Chapter 2681: enter

"Quest World: God of War King Kong.
"Mission difficulty: unknown."
"It has been synchronized with the language of this world, and the language and characters of this world have been automatically converted into your native language. After you leave this world, you will lose this ability."
"This mission is a special army battle mission. You will face the challenges of twenty-five legions at the same time until you win the final victory."
"There will be no main missions in this mission. Your only main mission is to win this war."
"In this mission, you can choose the forces you want to join. After joining, the enemy legions will not be able to join by choosing the same forces."
Xiao Ran, who opened his eyes, slowly straightened up, and then stood up from the chair he was sitting on.
The flagship new Burning Legion is a 20,000-meter-class new ship, and the first flagship-class warship to roll off the assembly line before. However, the size of the bridge is not more than ten times that of the original Burning Legion, but only the original. It’s only 2.5 times. With the assistance of Super AI, the bridge staff can control the entire warship smoothly with only so much, but the crew capacity of the entire warship is still much larger than that of the original Burning Legion. In particular, the number of pilots carried far exceeds that of the Burning Legion.
The other four new flagships are Luna and Helios. These two are the warships named by Xiao Ran himself. The last two warships are the Amalgam and the Akashia Sword, which are confirmed according to the flagship naming method. , Representing two different worlds, as for the previous Zeon, New Gior and other warships, these names will be given to the new flagships when the next batch of new flagships are off the assembly line.
When Xiao Ran wakes up, it also means that the people sitting around him also wake up. Maru, Shiryllu, Saki, Cruze, Luo, Basac, Al Elf, Jagus, Graham, Nalo After all the people in the team opened their eyes, it also had to add that the extras were not even followers, they could only be regarded as props, but they belonged to the life form and were bound to Xiao Ran.
Maru nodded calmly, picked up the communicator at hand and put it to her ear: "Everyone is in position and enters the post as soon as possible. The whole ship will immediately start self-checking work to confirm the fleet situation and calculate the current position, and the whole army will enter the third combat readiness. status."
This time, there are more than a thousand new types of warships of various types in the battleships that follow the regiment, and there are more than ten times the number of old warships, including the class and all other warships owned by the regiment. The total number has reached more than 10,000. It is divided into five fleets, led by five new flagships, and the new Burning Legion is the flagship of the five fleets.
At the same time, there are also home fortresses that have been brought out for use again. As for the new cosmic fortresses, they are only less than half completed, so naturally it is impossible to join this mission.
And the number of the entire fleet has reached nearly 20 million. The tens of millions of troops don’t laugh at all. Among these many people include ship personnel, pilots, members of the landing force, logistics personnel, intelligence personnel, and technical personnel. Service personnel, medical personnel, etc., alive in the universe is a small wandering country with extremely complete facilities.
The fleet composed of the huge number of warships is simply dense, and the flashing lights of various colors also illuminate a large area of ​​the universe. That's the number of warships, but the number of units this time can only be described as terror.
At this scale, Captain Tetsuya cannot command an entire large fleet. He can become an excellent captain but cannot become a truly excellent strategist. He can be the commander-in-chief of the five major fleets. A true big-time strategist also has a high reputation.
At the same time, the command levels of the five major fleets are all composed of the original conspirators, careerists, strategists and outstanding captains from each world. Uzès was pulled out to lead a large fleet.
This guy was overconfident when he didn’t join the Burning Legion. After joining the Burning Legion, he became less tuned, but as the final boss, he is absolutely top-notch in terms of strategy as long as his brain is normal. There are other people assisting, and there are Ma Liu and Xiao Ran on it, and they are not worried about problems.
Then there is Uncle Rebir, who is also the top strategic commander. Although Rebir did not join in many missions, he is still the top commander, and he has been in the Burning Legion for so long since he was an ordinary person. Awakening has become a new human being, and its ability has been enhanced again, and it has also cultivated many outstanding talents for the Legion.
The third person is Jeffrey. This is an excellent captain and a person with eyes that can see through the truth. He is also a captain of a participant who has experienced many missions, and the mode of action of the participant is also the same. Extremely understanding and possessing the ability to lead an army.
The fourth is the Captain of the Great Iron, who has excellent command ability and rich qualifications. At the same time, he has won the trust of many people in the steel dragon team and the og world. In fact, there are people with outstanding commanding ability in the legion. Excellent. There are many commanders in the 0079 world with superior talents, but Datie’s ability to judge is very good, and he is extremely serious and strict in doing things, but the most important thing is the issue of trust, so he was elected as the No. Four commanders.
As for the five commanders, including Maru, there are also many people underneath. The individual's ability should be more manifested in the courage, determination and trustworthiness, and the assistant commander assists. The really thorny issue is that the numerous staff members and the entire fleet command class are jointly handling.
All more than 10,000 warships are divided into these five large fleets, and each large fleet is divided into five strengthened fleets. There are excellent commanders at all levels and levels to operate the entire fleet.
However, the consumption of life created by so many people is also extremely terrible. What a terrifying amount of materials that are enough for 20 million people to live, so for Xiao Ran, it is quite necessary to find a real stronghold as soon as possible, and this stronghold is Xiao Ran. His eyes are placed on the earth of this world, and it is also a top priority to discover where other forces are through the earth to obtain more supplies.
As for the world of War God King Kong where this mission is located, Xiao Ran certainly knows what God of War King Kong is, and it is also a large mission world that can be placed in the entire galaxy. Even now many people in the legion know it, but it is just like Gundam. There are multiple versions, the old version, the new version, the US version, the Japanese version, and the world view is different to a certain extent.
So the first thing to do now is to confirm which one is the current mission world, and then use this to get more opportunities. As for the original plot, Xiao Ran thinks it’s not a big deal. Whether it’s a lion robot, it’s still messy. The robots assembled by the gadgets are not a problem, and even the evil forces facing the two robots are not a problem.
In front of a total of twenty-six legions this time, all the forces that originally existed in this world are not worth mentioning, and it is not the late stage of Tianyuan breakthrough. You have to pay attention to this and that, what this world originally exists. Everything will only become an unimportant supporting role, and the world that has been messed up by the participants will no longer have their first days, but if you go with the flow and meet those five steel lions and a bunch of messy things, Xiao Ran will also Don't mind collecting these lions and submitting them to the Technical Department for research and research. Maybe in the future there will be huge robots composed of battleships in the Legion?
The self-inspection of the entire fleet is proceeding very quickly. After all, this is a fleet that has experienced many times. It didn’t take long for the final summary result of the entire fleet to be handed over to Maru. Of course, everything is normal without any problems. , Prometheus did not make a burning legion on the demon pit.
After getting the result, Ma Liu nodded to Xiao Ran: "Everything in the entire fleet is normal."
Xiao Ran asked, "Where are the coordinates, have they been calculated?"
Maru said: "It has been calculated, you can jump to the earth at any time."
Xiao Ran groaned and said, "Go to the edge of the solar system near Pluto for a short stay, to further confirm the relevant situation of the earth and figure out which world we are in before making the next step."
Maru once again picked up the communicator and told the entire army: "Target Pluto, the coordinates of the jumping location must be the most accurate. From now on, the entire army is dedicated to the second combat readiness state, and all pilots board the plane and stand by."
Xiao Ran took the first two steps, clapped his hands, and presented a large interactive virtual projection in front of him. In the projection of a starry sky, he found his current position and the position of the earth, and then guessed that the pair of anti-Burning Legion. What kind of position the Confederate Legion will probably be in now, and where will it possibly meet next, and the earth is a place with a very high probability of encountering.
The preparation for the jump progressed very quickly. It didn't take long for the entire fleet to be ready for the jump. When the taillights of the warships began to advance slowly, the home fortresses also accelerated gradually under the impetus of the huge force, and countless densely packed. The purple hole appeared in front of the fleet, illuminating the surrounding universe more eye-catchingly.
I don’t know how long it has been. Many purple holes have appeared near Pluto in the solar system. There are countless large and small. A warship quickly rushed out of it, and then continued to slide for a certain distance before stopping quickly. More than 10,000 warships are very orderly regardless of the entry and exit. No matter how large the number of warships is, the formation of the entire fleet has not been damaged at all, and the process of continuous gushing from the fold channel is accompanied by a huge channel slow. Slowly disappeared and ended.
Immediately after the jump, Maru issued a new order again as the commander-in-chief: "All members turn on the mirage system to hide the total, release the reconnaissance force to spread the surrounding situation, and upgrade to the first combat readiness state from now on."
There was no problem with Maru's orders. There was no radical and he chose the most conservative way, which was to send a team of investigators to investigate the surrounding situation while hiding his whereabouts to avoid the possibility of so many warships being discovered.
Xiao Ran raised his hand: "Send a small-class ship to the earth to investigate the situation there. It must be as detailed and complete as possible."
Maru nodded and issued Xiao Ran's order, and directly asked Kane to lead a warship to investigate the situation. Cruze also walked over at this time and looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "Are you going to occupy the earth?"
"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded, and said: "The consumption of materials is too big to last long, so there must be a stronghold as a logistics base."
The corner of Kluzer’s mouth was raised: "If it’s a world with a new prefix, it shouldn’t be a big problem. Based on the analysis of the data you gave us, the earth’s technology level in this world should probably only be within the range of the solar system. Immigration from the universe can be completely suppressed with our strength, effortlessly."
"But if it is another similar parallel world, then we are probably facing tens of billions of humans, and it is also an earth that already has astrological voyage capabilities. In that case, humans in this world will not allow us to encroach on the earth. Once the war starts, it is not a very good result for us."
"Although our power can completely ignore everyone, if we want to join a certain power, it is best not to conflict with any power for the time being, and avoid unnecessary conflicts as much as possible, in case that alliance joins other powers. Power, and we can only choose the earth to join, the whole situation will become very troublesome."
Xiao Ran groaned again and said, "Let’s confirm the situation first, Maru, let each fleet send a small macrocross class to compare and investigate according to the star map we have, to confirm which planets are suitable for us to temporarily use as a stronghold, especially if the materials are abundant. You must pay attention to the planet, and immediately terminate the mission if you encounter danger and return immediately."
Because of Xiao Ran’s arrangement, many warships once again got into the fold channel to carry out Xiao Ran’s orders, but it didn’t take long. Even the recent trip to the Earth Intelligence Investigation Force had not been able to investigate the situation of the earth. When a suitable report was handed in, the bridge alarm bell suddenly rang.
Cic shouted loudly: "Report, a battleship and an unknown beast-shaped body have been detected ahead."
Ma Liu commanded loudly: "Put the picture over."
When Xiao Ran and others went to show a large virtual projection screen, what Xiao Ran could see was two things faster than light slowly expanding in the screen, and a blue lion-shaped machine was in front. There was also a purple-black battleship, following the lion-shaped body closely behind it, sprinting in the direction of the fleet.
Cruzer smiled suddenly: "It seems that there is no need to investigate the situation on the other side of the earth, because the situation is already very obvious."
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