Chapter 2715: A boy’s maturity is an instant

"Appreciate further details."
Zinnerman’s attitude seemed very respectful, at least in front of people like Xiao Ran, who didn’t know why, he felt that he was a little too strong, even when Xiao Ran said that you came and couldn’t get the Laplace box. They didn't draw their guns either. This was an intuition that came from surviving countless dangers, that they would die if they drew a gun.
This is completely different from the normal situation. In the original plot, Zinnerman drew his gun at Radias, but now he is very stable.
Xiao Ran asked, "Do you still have the ability to continue to fight the Federation head-on?"
Zinnerman was silent for a while and shook his head: "Although we don't want to admit it, we don't have the ability to fight frontally with the Federation, but for the Federation, we will also be the enemy they must pay attention to."
Xiao Ran said: "Then if you can get some support, for example, if you can allow the colonies in the universe to approve you to exhibit and oppose the Federation, then I can give you this thing, and if you can make a little noise next If the sparks lit in front of the prairie prairie can cause the scandal between the Federation and the colony to explode, I can also give you some additional armed support."
"The new machine body and weapons will be delivered to you on a large scale. After all, even Anaheim is afraid to sell you things openly, but I dare. I will take over Anaheim in the future, regardless of Whether Zeon is the Federation or either side, I will uphold the identity of the most perfect weapon merchant to provide you with the latest weapons."
"And now you are not feeling well. The limitations are too great and there are no strong enough supporters. The military has fallen behind. Even the Zeon remnants of Mars and Jupiter have been separated, and none of them can stand out. People with strong influence will reintegrate you, but the most important thing is that even if you have this person, she doesn't have such an idea, and there is no strong person to support it."
"I can support you, and the Bist family can also stand up and support you."
Katias had no expression at all, but when Xiao Ran mentioned his family, he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Ran. His eyes were full of question marks: "When did I say this?"
And Zinnerman glanced at Cardias with a bewildered look, then glanced at Xiao Ran. After knowing that this place is now completely in charge of Xiao Ran, he nodded and asked: "Then we need to do the next one. what."
Xiao Ran smiled and said: "Don’t do anything, Mineva should not be married yet, even if there is a marriage, it must be regarded as not. I am here to make Mineva marry Kadias’ son Banagher Bist, Zabi Isn’t it a very interesting thing to join forces between the family and the Bist family, and Mineva has the strongest supporter.

Cardias and Zinnerman looked at Xiao Ran at the same time, with an expression like a madman: "You call the shots?"
Xiao Ran glanced at Cardias with a smile, "Do you want to object to Cardias? Your son really likes Mineva."
Cardias opened his mouth and said nothing but just shook his head, but his brows wrinkled slightly, marrying? Not marry? Married, anyway, the Bist family is already a traitor in the eyes of the Federation. Although there is Xiao Ran Dinglei in front of him who can fool the past, how could he jump off the thief ship so easily when he boarded Xiao Ran? The fact of marrying doesn't seem to have such a big impact. On the contrary, it can also make the Federation have more concerns and dare not easily take action on the Bist Consortium and Anaheim.
If he refuses, Banagher will definitely be so sad that he thinks about it day and night, and will this lunatic really give them the right to choose? That is probably not.
And Zinnerman felt that this seemed like a good thing, but he couldn't call the shots about Mineva at all. He could only say: "I need to go back and report this to my superior."
"It's up to them to make the decision?" Xiao Ran glanced at Zinnerman and stood up, walked up to Zinnerman's body without any rush, and bent slightly: "You have to be clear, Zeon is Zabi. Zeon, who can lead the family, Mineva is the last bloodline of the Zabi family, all of you princesses, what qualifications do you who are subordinates have to make decisions for Mineva? What's more, even though Mineva is a little bit brainy. I don’t know the situation, but you just treat her as a card, or do you really recognize her as a princess?"
Zinnerman leaned back slightly, trying to escape the oppression that Xiao Ran brought him, but Zinnerman didn't know how to answer Xiao Ran's question.
After a pause, Zinnerman said: "In that case, even if we are not qualified to be the master of her, do you have the qualifications again?"
Xiao Ran smiled faintly: "I naturally don't have the qualifications, and I am not her father."
"But these are not important. What is really important is that I can help you, I can help Mineva, and the more important thing is that I have the power, the power that all of you can’t resist, since I need my help and can’t If you resist me, naturally you can only agree to my arrangement."
The door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and a blond Mineva frowned and walked away, while Banagher was standing outside the door with Harrow embarrassed and not knowing how to deal with it.
Mineva walked in and looked at Xiao Ran, "Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to make decisions for me? Why did you bring Zeon and the Federation into the war!"
Xiao Ran looked at Mineva and shook his head slightly: "If Xia is still alive, I would be disappointed to see you like this. Obviously he only wants you to be an ordinary girl, because he has long seen that you have not taken it up. The whole Zeon’s care, but you have to take the initiative to stand up and get involved in the troublesome situation now. What do you think you can stand here for now is just because you have the blood of the Zabi family. ."
"If you are just an ordinary person, then you are not qualified to stand in front of me, and since you are already standing in front of me, because of the blood flowing in your body, you must accept the responsibility that this blood brings to you, and re Shaping the splendor belonging to Zeon instead of letting the current Zeon linger under the pressure of the Federation."
Xiao Ran reached out and tapped Mineva and said, "But what can you do now, what can you do, can you make Zeon stronger or can you keep the world peaceful? You can't do anything. Now, in addition to your body and the meaning of this body, the most suitable way for you is to marry Banagher, and use the influence of the Bist family to make Zeon better, but not to make Zeon again Going in the wrong direction."
"Marrying Banagher is the most correct choice for both of you now in the face of the common suppression of the Federation. I can decide for no one, but you seem to have no other choice."
Mineva looked at Xiao Ran, and then at Zinnerman: "No, I have other options. Zeon can no longer face a war. This will only make Zeon's situation more than before. The difficulty, the peace that was finally won cannot be broken because of someone like you."
Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows: "You are really a staunch supporter of the Peace faction, but peace is never given by others but won by yourself."
"You are just evading your responsibilities. What is peace now? No war is peace? For this kind of peace, you just watched the humans living in the universe endlessly accept the oppression of the Federation? This is peace? You Ignore the suffering of the inhabitants of the universe just for the falsehood you see now, and the whole world does not follow your will."
Mineva didn't even look at Banagher. Xiao Ran suddenly felt that the NT-D system shouldn't be called NT-D. It seemed appropriate that it should be called NT-R?
Banagher looked at Mineva’s background a little disappointed, and the hand holding Harrow unconsciously became harder, took a deep breath and took the initiative to walk into the room and stood beside Mineva. , Looked at Xiao Ran very seriously.
"Master Xiao Ran, before you asked me if I am willing to learn MS driving with you, and I am willing to be the driver of a certain body. I didn't answer at the time, but now I think I have the answer. Yes, I do. I need strength and strength. To protect everything I want to protect, I want to protect the Bist family, protect my father, protect myself from being despised by anyone, I, I... I also want to protect Audrey."
"Banaji?" Mineva turned her head and looked at the boy beside her. The boy who had saved herself from the satellite and brought herself to the Bist family mansion suddenly felt a little complicated in her heart.
Xiao Ran looked at Banagher and shook his head slightly: "If my nephew is led by a woman on the nose like you, it is estimated that his face will have been beaten and swollen. It is clear that the other party has already stated that he has treated you so clearly. Disgusted."
Banagher lowered his head nervously: "She is the princess of Zeon, I'm just an ordinary person..."
Xiao Ran nodded slightly: "Well, within three months, I will train to become a pilot of the same level as Amrosia at the beginning, but you have to believe that you have a talent that even your father did not understand. , The most powerful new mankind since the record of the new mankind in history, you have such potential."
"If you divide the new humans into ten levels, then you have the ability to reach ten levels. The Z Gundam pilot of Camus is estimated to have level nine when he is the most powerful, and Amuro and Char are at level seven. There are also ninth levels when they come out, but they also gave their lives, but you are different, you will be the most powerful new human in history, can truly change the future and regain real peace in this world, the so-called Rapla Compared with other people’s eyes, I think you deserve this title more."
Having said this, Xiao Ran smiled: "It will be a hard life next, are you ready?"
Banagher glanced at Mineva next to him unconsciously, and when he saw Mineva also looking at her face, she blushed, and nodded at Xiao Ran as if she had been beaten with blood: "I'm going All right."
"Xin Ye." Xiao Ran looked out the door, and when Xin Ye walked in, Xiao Ran said to Xin Ye: "Test this little guy. You will be responsible for his physical training."
Xin Ye nodded, looked at Banagher, who is no longer unfamiliar from another aspect, and said, "You are still a long way from now. Another person I know was younger than you. You already have the power to drive a single unit against a fleet. Come with me and I will train you well."
Xinye left with Banagher, and during this process, Katias didn't even say a word. The emotions revealed in his eyes were extremely complicated, ranging from relief, depression, sadness, and helplessness.
After Banagher left, Xiao Ran looked at Mineva again: "To be honest, I actually don't like your blood, and I don't think your identity can be used as a magic card. I am willing to communicate with you. Just for the child."
"Remind you, the so-called peace you want to maintain is just to turn on the switch that can now be used as a catharsis, and sooner or later the blocked pipeline will explode due to your current behavior and create it again. A more terrifying explosion triggered an even bigger war."
Mineva seemed to feel Xiao Ran's subtext, is he saying that he is not worthy of that boy?
Xiao Ran ignored Mineva’s heart activities and said directly: "Next, you will stay here to cultivate and cultivate relationships with Banagher. If you want peace, you have to learn to give, and if you don’t give anything, you just have to pay. Mouth can’t be exchanged for peace. Do you think you are me capable of deterring all forces? If you say a few words, others will bow their waists for you to drive?"
Mineva stared at Xiao Ran fiercely: "Why do you want to start a war, why do you want Zeon to come in too!"
"Your Royal Highness." Zinnerman finally couldn't help but said, "It's not that he wants to implicate Zeon in, but Zeon has always been in the vortex of war and has never been separated. If not now The Zeon army has always been a deterrent to the Federation. If there were not so many people who had sacrificed Zeon, the current Zeon Autonomous State would have long ceased to exist, and now you have become a prisoner of the Federation."
"In your current life, now Zeon’s autonomy is all traded by countless soldiers like us with their own lives. Only when we are stronger Zeon will be more free, and people with noble status like you can live more Comfortable, don’t forget that everything you have now is our life in exchange! Our loyalty is given to the Zabi family, but not to your Highness Mineva, just because you have the blood of the Zabi family, you are us Now we have to protect the people who want to be It seems that there is really a sensible person." Xiao Ran gave Zinnerman a little surprised and said: "This little girl is a bit ignorant, after all The education he received at a young age was also inappropriate, but now he has this yearning for peace and it is worthy of recognition."
Zinnerman looked at Xiao Ran: "No matter what, Mr. Xiao Ran, I will report your proposal to my superior, but can you ask Mr. Xiao Ran what your purpose is for doing this."
Xiao Ran smiled: "What I have to do now is to make this explosion happen in advance and keep the explosion within a certain range. Anyway, the conflict between Zeon and the Federation will also erupt sooner or later. You have your appeal to me. There are also my goals. As to whether I can achieve my goals and whether you can fulfill your demands, it depends on who is better than the next method, but this does not affect our cooperation."
"In the short term, my goal is to strike the Federation, which is the same as yours, but I won’t say what the long-term goal is. In addition to the fact that the final winner will not be the Federation, it will be me or you. There is an excellent opportunity. The Federation sent Lundberg troops over. I hope you Zeon can send troops to solve this team."
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