Chapter 391: arrangement

Xiao Ran, who put on the mask again, felt that he hadn't touched this thing for a long time, and felt that he was not used to it. After thinking about it, it was true that he hadn't taken the mask out for a while and used it last time. When this thing was still in the 00 world, it really was every day Xiao Ran spent by himself. It was indeed not a short period of time.
This time I was wearing the mask on my face, but I didn’t actually have much intention. Xiao Ran completely felt that he was not used to wearing this suit as if he didn’t wear a mask. More of it was still not ready for the ship group. , To give both sides a buffer room, after all, he is now wanted by the Earth Union Army.
Today, when the Earth Reunion and the Army and the Ship Corps are in talks for the first time, there is no need to stab everything out. For the Ship Corps, even if it can delay the day when the Earth Army actually launches an attack, it is good.
When Billy took Cruz, Mario, Graham and Naro to Xiao Ran's residence in this world, it was almost thirty minutes later, and a group of five people stepped in mixed steps. At the door, as soon as I walked into the living room, I saw Xiao Ran wearing a military uniform and wearing a white mask sitting on the sofa drinking tea.
Kluzer was a little surprised when he saw Xiao Ran wearing a mask. Others, including Billy and Mariu, were used to the appearance of Xiao Ran wearing a mask for a long time, so he didn't think it was strange at all. The place.
After seeing the clothes on Xiao Ran, Billy immediately understood the meaning of Xiao Ran's wearing this suit again, and he stood at attention and paid a military salute to Xiao Ran: "General."
Holding the tea cup, Xiao Ran didn't seem to notice the arrival of the crowd. It wasn't until Billy yelled that he turned his head back and didn't mean to stand up. He just smiled in the direction of several people: " Oh, are you here, the Lord Angel number is arranged?"
Maru nodded and said, "It has been arranged under the arrangement of this Major Billy, and Basac and Luo are still on the Lord Angel."
"Major?" Xiao Ran glanced at Billy with a smile, and said, "Yes. I have already been promoted to major."
Billy smiled honestly: "It's all thanks to the general's blessing to get promoted so quickly."
Xiao Ran smiled and nodded. After taking a glance at everyone, he slowly said, "The situation here is now a bit complicated. Now I am a wanted person in the Earth Unification Army. The particularity of Shirley and another girl is different. I have become a person who must be controlled by the Earth Unity and Army. In other words, no matter what the reason, I am now fully engaged with the Earth Unity and Army."
Maru, Graham, and Naro nodded. There was also a solemn expression on her face. After listening to Shiryllu’s talk about the world, she had a preliminary understanding of what the earth’s unity and army represented. Now we have to interact with such a power, a country, and even In the entire galaxy, there are camps that are not weak. You can't do it without dignity.
And Cruze under the mask can only see the corners of his mouth curled up, and he leaned against the wall with his arms in his arms, looking interested in listening, while Billy took a look too casual. Cruze. Someone couldn't figure out the relationship between this guy and Xiao Ran, and stood honestly and listened to Xiao Ran's words.
"The key now is to protect Shiryllu and the girl named Lanhua. This is the most important thing. The rest can be a little behind." Xiao Ran looked at Naluo and said, "A small group of the Earth Army The envoy fleet is above our heads. Soon a team from the fleet will land on the planet. Maybe there will be any special operations team in this team."
"In order to avoid the kidnapping of Shirley and the girl named Lanhua, Naluo, I need to trouble you to protect it."
Nalo nodded and said, "I know. I will protect Miss Shirley and the orchid."
Xiao Ran looked at Maru again and said, "Maru, you don't need to participate in all arrangements. You have things you need to do. I will arrange for you to go to S.M.S to study first, can you?"
Maru naturally knew what Xiao Ran meant by studying, and she really couldn't help anyone in this situation, and she might be a drag, so she smiled gently and nodded: "Okay, no problem. I know what I should do."
"Kruze, Graham, you two will follow me temporarily, and I will make arrangements for you later." Xiao Ran glanced at Kruze, and after speaking, he said to Billy, "Billy, you take Ma Miss Liu and Miss Nalo went to SMS. Moses and Shiryllu should be there now. In addition, they told Captain Geoffrey that I arranged for Maru to study with him. Please take care of him. I will go and thank him in person. ."
"Okay, General." Billy nodded his head and quickly left with Mariu and Nalo. Xiao Ran stood up and walked to Cruze and asked, "If I say I want to arrange for you to go to Earth , Do you have any ideas."
"Go to Earth?" Kruze stood up, took a deep look at Xiao Ran, and then chuckled, "It turns out that you and I are the same person. It seems that you also admit that this is the most suitable way to solve the problem, but The problem is that there is no Genesis in this world for me to use."
"There is no Genesis, but there is a space bomb. Just one is enough to swallow all the earth." Xiao Ran patted Cruzer on the shoulder and said with a hehe with a smile: "I was joking with you before the end of no choice. It’s best not to use this method, and I will talk about it after going to the earth. I will think about it again."
Cruzer shrugged his shoulders, showing your casual smile.
Billy took Maru and Nalo to the SMS. When they got there, they didn't forget to reply to Xiao Ran that they had joined Shirley and Moses. Xiao Ran even talked to Captain Jeffrey in person. On the phone, Maru asked Geoffrey to learn everything about class warships, including of course 400-meter class warships like QUARTER.
During the call, Captain Geoffrey wanted to say something, but Xiao Ran heard Shirley snorting over there, causing Captain Geoffrey to change the subject with a smile, making Xiao Ran a little bit. baffling.
When Shirley Lu answered the phone, Xiao Ran asked, "What are you doing in S.M.S?"
"Of course I hire them. Otherwise, what else can I do when I come here, but I spent all my savings and property here." Shirley said calmly on the phone: "Well, what's waiting for me? When I go back, it happens that the little girl Lanhua is here, so I have to have a good chat with her."
Listening to the beep of the phone hanging up in his ear, Xiao Ran could only give a wry smile, but soon he didn't have the time to think about what Shirley did at SMS, so he took Graham and Crewe. The two of Ze left in a hurry.
It wasn't until half an hour later that the three of them were drove by the driver Xiao Ran from the Presidential Palace to the front of the municipal office building of the fleet. At this time, President Glass was standing in front of the gate with a cigar and a cane.
After the three of Xiao Ran got out of the car, they directly greeted President Glass. President Glass nodded slightly when he saw Xiao Ran's appearance, but Cruze and Graham who followed Xiao Ran showed doubtful expressions. .
Seeing President Grasse’s expression, Xiao Ran also explained:
The two of them are my subordinates and come from the same place as me. They are both very good and powerful pilots.

President Glass showed an expression like this, turned his head to the person next to him and ordered a sentence. The person nodded and took a few steps forward: "General Xiao, can I take them to change their clothes first."
Xiao Ran nodded, Kluzer and Graham left with the man, and the president asked, "These two men are worth trusting?"
"Your Excellency, the people around me are worthy of absolute trust." Xiao Ran smiled slightly.
"That's fine." President Glass nodded slightly, and said: "The people who are coming are not good. A general of the Earth Unity and Army leads the team. In addition to their guards, there are three out of a dozen people. A general, the lowest is also a lieutenant colonel. It seems that he must first use his military position to suppress us."
Xiao Ran looked at the blue sky and said flatly, "After all, the defense regiment and army are still under the leadership of the new earth regiment and army. The general who accepts the fate of the ship regiment is the lieutenant general. If a general comes here, it can be considered a The people with the highest military positions here seem to come with an inevitable idea of ​​our defense and military command but I am afraid they will disappoint them this time."
"Do you have an idea?" President Glass turned to look at Xiao Ran, and asked with interest.
"I originally had a little idea, but it would be more difficult to implement. I didn't expect that the opponent would actually come here with the admiral leading the team personally. How could he be worthy of him or use it." Xiao Ran's mouth was slightly tilted, lightly. Smiled lightly: "I'm very interested in that class-class battleship. I just missed a suitable battleship when I was out for adventure."
"Hahaha." President Glass laughed and laughed: "If you can really get that warship in your hands, no matter how damaged the warship is, I will have someone repair it for you and make it up to the standard. Equipped."
"Thank you, the President." Xiao Ran smiled, staring at a small black spot in the distant sky. The small spot gradually grew bigger with a very fast speed, and finally turned into a blue frame. The white-painted medium-sized shuttle with the logo of the Xintonghe Army flew over the municipal building under the protection of several fighters and under the supervision of a larger number of fighters, and slowly landed on the ground. (To be continued.)
PS: The new month has begun. I ask for a reward next month. The cost of the manuscript last month is terrible.
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