Chapter 747: Savior Gundam

Xiao Ran felt that he had guessed the other party’s purpose. The LOGOS guys had already planned to attack PLANT before the fragment of Junius 7 fell, and the information and photos that Xiao Ran brought back made it even more so. The act of initiating the war became famous, but the ending was still fled in embarrassment under ZAFT's new weapons.
I stayed at the Moon Base for a long period of time. In the previous few days, I watched a large number of people surround the chaos, the abyss, and the three Gaia units were engaged in all aspects of technical cracking, except Apart from shaking in the huge base of the United Army where everything can be found, Xiao Ran couldn't find any chance to leave the moon base. Although no one stared at him every day to restrict his movements, the key thing was that he couldn't find it. The right tools leave this place.
In addition, Xiao Ran also saw a lot of supplies transported from the earth in the base, some of which belonged to the Federal Army's new Wyndham aircraft. Xiao Ran was bored and used detection skills against these mass-produced aircraft. What Xiao Ran did not expect was that these so-called mass-produced machines had all reached the level of C-level, which meant that in addition to the lack of PS armor, the performance of these mass-produced machines had at least reached the level of assault.
Unfortunately, although the airframe is a C-level airframe, the operating system and pilot of the airframe are a bit too bad. According to Prometheus’s regulations, a D-level pilot can only play a C-level at best. For 80% of the body's performance, in addition to firepower, all other aspects are inadequate, no wonder the performance is still not the slightest difference from the miscellaneous soldier.
The Chaos, Abyss, and Gaia three machines are at the C+ level. If 99 is the peak of C+, the scores of the three machines can reach the level of 90, but in Xiao Ran’s eyes, they are also pilot Taicai. It can't really give full play to the body's performance. At the very least, even if Xiao Ran drives that one-time copycat, he can still wipe out Stella, Sting and Olu in a short time.
To be honest, compared with the previous generation of the three strong, there are actually so many inferior places in the new generation of the three strong, not to mention the technology, but the mentality is already a lot worse, you can't feel the previous generation of the three strong when fighting. The kind of oppressive feeling given to people, you must know that the three small strong at the time were facing freedom and justice, and they could beat you to death. If you want to replace the three of Stella, I am afraid that a few encounters will be resolved.
Having stayed at the moon base, Xiao Ran would also ask Stella to explain some skills and experience in MS battles for the three of them. Although there is no way to conduct actual combat drills, Xiao Ran will also pass the training machine. Having been training for combat with the three of them, and having nothing to do, Xiao Ran will also pay attention to the current situation on the earth.
After the fragments of Junius 7 fell on the earth, PLANT's reaction was extremely rapid. Almost as soon as disasters occurred and subsided in various places, they began to transport countless relief materials and personnel from PLANT's native land to the earth. At the same time, a terrorist group with adjusters as the main force also appeared on the earth. This group of forces took advantage of the chaos and began to attack everywhere, sabotage, grab resources, etc., and also gave the coalition an extra excuse to start war.
The United also released some videos and materials of the Junius 7 battle, which also gave the earth an anti-ZAFT force, although the current situation on the earth is mainly based on post-disaster rescue. However, in the internal claims of the United Nations, such things as annihilating a group of terrorists on a certain day and certain place in a certain month and place often occur, but Xiao Ran, who knows the real situation, would dismiss these things.
Perhaps there were terrorist groups that were wiped out by the coalition forces, but Xiao Ran was also sure that it also included the refugee camps used by the adjusters after the disaster. The leading retaliatory action is nothing more.
Finally, in this kind of boring day, in addition to teaching Stella, Sting, and Olu’s three MSs to fight every day, just wandering around in the base when nothing happened, or paying attention to information about the earth in a seemingly brand new one. Gray Gundam was sent into Gadi Ru's Gnaku and ended.
And now it has been almost 20 days since Xiao Ran came to the moon base, and the alliance has also been dominated by the Atlantic Federation and Eurasia, and has issued a joint statement to PLANT that it will be eliminated by combat means.
The delivery time of this unit is enough to explain the problem. If it is early or late, it is chosen to be delivered when the war has been declared and the battle will start at any time. It is clear that Xiao Ran will join the next battle against ZAFT.
Looking at the unit that was captured by the Allied Forces while it was still in the testing phase, and seeing what resembling backpack parts were being transported towards Gnaku, Xiao Ran turned his head and looked at the unit that arrived with the unit. The entourage asked, "The body does not seem to have changed much. Is that backpack also used for this body."
The entourage of the airframe also took on the responsibilities of airframe preparation and technical personnel. The understanding of the airframe is definitely more than that of Xiao Ran now. After hearing Xiao Ran’s question, the accompanying technical personnel looked towards Xiao Ran. The military salute hurriedly said: "Yes, Colonel, the body itself has not changed much from the time it was originally captured, and the basic performance weapons have not undergone any changes. What can really change the body is what it takes after the body is repaired. The backpack is made."
Xiao Ran nodded slightly to signal the other party to continue. Seeing that Xiao Ran was listening, the latter did not dare to neglect and circle around, and said quickly: "According to the information we have obtained, this machine itself was designed for the last battle. The appearance of the body that is close to the freedom and justice is up. It should be said that the whole series of bodies are like this, but because of the limitations of anti-neutron jammers and nuclear energy, this series of bodies can only use general high-energy batteries as energy sources. In terms of output and firepower, it has also been adjusted to the extent that it is only suitable for the use of high-energy batteries as energy sources."
"Moreover, due to energy constraints, the body armor is only as high as 60% of the standard armor thickness to save energy. However, after we captured the body, we compensated for the body’s weaknesses. On the basis of, the thickness of the armor is increased by 50%, and the skeleton and joints of the body itself are strengthened, especially the PS armor is used in the joints and deformation nodes to increase the toughness and strength, and all the body output is adjusted again. To the extent suitable for nuclear energy."
"Nuclear energy?" Xiao Ran frowned slightly, but with the expression under his mask he couldn't be noticed by other people at all, and asked without the slightest fluctuation in his emotions: "Then you mean that the energy of this machine has changed to nuclear energy."
"It's not such a big colonel. We didn't violate the treaty signed after the last war. After all, we haven't declared war with the PLANT when we reformed this machine before. The real use of nuclear energy is the supplementary backpack of the Savior Gundam." He waved his hand quickly and said: "The backpack of the savior we made was transformed from the nuclear power machine Rebirth Gundam that belonged to the ZAFT army during the previous war. The main body of the Rebirth Gundam was originally this backpack. We just made corresponding improvements. "
"The original Rebirth Gundam body has a deformed structure, so through a special combination device, the body and the backpack can still be deformed when they are combined. After the backpack is attached, the Savior Gundam can fly in the universe and atmosphere. Obtain higher mobility, and the main body of Rebirth Gundam is now the Savior Gundam’s backpack uses nuclear-powered furnaces as energy, which can provide the Savior with almost unlimited energy, so that all our adjustments to the Savior can be perfectly realized. Colonel, you can also separate the backpack to make the backpack and the body carry out a combined attack."
Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words of the accompanying technician, and looked at the backpack that had been sent to Ganakuri to equip the Savior Gundam and also nodded slightly. This backpack is the same color as the Savior Gundam. In other words, the backpack also uses PS armor, but originally this backpack is the main body of Rebirth Gundam, so there is no strange place with PS and this backpack looks like an MA The shape and size of the Savior Gundam is about the same, and it looks thicker than the Savior Gundam. It has a striped tail like the Divine Shield Gundam, and the huge shields fixed by the solid brackets on the left and right sides are like MA's. Both arms stretched forward, and the length alone was as high as the Savior’s feet to shoulders.
Of course, maybe this thing is not just a shield, because Xiao Ran saw the small dragoons stuck in them tightly along the two shields on both sides of the shields. On one side, four of them totaled eight and all only showed beam launch ports. On both sides and below the tail wing, like ailerons, there are four large dragoons full of arcs that can be used as stabilizers.
After Xiao Ran looked at the backpack, the accompanying technician also continued: "The backpack comes with a total of eight small dragoons and four large dragoons. In an atmospheric environment, the small dragoons can also be used as beam launch ports, while the large Dragoons will serve as tail wings in the atmosphere."
"In addition, the backpack also has two four-shot missile launchers. The shield-shaped arm can also launch a large beam saber like the meteor system that appeared in the last war, regardless of attack, speed, or structure. The robustness is absolutely in line with the operating habits of the colonel." (~^~)
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