Chapter 540: Various rights

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Xiao Ran was thinking about the recommendation of newcomers. At first he didn't know that the Legion had such authority. So Xiao Ran didn’t think there was any difference between the development of the Legion or not. However, after learning about this, Xiao Ran returned I really feel that it is not a bad thing to build a real generals.
Don’t look at the number of places for ten people after every special task, but in fact, the ten places are selected at least 50% or more, or even 75% chance. The possibility of high-potential talents.
After all, if you really recommend a person from a certain planet as a newcomer, then there must be a person from the same planet who exists as a participant in this Prometheus, and you will naturally know what your planet is like. It's like Basac. If you give Basac the opportunity to recommend ten of his clan, then maybe in Xiao Ran’s army next time, there will be ten with Basac’s talent or higher than him. Berserkers with lower talent than him appeared.
∞∠dǐng∞∠ǎn∞∠小∞∠ said, .♀∨In an analogy, after having these ten berserkers, after using the ultimate mission card to take these ten berserkers to the world of Gundam, it will What's it like? So this big mission cycle, that is, the recommended quotas for four missions and ten newcomers is not such a simple authority. If you use it well, you can make the army stronger. If you don't use it well, it probably won't. Something bad happened.
"It seems that Kruze has to discuss this issue." Xiao Ran said to himself in his heart. He believed that Kruze must have seen something on his side, but he knew it but didn't say it. Some secrets, while others may be at a loss, only Kruze can detect something from it. It is enough to show how much Cruze's mind is alive, and this black-bellied conspiracy to consider the newcomer recommendation for Xiao Ran, it is simply appropriate.
Catgirl Winnie watched Xiao Ran's eyes regroup, and asked her head to say to Xiao Ran: "I have already told you all the things the Legion needs to pay attention to. Other basic issues can be found in the Legion Handbook or in the implementation. I’ll give a reminder when I’m in, so is there anything I don’t understand that I need to explain in detail?"
Xiao Ran glanced at Winnie and shook her head slightly. What Winnie said was already very detailed, but how to build other buildings. You probably know when you go to the legion station, but another question must be asked to Winnie now.
Xiao Ran asked, "I want to ask about the exclusive territory."
After hearing Xiao Ran's question, Winnie's smile on her face became sluggish for a while, and two big question marks were written in her two big cute eyes, and she asked: "What does Army Commander Xiao Ran need to know? Anything about exclusive territory?"
The exclusive territory is not a secret matter in the legion. The exclusive territory can be used as part of the foreign business income, and it can also allow the legion to produce a lot of special products and earn a lot of military exploits. Or exchange items with other legions or individuals. It's just that the matter of how to obtain exclusive territory is still a secret, and it is not that easy to achieve.
"Yes." Xiao Ran said without hiding his head, "I have obtained an exclusive territory. Now I want to know how to turn the exclusive territory into something of the Burning Legion."
Xiao Ran clearly saw it because of his own words. Winnie's chest also began to fluctuate, and there was no wave-like vibration, and then she slapped her white tender hand on the undulating soft flesh. She was taken aback when she saw it. He touched his nose and turned his eyes away.
Winnie might have also noticed that her actions seemed a little unsightly. His face blushed, but he covered his chest with his hands. After taking a deep breath, he calmed down, and said embarrassingly to Xiao Ran, "I was rude just now. Then, Mr. Xiao Ran, you are sure to use the exclusive territory on the Burning Legion. Huh?"
Winnie's professional ethics still existed, so she switched the topic directly to the main topic. Of course, with Xiao Ran's face, she would feel embarrassed to see the scene just now, so she directly answered Winnie's words: "Yes. ."
Winnie was really surprised that Xiao Ran would have an exclusive territory in her hands. You must know that this thing is arguably the most precious and rarest in the legion. The difficulty of obtaining it is almost abnormal, otherwise the entire Prometheus is also in the exclusive territory. There will be no fewer than five.
Surprise is one thing, surprise is the same thing, but Winnie takes her job very seriously: "Then please give me the card of the exclusive territory."
As soon as Xiao Ran stretched out his hand, a reward card representing the exclusive territory appeared between the index finger and the middle finger. After Winnie took the card, she also looked at it curiously. Seriously, Winnie was also number one. I saw the exclusive territory rewards that existed in the form of cards that have not yet been opened.
When she found that Xiao Ran was looking at herself with a funny look, Winnie was embarrassed to stick out her tongue, put the card on the table, and pressed all ten fingers of both hands on the table, this time even Xiao Ran saw the holographic projection appearing on the desktop. It was a flat ground with nothing but a two-story building, surrounded by a steel fence about three people high. The ground was made of steel, even the only building. It's steel.
I saw the card on the table suddenly turned into a golden flash, and it was injected into it in the form of starlight, and then a huge portal suddenly appeared on the projected open space. Why is Xiao Ran You will know that this is a portal, that is because portals like this in Prometheus are not rare.
"Ding, the exclusive camp, the 25th ship regiment of Macross has been determined."
"Owner: Xiao Ran, all legions: Burning Legion."
"Please divide the income ratio of the owner and all corps."
"Congratulations to the Burning Legion for obtaining an exclusive camp."
"The chief of the legion can supplement the rules in the exclusive camp, limit the behavior of all legion members, and establish a hierarchical authority system."
"Members of the Burning Legion can go to the exclusive camp during the rest period of each mission, and obtain training and supplies in the exclusive camp."
"You can build legion buildings, special buildings in the exclusive camp territory."
"You can get faction output in the exclusive faction."
"Military exploits can be used as the general currency of the camp's territory, and the tax from the camp's territory can be converted into combat exploits. According to the prosperity of the territory, the conversion ratio of military exploits is determined to be 1:2500."
"Military exploits can be directly exchanged for territory currency, with the same proportions."
The series of reminders that popped up in his mind made Xiao Ran sluggish for a long time, until the voice in his mind completely disappeared, Xiao Ran slowly came to mind, and how many of the things in the middle were memorized well, just Even Xiao Ran couldn't explain it clearly.
But he also remembered a few very special things. For example, Prometheus' system store can be built in the faction territory. This store is not only accessible to participants, but also ordinary territory residents. It can only be used for military exploits. And Xiao Ran can also extract part of the system store's turnover as his own income, and another part will be withdrawn as the territory's tax.
He can also put the territory's special products in the system store for sale, so that the system store will extract part of it, and the other is Xiao Ran and the territory's tax. Of course, Xiao Ran can also not sell them in the system store, but bring special products to Prometheus by himself, or limit those people to buy these special products in the system store, and so on.
A mission hall can be built in the territory, where participants or legion members who go to the territory can receive various mercenary missions, thereby obtaining rewards for currency conversion into military exploits, and Xiao Ran can get commissions from the middle. The extent to which this mission hall can develop depends on how many missions Xiao Ran can contact the entire world to release.
Such too many permissions made Xiao Ran dizzy, but when Winnie said some things that were not included in the tips and needed to be noted, there was nothing in Xiao Ran's heart besides crazy joy. Other emotions.
"Please be aware that after you have the exclusive faction territory, you can designate ten residents of the faction territory to participate in the newcomer mission in a mission after the special mission. Ten people are the ones you can designate. After the mission is over, it will also be directly added to the legion, and there is no need to charge any, when performing large legion missions, certain legion missions allow troops from the legion camp to be added During the mission, please note that any enemy defeated by these forces will not have any destruction rewards."
"Third, any material produced in the legion camp can be transported unconditionally into Prometheus’s legion warehouse. All the materials purchased by Prometheus or the technology obtained can also be transported in reverse unconditionally. In the legion camp."
"Fourth, please pay attention to this. Once you get the legion camp, when you enter any mission world where the legion camp may be connected, all legion members will be forced to join the fixed camp depending on the situation, without any choice. Opportunity."
Xiao Ran understood this. In other words, if Xiao Ran was heading to the world of Macross, especially the world related to the 25th Ship Group, such as Macross 7, then he would be forced to become twenty. The members of the five-ship group, if the twenty-five ships do not exist, they will be limited to members of other ships. Anyway, the human side has no choice.
However, if you enter the world of super robot wars with a fleet of ships, the same is true. (To be continued.)
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