Chapter 704: The only core in the world

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"The ultimate mission of the legion is to complete the transformation of the world, announce the original constitution, promote the unification of the existing earth circle, establish a new order (completed), and destroy all opposition forces in the earth circle (completed), and achieve a new order on the earth circle Full control of the (completed), defeat the intruder of the world (completed). Pingshu"
"Successfully obtained 5000 points of combat merit and a personal random C-level reward item. You have obtained C-level materials, up to four units of Nim alloy α."
"The corps mission is completed, the corps won 230,000 corps combat merit points, and the corps material measurement is 11,500."
"The mission has been completed. You can choose to return to Prometheus immediately, or force a return after forty-eight hours."
"Ding, number 678, you have accepted the camp to become the highest leader of the camp and meet the following basic conditions."
"1. You have obtained the only world core of the special item-the original federal constitution. The only core of the world: the inertial world, the branch world and other similar worlds have and the only core item that can be used once, and any similar world this core will lose its effectiveness in the future."
"2. You have fulfilled all the conditions in accordance with the requirements of the original constitution of the Special Props Federation, completed the four core regulations that require unification, equality, freedom, and preferential treatment, and have been recognized by this camp."
"3. In the process of fulfilling all the conditions, no innocent member of the camp has suffered from your use of force, undermining, coercion and other negative means."
"4. You have received more than 85 percent of the support of your camp, and you have been sincerely recognized by most of the members of the camp. You hope to serve as the highest leader of the camp. You have the highest right of your camp and you have complete control over the current armed forces. , Have complete control over the current administrative institutions."
"5. The camp's literacy is normal, with a normal form, normal, and a normal way of thinking. The values ​​are normal."
"6. This camp is an independent camp and is recognized by other current camps...conditions have been modified. This camp is the only camp with all autonomous capabilities."
"Ding, you have fulfilled all the core conditions and met all the conditions while obtaining the only world core. You can make the following choices."
"1. Convert this camp to an exclusive camp."
"2. Entrust this camp to Prometheus, return to Prometheus immediately, get the highest reward of the task, and get another reward from Prometheus."
"You have twenty-four hours to choose, and you will be randomly selected in the twenty-four hours."
The sound that popped out of Xiao Ran's mind made him almost shocked, but Xiao Ran today is far from the Xiao Ran before, and won't be dazed by this sudden surprise reminder, keeping the expression on his face continuing. Completed the ceremony, until the ceremony is completed. Xiao Ran announced on the spot the appointments of Xia, Kadias and a series of people who had supported him from the beginning.
Char became the vice president, and his main job was to comprehensively coordinate the conflicts between the earth and the universe over the years. Cardias became the minister of industry and was responsible for the overall transformation of the army that is gradually starting, and the manufacturing of ships. In the series work, Rael became the No. 2 figure of the three services. Of course, the boss is still Xiao Ran, and others such as Maxi have also made arrangements one by one.
It was not until all this was done that Xiao Ran hurriedly returned to the residence of the President who currently represents the highest power of the unified government. He shut himself in the study and opened the reminder before, through the projection of his wrist that can only be seen by himself. Seeing the content of the face.
"What is going on, why is it totally different." Xiao Ran put his hand on the table. Looking at the contents of the projection surface with surprise, the first few conditions were completely different from when Xiao Ran obtained the ship regiment territory. There was even a special item called the only core of the world, which was also the original federal constitution.
Originally, he had already given up, and he didn't expect much to gain the camp territory of this world, but the final result was unexpected, with the only prop of the original federal constitution. The conditions for obtaining the faction territory seem to have been changed. Instead of obtaining the faction territory completely in a passive way, it is possible to take the faction territory by completing certain conditions in an almost active way.
And the only meaning is even more straightforward. In the future inertial world, the branch world only needs to be transformed into the camp territory after Xiao Ran confirms the transformation, even if the other participants are up to Z, up to ZZ, even up to UC0096 and other worlds even if they are getting the original Under the constitution, that thing cannot once again become an important core for changing the conditions for obtaining a camp territory. If you want to obtain a camp territory in the UC world, it can only be obtained by other means.
The original constitution, as the foundation for the establishment of the Confederation, was originally the development path of the world, and the whole world basically revolved around this original constitution from the beginning to the end, because the missing relationship of the original constitution turned the federation into Another thing is that the end of UC0096 relied on the promulgation of the original constitution. The federal declaration of dissolution after the promulgation of the original constitution was also regarded as the end of UC.
From the beginning to the end, the original constitution seems to run through the entire plot, and the original constitution fundamentally represents the federation, so it makes sense to say that this thing is a core prop.
Those who get the original constitution and are willing to act in accordance with the noodles represent the true interests of the federation and are members of the true federation. Even if the corrupt federation is overthrown, it is all correct behavior. It is just a certain part of the process. These actions may lead to differences, but if you uphold the core concepts of justice, peace, freedom, and goodwill, which are the core concepts of the Gundam series world, it is unlikely that you will go the wrong path.
If you can get the core of the world, you can convert the passively obtained camp territory into active. Passive is similar to Xiao Ran when he got the ship group. It is completely passive, because every requirement of the face is not something you can do as long as you join that camp. What do you want to do.
And taking the initiative will reduce a lot of trouble. For example, the requirement of extremely low opposition is gone, and the restrictions on what means to become a camp leader are also relaxed. As long as someone approves, and those people are basically fair and voluntary. The election of Xiao Ran as a leader can achieve these conditions, and these can be operated by various methods that produce extremely fast results. Without the requirement of opposition, even if you choose to support in the case of opposition, it will also count. , So the space that can be operated is huge.
It can be said that if you can obtain the core props of a certain world, there is a very high possibility of obtaining the territory of that world camp. Of course, not every world will have core props, and not every world’s core props are related to the faction. It is said that the world where it is best to dig out the world’s core props is only the UC world, and in all UC worlds in the future, the original constitution will also lose the effect of converting passive to active.
Xiao Ran’s eyes looked back and forth at the first three prompts, and they also grasped the core of the world, the most important factor of the original constitution. He turned off the projection until he understood these, and leaned on the chair and said to himself. Said: "Unexpectedly, there will be things like the core of the world, and it can also turn the passive acquisition of the camp territory into a more active way. The only one-time restriction makes it impossible for us to enter the world of other UC systems. In this way, a faction territory is obtained."
"And it's not just limiting us, but everyone in Prometheus is all invalid. It is impossible for other participants to obtain camp territory through the original constitution, and it is impossible for us to use the original constitution as Very important information is sold to other legions in exchange for merit points or other benefits."
"This Prometheus is really generous. The core items of the world can change the way of obtaining the camp territory, which is equivalent to showing the territory to the lucky ones. People who understand will naturally look for this core in every world, and then get more It is possible to obtain the camp territory. And the stingy place is that in addition to the passive method, each core item can only be used once. The real uniqueness completely blocks the possibility of obtaining the camp territory due to the leakage of information. ."
Xiao Ran shook his head, tapped his hand twice on his wrist, and suddenly another voice rang in his ear: " have chosen option 1, to convert this faction into an exclusive faction. ,determine?"
"You have converted your current camp, the original federation, to an exclusive camp. The exclusive camp is exclusive to the legion. The number 678 is detected as the chief of the Burning Legion. The exclusive camp can be changed."
"Ding, the original federation camp is now named as the unity. The naming will not change the composition and composition of the camp, nor the nature of the camp. Prometheus defaults the name of the camp to the original federation and the code name is united."
"Ding, the exclusive camp, the original federation, the code name is unified, the camp conversion is complete."
"Owner, Xiao Ran, owned by the Legion: Burning."
"Please divide the legion and the owner's income example."
The faction belongs to Xiao Ran, and the Legion belongs to Xiao Ran, so any case does not make much difference to Xiao Ran. After randomly selecting five or five cases, the prompt appears again.
"Congratulations to the Burning Legion for obtaining an exclusive camp."
"The chief of the legion can supplement the rules in the exclusive camp, limit the behavior of all legion members, and establish a hierarchical authority system."
"The members of the Burning Legion can go to the exclusive camp during the rest period of each mission, and obtain training and supplies in the exclusive camp."
"You can build legion buildings, special buildings in the exclusive faction territory."
"You can get faction output in the exclusive faction."
"Military merit points can be used as the common currency of the faction territory, and the taxation of the faction territory can be converted into merit points. According to the prosperity of the territory, the conversion example of the merit points is 1:25,000."
"Military merit points can be directly exchanged for territory currency, the same applies."
"………………………" (To be continued.)
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