Chapter 2334: Hateful person

Lulu Xiu, who was still in the car, turned around and glanced at Xiao Ran's back, but then he saw a clean-dressed girl with long hair smiling at him three to five meters away, with two pistols in his hands. He held it in his hand casually like a toy, and looked directly at him without a little bit of dread. On the contrary, the smiley expression seemed to be full of threats.
At such a close distance, and with Xiao Ran facing her back, a young woman who seems to be weak but Lelouch knows to be powerful just looked at his eyes without covering up, and at this moment, Saki was so distant. It was quite close again, and this immediately caused an impulse in Lelouch's heart, wanting to control Saki to achieve the goal of killing Xiao Ran.
The eye that has been engraved with the GEASS rune has begun to flicker, and in the next second, he can directly apply his GEASS ability to Saki, and kill him who is now carrying him, threatening him, and wanting to control him. Lu Xiu'.
The weather, the right place, the harmony of people, everything seems to be telling Lelouch that you should hurry up and use your ability to control that girl, and there seems to be an inexplicable voice in your ears telling Lelouch that if you don’t do this, you will have to do it again next time. Without such an opportunity, his most distressed sister will also fall into the hands of'Lelouch'.
Then, Lelouch made no hesitation and decisively made the most appropriate choice at this time: "GEASS! Obey my order, kill the people around you and commit suicide!"
Ryukino Saki's expression suddenly changed. He raised two pistols in both hands and pointed them in Xiao Ran's direction. Lu Lu Xiu was surprised when he saw this scene, while CC next to him changed his face and looked at Lu Lu Xiu in shock. Glancing at the back of Xiao Ran and Saki's eyes instantly.
However, the development of the matter far exceeded Lu Lu Xiu's expectation. After Saki raised the pistol, there was no movement for a long time. Xiao Ran also turned around at this moment to look at Lu Lu Xiu, and at the same time gently nodded: "Sure enough, you did not live up to my expectations, nor did you disappoint me. You are the Lelouch who will use it as long as he can grasp a little opportunity. I am more certain that I must keep the checks and balances of your existence by my side. The sense of fulfillment just after gaining strength makes you believe too much in your abilities, and it really affects your calmness and observation."
"If you can notice more things, you should know that you don't know enough about us, let alone have the opportunity to control any of us."
Saki put down the pistol, slightly tilted his head casually, and said at this time: "That feels a bit strange. It really took me a second to lose consciousness. It's completely different from mental shock. That kind of symptom is a feeling that is naturally affected. He can clearly hear his voice wanting to order me to kill you and then commit suicide."
Xiao Ran nodded as if no one said: "I have felt it. It is just a kind of consciousness shielding and modification. It is no different from hypnosis. It just starts to work directly from the spirit. If you have a strong personal will and a strong spirit, you have the ability to learn from this ability. For ordinary people, I have at least a few ways to solve the impact of this ability on others. The easiest way is to let others see the illusion of achieving the goal, and deeply believe that it is In reality, this can be done easily."
Lulu Xiu's face suddenly paled. The conversation between Xiao Ran and Saki made him understand something. Just now Xiao Ran deliberately turned his back to him, and Saki faced him. The reason was that he had to actually try his. Whether the ability can affect the two of them, but the current results have fully explained the outcome.
More importantly, in Lelouch’s opinion, this first use not only did not have any effect, but also allowed his'collaborators' to clearly understand the strength of his abilities, confirming that his abilities were not effective against them. It worked and was found a way to crack the ability. In the end, he took the initiative to throw away the only tiny bit of deterrence he had.
CC calmly walked to the side door of the cargo box, leaving a sentence and actively left the cargo box: "They are not ordinary people, they have a stronger existence than you, and there is another one who can protect the girl. If she is not affected by the ability of Geass, I will contact you."
"Let's go." Xiao Ran glanced at C.C, and then said to Lelouch: "I will wait for you at Suzaku's house. If it were you, I should be able to find it easily."
After saying this, Xiao Ran turned around and took Saki and CC to leave, and watching the back of a man and a woman leaving, Lulu Xiu also tightly squeezed his fist, gritted his teeth and said softly: "If there is a chance, I will kill you, I will."
Since leaving the empire incognito, Lelouch has almost never felt that he was ashamed as he is today. From beginning to end, another person has completely mastered all the initiative, and he has no way to compete with it. , Everything, everything fell under the other party's calculations.
This is how you gain strength now, what you are going to do next is the same, and then you have to hand over your sister to the other party, even the other party said that he was going to wait for him at Suzaku's house. He couldn't refute it at all, and there is no such thing. Power to refute, the only attempt and the first time to use GEASS also ended in failure. This not only really hit his inexplicable arrogance and self-confidence, but also affected Lelouch’s views on the capabilities of GEASS, which was boring. Power is also useless power.
However, the words Xiao Ran said made him remember. The key to how much power can be exerted depends on him. Even if he is too weak, he can't play the role of a weapon even if he holds a weapon.
"Hey." Lelouch gritted his teeth and glanced at Suzaku who was in a coma, and finally raised his head and took out a communicator from his arms, a communicator that could contact the resistance army. After a while, he was silent. Lulu Xiu put away the communicator and walked into the cockpit on his own initiative, looking at the rebel member who was still in a coma, and without wasting time, he directly supported the opponent and carried him behind him, step by step slowly. Slowly left the truck and walked quickly towards the darkness.
"From the time Suzaku discovered the truck to now, it should have been the first time that the information about finding the truck was sent back, and then the woman will leave afterwards. Those gunshots represent the battle between the girl and the emperor who was subsequently reinforced. But the girl came back safely, which means that the emperor who came here for reinforcements should be completely destroyed."
"Although it is not clear how many emperors are reinforced, the gunshots that sounded just now are extremely dense. The girl can easily solve an entire reinforcement team. The power she has is really very powerful, but then the emperor is I haven’t received any feedback from reinforcements in a short period of time. I will definitely continue to send more people over for inspections in the first time. I have to leave here as soon as possible. I’ll probably be with the empire’s troops at a later date. Hit."
"The next thing I want to do is to return this guy to the rebel army, but why did that want me to do such a meaningless thing, and to solve the current emperor’s massacre, what does he want to do and why To help the rebels that are useless, what is the situation on the ground now, and I have to find someone to test my ability again. Damn it, why is there no such ability in front of those two people? Any use!"
"Huh, by the way, this guy carrying him is really heavy. Taking him with him for a long time will only affect me. I must first find a safe place to put him down. After all this is solved, or in After mastering the dominance, let the people who resisted the organization come and look for him."
Lelouch was walking with the unconscious driver on his back and thinking, but after walking on for a while, he couldn't compare with Suzaku's body, and he felt that he was about to be unable to continue with the unconscious driver. Too far, in terms of wisdom, Lulu Xiu is definitely a first-class existence in this world, but in terms of physical fitness, it is just a most ordinary student, except for GEASS, which is more spiritual. Besides, the body is simply weak.
After finding a seemingly safe place, Lelouch put the unconscious driver down, and used the surrounding environment and rubble to cover the driver, which made the dragging easier. He continued to move forward and quickly climbed onto the ground from the underground passage.
But just as soon as his head came out, the intensive gunfire rang in Lelouch’s ears again, and Lelouch quickly buried his head in fright, and slowly stretched out his head to look near the passage where he came out. At first sight, countless corpses were lying on the ground. A group of soldiers wearing special uniforms were not hesitating to kill civilians who were running around without the slightest ability to resist with their weapons.
After seeing this scene, Lu Lu Xiu sneered in his heart, but at the same time an inexplicable sorrow came out: "The Empire? The Guards? Oh, even this kind of slaughter of unarmed people has been done so naturally. , Such a country must be destroyed!"
Suddenly, a voice rang in Lelouch's ear: "Who is there!"
"Wait a minute!" Lelouch immediately yelled, raised his hand and slowly stood up from where he was crouching, calmly and actively said: "I am a Butalian! There is something that can find terrorists."
"Huh?" Several imperial soldiers in red uniforms immediately surrounded Lu Lu Xiu. After seeing the uniform he was wearing, they all showed hesitating expressions, but they did not put down their weapons. .
While these soldiers looked at Lelouch, Lelouch also looked at the current situation without a trace, counting the number of soldiers in his eyes, but soon, a person who was obviously the same as the team leader. He took a pistol and walked in the direction of Lulu Xiu.
After the team leader took a look at Lu Lu Xiu, there was a grinning expression on his face: "Student, nobleman? It's a pity, your luck appeared in a place that shouldn't be there, what happened here today No matter who you are, your life ends here. As for what you say, I will take it from you after you die, but as an aristocrat, it’s another one. A student, I think His Royal Highness will definitely compensate you after your sacrifice."
"Really." Lelouch sighed slightly, and looked up at all the soldiers in front of him: "I originally thought that he would be able to pass through this way. That is to say, the really ordered to be in this area. Everyone is ordered to kill."
"GEASS! Obey my orders! Suicide in front of me."
The actions of all the soldiers facing Lelouch suddenly stopped, but then everyone put on a hideous smile on their faces, pointed their weapons at their necks, and shouted. After an empire’s slogan, they shot bullets into their heads, blood was splashed, and the soldiers who had become corpses fell one after another, and Lu Lu Xiu who saw this scene finally showed his face for a long time. Unseen smile.
"Power, powerful power, the power that can make people obey my orders unconditionally, what an intoxicating feeling." The excited expression flashed on Lelouch's face, because he thought of the two pairs again. His power turned a blind eye to the useless bastard, and he couldn't help but bit his teeth again: "How can the power that can only deal with these be regarded as real power, bastard, my power has no effect on those two guys. You must not let this power confuse yourself. If two people can resist this power, then more people will be able to resist."
Not to mention the fact that Lulu Xiu here is about to help the rebellion situation after solving a pair of After Xiao Ran and Saki left with CC, they left almost without hindrance. In this chaotic civilian area, the entire process perfectly bypassed all the emperors, and then re-entered the urban area calmly and steadily.
And until this time, a small group of three people in silence finally had some movement.
"C.C, you can use your CODE ability to give as many people as GEASS the ability."
Xiao Ran looked back at C.C who was following him, and asked the question he most wanted to understand in a calm and indifferent way.
And C.C just glanced at Xiao Ran calmly, and slowly turned his head away, but didn't mean to answer Xiao Ran's question at all.
Xiao Ran didn’t feel anxious or embarrassed when he saw this scene. He just smiled and said,
CC, I don’t know if you have truly felt lonely in the years of endless life, but if you are unwilling to cooperate, I think you will definitely feel the kind of being in a very righteous lonely, eternal darkness, endless loneliness, a body that wants to die but can’t die, I can guarantee that, at least for the next few thousand years, you will always Only these things can be touched."
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