Chapter 2763: Take the initiative to jump out

After the beam of light disappeared, Prometheus lost his voice. He left or chose to be silent and pretended to leave Xiao Ran not knowing, but this time Xiao Ran knew, and everyone else present also knew that this time Xiao Ran used Prometheus again. The rules of Prometheus found the loophole agreed upon by Prometheus and he once again forced Prometheus to choose concessions.
Prometheus could not directly target Xiao Ran, but through this time I am afraid that Xiao Ran's threat level in Prometheus' information library must be properly raised again.
Xiao Ran became silent. He knew all these things. The more he touched and used Prometheus' bottom line and flaws, the easier it was to be warned by Prometheus, and he might even be labelled as a threat by Prometheus, but he couldn't help it. He can do it and who can do it. As a leader, he also has the obligation to arrange and accept all this.
What can we do about this? No one in the Legion except him can communicate with Prometheus like this.
Cruzer can’t, Char’s can’t, everyone has never really had the opportunity to come into contact with Prometheus, and it is even more unlikely that Prometheus has to stand up and explain because of his own mistakes. Perhaps Luo can, after all, he is a European emperor. Once Prometheus card machine existed, but Luo couldn’t. Xiao Ran wouldn’t let Luo fall into danger. The core members of the whole army would not be able to put Luo into danger and be targeted by Prometheus. .
If Xiao Ran is the heart of the Burning Legion, then Luo is the skeleton of the Legion, supporting the technical background of the entire Legion with his own strength, and Luo’s hard power is no better than Xiao Ran, and there is no Xiao Ran’s set that I can’t kill you but you I can't beat my ability.
And the others, Uzès, Bai Heshou, Char, Cruze, these old coins may also be able to achieve the level that Xiao Ran is now constantly pressing Prometheus, but they are still a little bit worse. The taste, they are too normal, no matter how they have the means, they are also too normal, and they also lack a talisman. When Xiao Ran is already on the list, there is really no need for them to be on the list. Finally, It was originally just a person being targeted and turned into a legion.
Xiao Ran has been abnormal since he came to Prometheus. There are too many abnormal places. For Prometheus, it is a series of accidents that are fundamentally uncontrollable, and all these accidents are more like ocean waves. It bombarded its defenses again and again.
Overtly and secretly, Prometheus was really caused by Xiao Ran’s accident, and even because Xiao Ran’s biggest accident has been compensated many times. Time and time again, Xiao Ran had the opportunity to touch Prometheus’ bottom line and touch Its core and rules, but more often Prometheus can only choose to ignore it.
Including the fact that Xiao Ran's memory can't be obscured... Now basically the memory of the core members of the Burning Legion, Prometheus, can no longer be obscured, what can be done, ignore it.
How simple is Xiao Ran who just came to Prometheus. Knowing that he was accidentally brought in, he never said about compensation, or because Prometheus’ own rules gave him a compensation, which made Xiao Ran the first Great gains were obtained in the mission.
Prometheus should be grateful that Xiao Ran didn't bother with it anymore because of this, and asked it to make up for it. He didn't do the kind of thing that was so obvious that all the advantages were taken up and the result was that he said I'm sorry and shameless. Think about it. Shameless...
But the most important thing is the amulet. Xiao Ran has an amulet that no one else has. It has anti-obliteration authority, which means that no matter how Xiao Ran forced Prometheus in the end, he completely violated Prometheus’ core rules. Xiao Ran at least Don't worry about any problems at all within one time, even if you die, you will die.
As for Xiao Ran’s plan, it’s hard to say if Prometheus knows it, but now there’s no way to know that Xiao Ran is paying attention to it. If Xiao Ran really controls it in a way within the rules, then Prometheus Michels could only pinch his nose to recognize it and call Master Xiao Ran.
After all, even if Xiao Ran throws the flying eagle into the fantasy zone, there is actually no problem with this matter. The flying eagle is really lucky to bring the lost part of Prometheus over and control the current prometheus. It's nothing wrong with Michels.
How did things evolve to the current situation? There was a pot of good soup, but suddenly there was more of it, and Prometheus had to swallow it, even if it was highly poisonous, it had to be swallowed, made by myself. Nina is also responsible for himself.
Flying eagles and other super AIs are only an attempt by Xiao Ran to go to the fantasy zone, because it is still uncertain whether the flying eagles can bring back the fragments of Prometheus, and Xiao Ran can’t bring all their hopes here. Pinning on the flying eagles is as simple as arranging one method at a time.
In fact, Xiao Ran still has the strength, a bigger hole card, a killer trick that Prometheus can only pinch his nose to recognize. Perhaps someone in the legion has already thought of the big hole card Xiao Ran is holding, but not everyone can I want to get Xiao Ran's hands to have a means that would turn into disaster for Prometheus.
Anyway, when it’s really time to make a decision, and when it’s really impossible to disobey, Xiao Ran will choose to negotiate with Prometheus again, and then separate the entire Burning Legion from Prometheus, and then study the world travel by himself. There is no need to go through Prometheus, isn't that kind of life more chic, and the world that can be crossed is not limited to the world of aircraft warfare.
"It's over." Taking a deep breath, Xiao Ran turned around and looked at the people behind him with a smile: "As for the flying eagle, we can only wait and watch the changes. As for other aspects, follow The original arrangement continues, and here can only be regarded as a possibility, and it is only us who can really take the initiative."
Everyone nodded. Unless it is 100% successful, of course it can only be regarded as a possibility, but the possibility is only 1%, or the possibility is 90%. Use as a means.
Xiao Ran waved his hand: "Let's go back."
"Number participant 678."
The steps that Xiao Ran had just taken suddenly stopped again because of this sound, and then turned to face the console again. Because of this sound, a large group of people in the back also stopped all their movements and looked at the same with Xiao Ran with various eyes. Direction.
"According to my calculations, if you choose to go to the fantasy zone in person, there will be more than 85% chance of finding my missing part, and it will be 100% likely to control. Why don't you go there in person."
Xiao and Fang's face suddenly sank, but Xiao Ran smiled freely: "Why do you think I am looking for your missing part."
"Calculations and possibilities, you seem to be sure that they can come back, and the only way to come back is to find the part I lost."
"Really." Xiao Ran groaned and said: "Then since you know, why don't you stop me?"
"I don't have the authority of the relevant rules to stop." Prometheus replied: "Going to the fantasy zone is a normal compensation measure and it is also within the rules. The core that controls me is within the range of the rules, but the missing part of me Uncontrollable, unable to contact, unable to perceive, completely separated from me, you are not controlling my core, so I cannot stop you."
Prometheus’s words are very confusing, but those present can understand it at a glance. The part of the fantasy zone that has been separated from the core subject of Prometheus may have become a new existence, and Xiao Ran himself has not made any action against Prometheus. Michele’s control action, even if there is action in the fantasy zone and control that part, but now Prometheus here can’t see or control, so I can only watch Xiao Ran’s action, meaning this means.
Xiao Ran directly denied it: "Hehe, I don't want to control your part. I am only very curious about the situation in the fantasy zone before sending Super AI to the past. Anyway, it is only Super AI, which can recreate losses at any time. It’s okay, I didn’t go there by myself, and didn’t let the other people in my legion go over. Didn’t it explain the situation?

It doesn't matter whether Prometheus approves of Xiao Ran's nonsense, anyway, Xiao Ran can't speak in words, especially in front of Prometheus, saying that he wants to control him.
Prometheus was silent for a moment, and said: "We can make a deal."
"Deal?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows and said, "What kind of deal is it."
"You help me find the missing parts, I can promise you three requirements, any three requirements that I can do, I can let the current Burning Legion, including all the participants of the subordinate Legion, leave Prometheus, It can also allow you to take away all the territories."
Xiao Ran turned to look at the companions behind him, and chuckled, "It's a good deal. I need time to consider it."
"You can tell me your answer at any time."
After Prometheus said this, there was no voice. This time he really chose to leave from Xiao Ran's personal area.
Xiao Ran closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said to everyone: "Go back and talk later."
A large group of people left quietly and returned to the territory of the ship group, sitting around Xiao Ran's huge garden to start another conversation.
Cruzer took the lead: "It's in a hurry."
Youzes touched his forehead: "This shows that the other part is enough to threaten it, and it can even be directly replaced."
Bai Heshou said: "There is a threat, but the replacement should not exist, unless that part of the replacement will bring threats and instability to this side, it will change the original customized rules, and it will break the things that this part wants to protect. "
Xia drank a sip of tea: "Weibu threatened mainly to see whose hands that part ended up in. For example, we, this is the threat."
Cruzer looked at Xiao Ran, who was sitting in the first place, and said: "It is also afraid, afraid of you. He is afraid that you can control that part and then fight for its current authority. In the end, the entire Prometheus will fall into In your hand, why is it so anxious, the reason?"
"Do you think we will be able to successfully bring back that part and control it? What is the reason for the judgment?"
Xiao Ran shook his head: "Now this thing is impossible to say. I just think it's very certain that we can succeed. That's why we would say such a deal in advance. Once I reach a deal with him, I really let Flying Eagle find that part. That part must be handed over to it in accordance with the transaction, so that if I choose to reject this part, I can be processed according to the corresponding authority rules."
Uzes sighed softly: "Who created such a Prometheus, and let such a super AI control everything, what is it to protect?"
"I will know, it won't be too long." Xiao Ran nodded silently, and said: "What's terrible is not the various permissions and rules that Prometheus has. Now that we know more about it, it will also It's getting less and less scary, and sooner or later I will know this from it."
Basac, who hasn’t appeared on the stage for a long time, suddenly said: "I don’t understand what you said, but I think he is driving us away. I think even if we don’t return the part you said, we just need to bring it up. The Burning Legion is willing to leave as a whole, and it may agree to it."
Cruz smiled and glanced at Barsac: "Do you think you know? If the Burning Legion chooses to leave as a whole, it can be done anytime, Prometheus has fewer handles in our hands? But? In that way, the possibility of knowing the truth will be lost forever, and Prometheus will always threaten us in endless time and space."
"Um... not right." A flash of aura flashed in Xiao Ran's mind, and the aura flashed away, and Xiao Ran could not get it in his hand.
Everyone looked at Xiao Ran, Kruze asked, "What's the matter?"
"I just thought of something suddenly, just like that, a thought flashed through." Xiao Ran shook his head and frowned slightly and said: "But I couldn't grasp what UU reading www.uukā is, anyway, it's with Pro It's about Michels."
"Kick us away..." Xiao Ran closed his eyes and frowned, thinking, "What the is it, that flash of thought and inspiration, there is something wrong."
"Creation, technology, driving away, Barsac, Luo..."
"Reality zone, super zone, fantasy zone..."
"what exactly is it?"
Xiao Ran shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, I seemed to have been exposed to some reality just now, but that thought disappeared in that instant."
Uzes smiled: "Couldn't it be Prometheus who controlled your thoughts, forcibly deleted your thoughts."
Xiao Ran immediately looked at Uzès, and the others also looked at Uzès. Everyone had a thoughtful feeling on their faces, as well as heavy expressions.
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