Chapter 2173: Brand new cell

After enjoying Shanamia's head massage with her eyes closed, Xiao Ran raised her hand and held Shanamia's hand to signal that she didn't need to continue. &1t;/
After Xiao Ran opened his eyes, Lux, who had been silently preparing for a long time, also asked Xiao Ran the doubts in her heart; "What did you know just now, did those clones have appeared on a large scale?" &1t;/
Xiao Ran shook his head. He did not learn about the large-scale emergence of clones from the memory of that fake Dongfang Undefeated, and that fake is just a brainwashed control. As for clones, it is true. There are some, but not as many as imagined. There are only a few, but the most important thing is to let Xiao Ran know who the controller is behind the scenes. &1t;/
"There is not much valuable information, but it is determined that the person behind the scenes controlling this guy is the Masaki Kihara. As for this cloned person, the memories in his mind are basically false memories, and they are all made. It’s just a memory."&1t;/
"It's just that this fake doesn't know if there are more clones, but if you have this information, you can at least ascertain the chaos and problems in the world now. Basically, you can't escape the relationship with Masaki Kihara. ."&1t;/
"More importantly, how much time it takes to cultivate a clone, Masaki Kihara, according to my understanding, the time it takes to cultivate a mature clone is definitely not as simple as a year and a half. But for that fake, I have my own memory for at least a year or so."&1t;/
"With the current time deducting one year, and then the time for Masaki Kihara to escape, there is not much time left in the process. I am wondering whether Masaki Kihara has now mastered a new kind of fast The method of creating human clones, whether this method can be used on a large scale, if possible, the power that Kihara Masaki now possesses is probably not that simple."&1t;/
"And without any information, a large number of clones, equipment, instruments, and materials have been created. There will be other people supporting Masaki Kihara in the future. Then there are many people in this world full of this possibility."&1t ;/
Lacus nodded and asked; "Will it be an armored dragon? Their behavior is also very strange."&1t;/
"It can't be from the iron armored dragon." Xiao Ran said with a smile: "If you talk about the hatred and hatred of Masaki Kihara, there are more people like the iron armored dragon than people in the world combined. It is absolutely impossible for them to compete with Masaki Kihara. If any contact is made, once I meet more, I will never die. I will send people to the iron armored dragon, and more is just a statement to the iron armored dragon. Of course, certain investigations and contacts are also necessary, otherwise, It won’t be those people who sent it over."&1t;/
There have been so many problems in this world. In fact, in the eyes of many people in this world, the Iron Armored Dragon Kingdom, which has completely closed off from the outside world, is actually the most suspicious, but in Xiao Ran’s opinion, they are the least suspicious, otherwise neither Two agents, Moses and Billy, will be sent, but two agents, Kane and Al Elf, will pass. &1t;/
There was a problem in this world. Xiao Ran had thought about whether it was Masaki Kihara before, but Xiao Ran had to think more, because Masaki Kihara could not do so many things alone. &1t;/
Lacus didn’t know that in Xiao Ran’s team, in the Burning Legion, everyone was responsible for the team or the legion. If it was to destroy and fight, Xiao Ran would send Basak, Zeng Jia, Graham, Amuro and others. In the past; and if it is to control, then Xiao Ran will send Uzès and Kane; if it is lurking, Kiliam and Ingram will be more suitable; and to make contact, of course Kruze is better ; Investigating the assassination and the like, it is also Kane and an Al Elf will be added. &1t;/
Moses and Billy have been with Xiao Ran for a long time. They belong to special personnel. They are a weakened version of Al Elf. They usually serve as Shiryllu’s escorts and bridge personnel. This time they were just one of them. The statement and appearance, although there is indeed the purpose of investigating the current situation of the iron armored dragon, but it is estimated that the iron armored dragon will be very cooperative, so it is enough to send Moses and Billy over. &1t;/
"The remnants of the previous Earth Coalition Government, the national forces on the earth that are not satisfied with the current situation, and the alien Gurats, in fact, their possibility is greater. Not surprisingly, it is estimated that there are so many in the new government. Some people have become traitors, and the reason why they haven't completely messed up is actually just a matter of timing."&1t;/
Xiao Ran continued: "After all, the earth is still under the peep of alien threats. The Ladham civilization, the infinite empire, and even Guratus, have Obu, Fry, and the iron triangle of P1ant inside to stabilize the earth The situation, more importantly, is that Freeh’s position is more natural and stronger, and a certain degree of closure is maintained so that Freeh’s intelligence will not leak out at all. Before the iron triangle is completely messed up, there is no one. Dare to jump out like a fool."&1t;/
"But this time, my return has given those interested people a chance to make a fake Dongfang undefeated. To be honest, this fake does have the idea to kill but it's fundamentally. I didn’t plan to do it now. It is estimated that I will wait until Freeh’s internal situation is fully understood, but they did not expect that I am not only effective when I operate the body."&1t;/
Lux and Shanamia nodded, and Shanamia's eyes showed concern: "Will those people continue to target Free and you in the future?"&1t;/
"If they lose this opportunity, they will never have a chance again." Xiao Ran's mouth curled up, and said: "My army is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It won't be long before, those guys who secretly plan some conspiracy. They will all be found out, not to mention the ineffective conspiracy has no effect at all."&1t;/
Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang, Xiao Ran directly pressed the speakerphone, Luo's voice rang in the room: "Xiao Ran, that thing has been tested, and there are some interesting things, do you want to know." &1t;/
Xiao Ran shook his head: "Well, now is not the time to create suspense."&1t;/
"Well, this thing is a variant of dg cells. I have compared the dg cells we have, and the similarity reached 90%, but this thing is not just a pure dg cell. dg cells are metal. A kind of cell, but this brand new dg cell is a kind of biological cell. In other words, someone has used the dg cell technology to create it in a biological cell way. I am now conducting more tests and comparisons. Randall has already taken over the rest of the work. He will notify you directly if there is news."&1t;/
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