Chapter 2482: False feeling

There is no reason why Corgi did not believe in Xiao Ran's remarks. After all, the geass ability demonstrated by Lulu Xiu has proved that they have the ability to control others, and Xiao Ran said that he has the similar ability to make people surrender. With the power of the king, it won't be difficult to conquer the war zones on all sides.
When Xiao Knight wandered around, it would be equivalent to receiving his own hands from one place to one place, and Charles, as Emperor of Butaria, personally gave Xiao Ran the best opportunity to get in touch with the empire. The best opportunities for military forces and bases in important theaters along the border.
As for the Knights of the Round Table, in the eyes of the participants of the Scarlet Knights like Corgi, it can be said that all the Knights of the Round Table except Knight Xiao are not worth mentioning, that is, just a few ordinary people who can be disposed of at will. Follow Xiao The Cavaliers will end up in such a situation that Charles Meat Bun will never return.
And the reason why I was reluctant to be polite before, and I was able to settle down and follow Charles’s arrangements to do something. This is also entirely because the Scarlet Knights really need to use the place in Butaria. Talia did too much internally that affected his own development, but this did not mean that the people of the Scarlet Knights really had too much respect for the so-called Knights of the Round Table and Emperor Charles.
However, knowing that this world is also incredible, and that it can absolutely affect the extraordinary power of the participants, Corgi's mind has become a little calmer. Knowing that the participants are not invincible in this world, they will definitely do things. Become more cautious, especially when facing the more unfathomable Xiao knight, they have already joined the coup party of Lelouch, they are also more eager in their attitude, and various guarantees will definitely cooperate fully. Any actions of His Royal Highness and Xiao Knight, but also only hope that His Royal Highness can come up with a batch of materials they need to replenish them as soon as possible, so that they can quickly increase more combat power.
As for the body, Xiao Ran did not take the body away on the spot, or even saw any body at all, but Xiao Ran did not force Corgi to take the body out now, or let him see this, as a participant. Xiao Ran is also very clear. It is estimated that at such a time, even the Scarlet Knights may not have the ability to really immediately take out a machine and place it in front of him, and it is absolutely impossible to put the machine in front of him and Lelouch. Get it out, so now is not the right time.
Moreover, the transfer of the body cannot be carried out directly now. The fact that the Scarlet Knights provide the body as a bet is approved by the Emperor Charles, and Bimax has always been in charge, so even if the Scarlet Knights want to hand over the body, it is also The Scarlet Knights will only take out the machine and give it to Xiao Ran only after Charles has delivered the supplies promised to them.
This is not because the Scarlet Knights are stingy and stingy. In fact, in the current situation, it is not impossible for Corgi to take out a machine directly and give it to Xiao Knight. After all, the two parties are already on one side, but they are still external. To create a situation where the Scarlet Knights were dissatisfied with Knight Xiao, naturally they couldn't take out the body so easily.
Moreover, Corgi really does not have enough resources for Xiao Ran to unseal a suitable mecha from his legion. What kind of mecha and what level of mecha should be unsealed to Knight Xiao, Corji himself They all felt that they needed to think about it, so the matter of the body was temporarily delayed.
When Xiao Ran and Lu Lu Xiu left the Scarlet Knights' resident, Corgi took the people to send them out of the garrison personally. Then Xiao Ran stopped them and let these people watch them disappear into the night. .
When he was completely far away from the Scarlet Knights' resident and returned to the place where the few people met before, Lulu Xiu got out of breath and sat on the rock with his ass, and all the sweat on his forehead burst out, pulling his clothes. The collar looked at Xiao Ran with an extremely unbelievable gaze, unsure, not sure, unbelievable, and said:
"Is this all right?"
"That's it." Xiao Ran nodded gently, and slowly squatted in front of Lelouch and patted his shoulder: "This is enough. From now on, as long as you are Butaria The prince is the next emperor, and the Scarlet Knights will definitely follow your orders."
Lelouch was stunned, shaking his head and rubbing vigorously: "But this is incredible. It's so simple to subdue the Scarlet Knights? And nothing happened? It was so simple? They didn't even doubt it. Accepted our request?"
"I still can't believe it. Although geass has been imposed on them, it is reasonable to be relieved, but they are really so willing to help us? Don't you think they are untrustworthy?"
"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded affirmatively again, and said: "These people are the most typical group of speculators. As long as they have enough benefits, they will definitely move in the direction of benefits, and you can bring them. More benefits, so they choose to support you without hesitation, but if one day you can’t give them the benefits they want, and it becomes their obstacle, then they may kick you without hesitation. open."
"As for whether they are worthy of trust, at least it is totally worth it for now, and you have already imposed geass on them. From this point of view, even if you don’t trust them, you should also trust your own abilities. After you use your abilities on them, in fact, they have no possibility of betrayal. At least before you are pushed to the throne, until you find a way to disarm Geass, they are unlikely to betray."
"Furthermore, in the situation just now, it is obvious to them that we have overwhelmed them. From the beginning when they were unsure of your identity and willing to communicate with you, they have completely lost their grasp of the situation since then. Everything is dragged into our hands, and when they recognize your identity, agree and accept your geass, then they are tantamount to actively sending their power to our hands, and now they As long as you do have the identity of a prince, then nothing is a problem."
Lelouch was stunned, and shook his head again: "Of course I know the power of geass. If we do it step by step with the ability of geass, and control it one by one, then I might not have this. It’s clear that all of this has been done, but it’s like the feeling of the moon in the mirror, but just like that, they only talked about it, and even they still actively asked me to exert the ability of geass, which made me feel a little too vain, you just Don’t worry that they are also immune to my geass abilities, just like you? And then betray us at the most critical time?"
Xiao Ran raised his brows. Lu Lu Xiu felt that all this was too simple, so he felt false and could not believe it. However, Xiao Ran could understand him. After all, these things happened so smoothly. Moreover, the existence of his example of geass ability immunity does make Lulu Xiu, who has been used to being cautious and accustomed, feel unreal, and he is not sure whether the people of the Scarlet Knights are really trustworthy.
Xiao Ran wanted to understand this. After a little silence, he said: "You can rest assured that their mental power is not strong enough to ignore Geass, so you don't have to worry about this, and even for Sakurashi, they From now on, I will obediently cooperate with all our actions."
Lu Lu Xiu nodded, he believed in Xiao Ran's words, and Lu Lu Xiu also had sufficient confidence in his geass ability, not to mention what Xiao Ran said, if the Scarlet Knights need more Sakura Shi, it is definitely more appropriate to work with them than with Charles.
After calming down for a while, Lelouch gradually began to calm down, and asked: "Then what are you going to do next, as you said, take advantage of this opportunity to go to various war zones to control those as much as possible. Regions, but this is also a good thing, at least it can maintain the state of the border when there are huge changes within the country."
"But in District Eleven, I really want to get more Sakura Stones from District Eleven. It is not a simple matter for us, and now you have a Knight of the Round Table arranged by you to mine Sakura Stone. In the region, the Black Knights alone can't get Sakura Stone from them, and they can't get Sakura Stone by seizure, otherwise the Scarlet Knights will doubt whether we really control the Eleventh District. "
"Furthermore, the mining scale of Sakura Stone is also limited. If I want to divide the existing Sakura Stone mining share and give it to the Scarlet Knights, I have no way to do it for the time being. Even Euphelia does not have the right to allocate it. Sakurashi's quota."
Xiao Ran stood up and nodded gently: "So next, we need to truly fully control the Eleven Districts, at least control the Sakura Stone mining area, and mine more without affecting the current mining quota. The Sakura Stone is handed over to the Scarlet Knights. It is not that difficult in terms of your geass ability. The only thing that is difficult is how to cover up all this and treat it as nothing happened."
"Geass..." Lelouch lowered his head and squeezed his fist lightly, and whispered, "Is it still necessary to control more people..."
Xiao Ran groaned, "After you go back, you can make a good plan. I will also come up with a proper way as soon as possible. The deputy governor of the 11th district is now ours. If there is any situation, he will give his all his strength. The support of Eufelia is only from Eufelia's side... it is better to keep her from her. If it doesn’t work, we can only make a time difference and give the now mined Sakura Stone to the Scarlet Knights to improve their combat power. , Can also be regarded as an expression of our sincerity."
"After this batch of Sakura Stones that should be delivered to the empire is found to be in deficit, it is estimated that the emperor of this country has also been replaced by that time. By then, these small issues will not matter. In this case, what you need to consider is what Transport these cherry stones to the Scarlet Knights. As for the Knights of the Round Table, just control him and recognize you as the only emperor."
Lelouch nodded, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face: "I think about it."
Xiao Ran did not speak any more but raised his head. A black deformed fighter plane emitting green light particles slowly landed not far from the two of them. When the cockpit cover of the fighter plane was opened, Ryukino Saki also jumped from inside. I came out and walked to Xiao Ran's side, first glanced at the two of them, and then smiled slightly: "Is the matter finished?"
"Yeah." Xiao Ran smiled at Ryukino Saki, and said: "It's almost there. The Scarlet Knights will join the Lelouch's camp from now on, and we will fully cooperate with us to push Lelouch up. Throne."
Saki squinted her eyes and smiled, and she was able to draw close in the current mission situation. No, it should be said that it was deceived to obtain a legion with more combat power to use as her own power. That would help her and Xiao Ran. It is very big At the same time, it can influence this legion to do more things, and it can better hide Xiao Ran and her true identity behind the shadow of the Scarlet Knights.
And with the help of the Scarlet Knights, it will also bring more convenience to Xiao Ran’s control of Butaria. Once Lulu Xiu takes the position of the emperor, the resources of the entire empire will be completely free. Under Xiao Ran's control, as for Lulu Xiu who might become the emperor? Or Nanaly who was treated by Xiao Ran, or Euphylia, the governor of the 11th district, no matter which of these three became the true ruler of Butaria, there was still no way to escape. With Xiao Ran's influence and behind-the-scenes control, it is actually equivalent to Xiao Ran's control of the entire country.
With the full support of the entire Butaria, and with the help of the Scarlet Knights who had been deceived by Xiao Ranhuyou into a second fool, the threat posed by the other participating legions would become very small. Young, the Scarlet Knights will become the most natural, fearless and brave shield, and will gain the most time for Xiao Ran's true purpose.
As long as the body Xiao Ran needs is manufactured, and all the military forces of the entire Butaria are assembled, all the legions participating in this mission will tremble at the feet of Xiao Ran, feeling the fear and shadow brought to them by the Great Demon. Anyone who dares to resist can only face an ending that is impossible to win.
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