Chapter 2684: Catch

The Purple Wind landed from the universe, and with the coordinates given by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, it slowly landed on top of a cliff castle leaning on the coast. This castle looked like a different exotic style, full of classical charm. But with a strong sense of science and technology, the mix and match of several different styles does not make people feel ugly, but it is extremely harmonious in coordination with the surrounding natural environment.
Although the castle looks intact, the high bridge in front of the castle is already in bad condition. At least in the large area visible to the eye, no man-made buildings can be seen. Only this castle stands alone on the cliff. Unspeakable sense of history and mystery.
Walking out of the landing pod, twenty or thirty members of the landing force ran out from both sides of Xiao Ran quickly, carrying their weapons and quickly inspecting the front of the castle thoroughly, and then four people were left behind. All the others entered the castle carefully.
In the sky, two teams of warplanes hovered over the castle. One team quickly flew out of the Purple Wind and landed around the castle. With the addition of the Purple Wind on the top of the castle, it can be considered a li. The outside surrounded the entire castle.
Xiao Ran marched all the way, followed by Cruze, followed by Saki, Aiyu Shinno, Hikari, Homura, and Yao who were divided into two rows, slowly advancing step by step to the depths of the castle.
Saki suddenly quickened his pace and walked to Xiao Ran's side: "The people who landed in the army have found the people in the castle, and now they have all controlled them, and the results of the Purple Wind's inspection of the castle have also come out. This castle should be a spaceship, and according to the surrounding environment, the spacecraft has stayed here for more than 10,000 years."
Xiao Ran nodded lightly, Kruze frowned slightly, thinking about it, and said: "It has been parked here for ten thousand years, and the internal facilities are intact, not to mention the appearance of damage. This is not what ordinary technology can do. As for the appearance, it's not worth mentioning."
"Next, the technical department has a lot of time to study these things slowly." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "The most important thing now is to collect all the five lions. Since it falls into our hands, it won't There may be another possibility of running away."
Cruzer smiled blankly and shook his head slightly: "Yes, but there is nothing about this spacecraft in the information you gave us."
Xiao Ran shrugged his shoulders: "As long as there are important things, it's fine. If you really want to go out to perform the task alone, you will see the five lions and know who will ruin and what the ultimate goal is."
A few minutes later, Xiao Ran and his party entered a control room in the castle. In it, seven people and a group of very cute little mice were surrounded by the landing troops, all standing back to back with their hands up. At the same time, the expression on his face looked a little angry.
After Xiao Ran appeared, these people immediately turned their attention to Xiao Ran and the others. Unlike the members of the landing troops who were heavily armed and could not see their faces, Xiao Ran and the others clearly looked normal in their dresses. Human beings.
A young man with a relatively strong body, his right hand like a mechanical arm, and a bunch of white hairs on his head, looked at Xiao Ran with his eyes, "Who are you! Why do you treat us like this?"
"Who are we? It's important to you?" Xiao Ran crossed the encirclement, stopped about two meters away from the surrounded people, and said: "But the important thing for me is that we are here from now on. I have taken over, along with the lion who brought you here."
Having said that, Xiao Ran smiled and said: "But you can rest assured that we have no malice against you, but I also hope that you can cooperate with us as much as possible, and don't let us make any misunderstandings that might hurt you. thing."
Xiao Ran's voice fell, and the white-haired man was silent for a moment, and he hesitantly asked, "Human?"
"Your statement is not appropriate. The princess by your side also considers herself to be a human in their cognition, but where is the difference." Xiao Ran pointed out the mistake of the white-haired man and said: "If you want to It’s about human beings on the earth. My answer is that there is not much difference, and it should be different from the earth you understand."
"Introduce myself, I am Xiao Ran, the commander of the Burning Legion, and the people surrounding you are my brave fighters."
Several people surrounded showed a confused look: "Burning Legion?"
"It doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard of it, you just need to know that we are very powerful. It’s stronger than the aliens who chased you before, and the people who have wiped out the countries on this planet. Strong enough to wipe out them casually. To the extent, at this time, my army has more than 6,000 warships and countless armies that have firmly surrounded this planet. To put it simply, we have taken a fancy to this place and are ready to use this place as our future The stronghold of this galaxy."
"Of course when we do something like this, you can treat us as bad guys. It doesn't matter and doesn't affect us anything, but I need to remind you again not to make any misunderstandings. I will leave you behind and take care of it. Well, your life is not as a prisoner but as a guest of our army, but your lives are not worth mentioning compared to the lives of my soldiers."
Xiao Ran raised his left hand and lightly clicked, "I'm calling some people over to bring them all back to the fortress, and don't forget these little mice."
Of course, it is okay for more than 20 people to seven people, but in this world, after all, these people in front of Xiao Ran are the protagonists. There is no guarantee that there will be no problems with more than 20 people.
Cruze walked to Xiao Ran's side, looked at the few people who also swept their eyes from the princess, and said to Xiao Ran with a smile: "These people are handed to me."
"Don't mess around." Xiao Ran reminded him softly, but he also acquiesced to handing these people to Cruze, and said: "Find out the remaining lions as soon as possible. If the enemy gets it, it will be a little trouble Who knows what kind of power the robot composed of five lions will burst into the hands of those people, and will be sent to the fortress together with this spacecraft, for the technical department to send someone to study it."
Cruzer smiled softly: "I know what to do."
Xiao Ran shook his head and said nothing, walked back to Saki and the others, and said to Aiyu Xinye: "Xinye, for the time being, you will act with Cruze."
After leaving the castle, Xiao Ran did not return to the Purple Wind for the first time. He stood on the small square outside the castle and looked at the surrounding scenery. Saki stood beside Xiao Ran, and the three of Guang Yanyao stood behind Xiao Ran. .
Xiao Ran turned around and smiled and looked at the three girls of Guang Yanyao, and noticed the different expressions and body movements on the faces of the three girls. Guang was originally looking at the surrounding scenery, but noticed that Xiao Ran turned to look at them. After the action, he hugged his arms and turned his head to make a look of no interest.
Yan put his hands on his chest, and after seeing Xiao Ran, he lowered his head and smiled gently. The most generous is Yao, Guang and Yan's combination of personalities, not lacking gentleness but also frankness, facing Xiao Ran He pursed his lips and smiled and nodded gently.
Xiao Ran asked, "What do you think of this place?"
Hikari tilted his head and said without turning his head, "It looks like this if you see too much."
"Xiaoguang." Yan took a reproachful look, and then said to Xiao Ran: "This place is very beautiful. It is a completely different natural scenery from the ship group. There is an indescribable sense of history. I I love it here."
Yao Ye said: "Compared with the unchanging first floor of the sea of ​​clouds, every place with such natural scenery makes people feel very comfortable."
Xiao Ran turned his head to look at Saki: "Saki, what do you think?"
Saki smiled slightly, looked at the three girls and said with a smile, "As long as you are here, this is the best place."
"Haha." Xiao Ran laughed loudly and said: "After the ship is removed, let the engineering department build a castle on the spot. We will live here next, and I don’t know how much this mission will be. Time, always find a comfortable place to live."
"Yeah." Saki nodded with a light smile.
Back to the universe, from the Purple Wind to the New Burning Legion, Xiao Ran returned to the bridge and sat beside Maru: "How long will it take to complete the investigation of this planet."
"About three hours." Maru looked at the time and replied: "But from the current investigation, this planet is a very habitable planet, and the resources can only be said to be average, edible plants. There are many, but it is strange that there are only a few creatures in the entire planet, regardless of type or number. Only fish are numerous, as if they have suffered biological extinction before."
Xiao Ran said: "Meat can be bred on the other side of the earth. The biological resources of the two planets are sufficient for the normal consumption of the Legion. Don’t worry if the mineral resources are similar. There are everywhere in the universe. Just treat this as the next. The main base, on the other side of the earth, let Uzès and Rebir be responsible for using it as the second base."
Maru reminded: "The earth has already been targeted by the local forces of this world, and this planet is no exception. Don't you need to find a more secret place as a stronghold?"
"After that, we will wait until the warship that is out to come back to arrange this, but it must be necessary." Xiao Ran said: "The problem now is that we don't know where the other party is, and they don't know where we are. There is nowhere in the galaxy. It’s dangerous to find the purpose and waste time. It’s better to let us take the initiative to expose our position."
Xiao Ran said that the corners of his mouth curled up: "Notify Geoffrey and Big Iron that after the investigation of this planet is completed, the entire fleet will land. You will also arrange for half of the force to be hidden. I look forward to giving it to our friends. We have a special surprise and welcome ceremony."
"At that time they will go to the earth, and when they find this side, the comparison of the strength of the two sides is that the fools know which side to take first. If they attack this side, the fun will be great."
Ma Liu couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Ran when she heard Xiao Ran's arrangement, but she still gave the notice as Xiao Ran said.
Suddenly, the communicator on Maliu's hand rang, and not long after he picked it up, Maliu looked at Xiao Ran: "Kruze has determined the locations of the two lions, the green and the yellow lions, but they should use normal ones. If you get it in a way, you must bring the people you caught before."
"Also, this world's local power, the Empire of Gera, has also sent a warning just now to ask them to hand over the lions. According to calculations, the power of the Empire of Gera will arrive in three days."
Xiao Ran waved his hand: "You don't need any normal way to get them. Those lions are all capable of opening space doors. Once they wait for those people to sit in the cockpit, it won't be easy to say, just dig them out and bring them back."
After a deep groan, Xiao Ran said again: "There is no need to send too many troops. It is enough to send five warships with all personnel above grade A and grade s. If there is an enemy intercepting, if it is weak, perform a show. If you want to do so, let them take their own measures, but they must bring things back. However, the possibility of encountering an enemy should not be high. On the contrary, three days later, maybe our friends will appear."
Maru asked: "Do you think they will appear on the side of the Gera Empire?"
Xiao Ran said: "The possibility is not small. In short, be prepared. If there are really many people coming, it is probably only one of the legions, and we will eat them all with the power of half of our fleet."
Just curling his lips on the side: "Are you so sure?"
"It's not that it's just a guess." Xiao Ran glanced at it and said, "I want to ask you another question. If you are a leader, of course it is not the size of our army. The number of warships is probably not enough, even if you have warships. There are not many types of space jumps that can be performed. What would you do after encountering a battleship that is not high in combat effectiveness and can be easily solved, but has the ability to jump? The inference based on this is because the super zone has a world involving battleships. There are more, and even fewer have the ability to jump in Just answered without hesitation: "Of course it is to grab it. "
"After snatching it over, it turns out that this warship belongs to more warships, and it has a huge territory, unlimited resources, countless fighters, and its combat power is much lower than yours. What will you do?"
After thinking for a while, he said, "Fight over to grab more warships? No, grab the entire force?"
Xiao Ran smiled: "Then the result is already obvious, you will make such a choice, then the other party will definitely make the same choice, but there may be some differences in the means."
(If you are interested, it will be fine to watch the first episode and understand it. More than a hundred episodes of resources are not easy to find, and you can't follow the plot of this kind of team battle. You can watch all of them if you like, hahaha, finally Recommend a book, Plane City, if you are interested, you can read it.)
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