans only control their powerful bodies with their weak souls, so that while these people can become their qualified fighters, it can also ensure that these Tegamans have no possibility of turning back.
Such a soul, spirit, and thought, compared to Xiao Ran, who can completely adhere to the self when he has entered the quantum realm, and can stick to his heart under the washing of information time and time again, it is too far, too far. Let Xiao Ran achieve such a miraculous effect with a quantum impact.
Although the use of quantum impact has yielded such a pleasant surprise, Xiao Ran's heart has not changed or fluctuated at all, and he has not relaxed because he has learned about the four Tigamans. Countless rays of light appear on this piece of quilt. In all the places covered by GN particles, dense light forms a light curtain, and all the alien beasts disappeared in this world in an instant.
(= one second to remember)
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