Chapter 607: GN-X strikes

Not long after, Xiao Ran and others followed Kardias and saw the solar furnace they had made. The number was a few but not more than three. However, the degree of completion was quite high. You can use it when you install it. To Xiao Ran's surprise, Katias not only manufactured three solar furnaces, but also three matching units, GN-X. ↗ Novel,
Catias looked at the surprised eyes of Xiao Ran and the others, and smiled and said, "The solar furnace alone does not help. Just made one set, which has been manufactured following the technical drawings for several months. , I thought I might hand it over to you when you want to use it, but I didn’t mention it when you said you were leaving. Fortunately, it’s not too late."
Xiao Ran patted Catias on the shoulder and sighed with a smile: "No matter why you made these three units and the solar furnace, I am very grateful to you for taking them out at this time. It really helped us a lot. Busy."
Cardias smiled and said: "Although the machine body has been manufactured, there is nothing more than the standard weapons. If you need other weapons, I am afraid that you will have to continue to manufacture weapons during this period. Make a transformation."
Xiao Ran looked at the three GN-Xs and nodded slightly. A GN-X that does not have standard weapons is indeed not as easy to use as a black heresy equipped with pterosaur equipment, even if there is a solar furnace that can maximize his strength. Xiao Ran couldn't face the chase and encirclement of Zeon that might be the entire Zeon in this task only with a beam gun and a beam sword.
However, as long as the Sun Furnace is added, everything is different. Xiao Ran can at least display the combat and destructive ability several times more without the Sun Furnace, facing a Zeon MS team alone in the universe. More without any problems.
"Three units." Xiao Ran turned around and glanced at the people behind him, thought for a moment and said: "I need one of them. Naluo is familiar with the GN- use method, driving one, and let Saki drive the last one. Her dedicated machine also has a GN-like operation method, and there should be no problem in operation."
Naturally, everyone would not have any opinions on Xiao Ran's arrangement. And as Xiao Ran said, for GN-, only people who are familiar with it can really exert this kind of armed effect, while GN- can only be used by the sun furnace body. But the dragoons equipped with pterosaurs are similar to GN-. There are also more advantages in terms of charging, but there is basically no difference in which one is used for attack.
Next, it was naturally Xiao Ran who explained his modification needs to the supervisor who manufactured these three units. In fact, Xiao Ran's requirements were not complicated either, either he would transplant the solar furnace onto the black heresy. Either he immediately started to make GN Dragoons, Xiao Ran took out the GN-data, and also told these technicians about the operation mode of GN Dragoons, but in the end he was confused.
But no wonder these technicians, the body they made was copied from the technical drawings. In fact, they don’t know much about the operation mode of the solar furnace, and it’s hard to imagine just some inexplicable light. Particles, how could it be possible to drive such an MS, let alone understand the special abilities attached to GN particles.
In addition, the Dragoons have not been tested. Although these technicians can probably understand what kind of operation method is after manufacturing, if GN particles are added in, without knowing the exact information of the Dragoons, they also add a GN particle that they do not know. Thinking about it in my own mind, and also involving the special adjustment of the backpack, it is hard to imagine what happened.
So Xiao Ran understood that it was useless at all just to say it, it was better to actually use the performance of GN-X and the special effect of GN particles. And the dragoons on the pterosaur equipment really demonstrated it again, and when they saw these people, they naturally understood.
However, Ryukino Saki's body and Naro's body don't have to be so troublesome. Just use the manufactured GN-X directly. The only thing that needs to be changed is to prepare a long-range sniper rifle for Naro. In addition to a backpack, this backpack can be modified with a ready-made one, and modified to make the GN-X equipped. As for the others, it is just fine to produce a few gun brake type GN- according to the drawings.
Ryukino Saki is the same, but what she needs is a thicker armored G fortress backpack. GN- is also a melee GN- like small GN fangs and GN swords. There are only two GN swords and only eight GN fangs.
The improvement of the two fuselages is nothing in terms of difficulty. The only thing that is needed is some time. If Luo is here, even with Xiao Ran’s fuselage transformation, the three fuselages of Naluo and Ryukino may not be needed. It could be done in one day. Thinking of this, Xiao Ran really regretted not bringing Luo here.
"It seems that we have to find a technician." Xiao Ran looked at the technician who was quickly recording the requirements for the body modification, and shook his head helplessly.
The construction of Xiao Ran's body began on the day it was set. First, a set of pipelines suitable for heat and energy engines must be added. Basically, the skeleton must be moved to modify it, even if Kadias mobilized the current Ana It takes at least five or six days for the best technicians in Heim to be able to handle it.
GN-also started production simultaneously. Because of the previous experience in the production of dragoons, it did not have too much trouble to make similar GN-. As for the two units of Naro and Ryukino Saki, they only need to move a little. Finished, more is the shape adjustment and interface modification of the backpack.
On Xia’s side, the time to launch an attack on the Granada base was also determined, and Xiao Ran also put the GN-X test and the pterosaur equipment test at this time. There is nothing more detectable than a real battle. The real performance of a weapon can also let those monitoring technicians understand Xiao Ran's fighting style in a real environment, and understand what the GN Dragoon is like.
Time flies by, and Anaheim is still busy every day. All factories are opened from morning to night, without a moment of rest. In an invisible place, with manufacturing When the M1 mass-produced heretical materials enter the factory, some special materials will be transported to the secret factory underground without knowing it. And the secret factory is the same as Ming Mian, working overtime and rushing to complete the work little by little. Improvement of the three units.
A few days later, when it was time to attack the Granada base, a Zeon-style fleet quickly approached from the depths of the universe toward the moon. The number of warships in this fleet far exceeded that of a normal fleet. At least three times more, among them, there are also densely distributed mobile suits that follow the warships with their wakes. All warships and mobile suits are basically Zeon styles, but what is different from Zeon is the body of these warships and mobile suits. The painting pattern does not belong to Zeon, but to Char’s Neo Zeon.
Among these MSs, there are also heretics and M1 heretics produced by Anaheim. The number is only a dozen units. Like other MSs, they are painted as the most common among Zeon MSs. The green color and the icon belonging to Neo Zeon confirm the belonging of these MS.
In the flagship of this fleet, Xiao Ran in a combat uniform hovered in Gnakuli holding a helmet, looked at a black heresy and a silver GN-X, nodded and looked at her side with glasses, a purple head. The man who sent the message: "Mr. Lei, is the machine okay?"
"No problem." The person Xiao Ran called Mr. Lei was Amuro's father, Tim Lei. At this moment, he has joined Xiao Ran's so-called Resistance Army organization and became a member of it. As an excellent technician, Xiao Ran will not let him be kept under secret surveillance, and naturally will not let him go. Talent, especially the achievements in artificial intelligence, made him a technician in Anaheim.
And to say that Amuro, the real protagonist of this world, is now driving a heresy to follow near the battleship, preparing to participate in the first battle in his life.
"The black heresy has installed an artificial intelligence chip, and the main control is set on this GN-X. All dragoons are equipped with M communication receiving and feedback devices, which can also be obtained when Mie particles are dispersed. use."
"GN-X is equipped with two beam rifles and two beam sabers according to your requirements. They are all temporarily borrowed from other bodies. A temporary GN-intermediary charging device is also used as a backpack. Large-scale GN-mainly, and six gun-gate type GN-assisted. They will be launched at the same time during the attack.
The GN-X in Xiao Ran’s eyes is not actually the one he wants to use, but the one temporarily borrowed from Ryukino Saki. As for the black heresy, it will be controlled by the artificial intelligence chip when necessary. Xiao Ran will take control of all dragoons equipped with pterosaurs to carry out a series of operations, so that the magical skill of quick lock can be used to the strongest, the distance is three minutes Will enter the target detection range, all personnel are required to prepare for combat. "
The alarm on the ship suddenly sounded, and Xiao Ran nodded to Tim Ray. A light touch on the nearby support under his feet floated directly into the cockpit of the GN-X.
Sitting in the cockpit, Xiao Ran put the helmet on his head while starting the body system, pulling his hands out of the body’s keyboard crackling, and the black heresy eyes next to him suddenly lit up, and waited until the keyboard was closed. When it started, the personnel of Gnakuri had just retreated beyond the safe range of launch.
Xiao Ran glanced at the situation in Genaku and pressed the communication button: "Chara, I will attack first when opening Genaku."
Xia Ya's faint voice reached Xiao Ran's ears: "If you die, don't blame me for breaching the contract."
"Oh, you won't have a chance." Xiao Ran curled his mouth and looked at the slowly open door of Ganaku. He stepped on his hands and pushed with his feet before driving the body directly out of the battleship. (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Baidu search "" to see the latest and most complete novels!
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