Chapter 829: The guests

(VIP group is going to set up one. How is the general VIP group restricted? It is still a bit unclear whether the full order or what is drunk, haha. {щww{suimеng][lā})
Although there is not much difference between the three fleets dispatched by Orb and all the troops, it will be a coalition that has not yet collapsed at the beginning. In essence, the neutrality of Orb has violated the concept. , But fortunately, there is still a chastity archway to deal with LOGOS, so as long as the force of the dispatched force is only focused on the definite LOGOS force, it can be regarded as a good fig leaf and a reasonable reason.
But if after a period of buffering, all those who should leave the alliance leave the alliance, then the remaining alliance can naturally be regarded as all LOGOS forces. If Orb is attacking the whole army, it will be even more over. Although it seems to be a superfluous act, there is still a fig leaf that can be justified for reputation, philosophy, and politics.
Durandal understands Xiao Ran’s concerns and also understands Xiao Ran’s thoughts. At the same time, Xiao Ran explained to the world through such a decision that United is not the enemy of Orb, and Orb has never wanted to go against the idea of ​​neutrality and join ZAFT. ZAFT, Orb, only to deal with LOGOS, an organization that disrupts the world, sent troops to the world. It was for the peace of the whole world and was helpless. Once the alliance really messed up and collapsed, ZAFT, Orb, and even left. The coalition forces that jointly transferred to Orb or ZAFT jointly identified that the remaining coalitions were all forces controlled by LOGOS, then at that time Orb sent troops with all their strength, then it was a bit ZAFT, and the united and Orb united to deal with bad guys.
Anyway, what is the real situation in this world is always known by only so few people, as long as you make a gesture and be seen by those who don't know the truth, it is all right.
And today’s Orb, actually dispatching three fleets is not a small force. Although Orb’s power has been strengthened after the reunification with the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, that part is basically the power of the universe. The power of the side is the same. Before the battle between Orb and United, the three fleets were almost equal to or above the seventh level of Orb’s combat power, but after receiving so many joint captive warships, the three fleets also Almost half of Orb's combat power today.
Being able to send so many troops out, at least for Durandal, a man who has never let his guard down on Orb, is indeed a very sincere ratio.
And then, Xiao Ran and Durandal had a fierce discussion about the benefits of war, and finally set the ratio to three to one, ZAFT three, Aub, and Aub seemed to get too little. But in fact, if you count the proportion of troops sent, it is really a lot, but Durandal and Xiao Ran also know in their hearts that such a proportion is the most that can be implemented in the initial stage. Once Orb’s all troops are put in, the joint After the aspect collapsed, it would naturally belong to whoever grabbed it, and wherever they would take care of these things. At this point, Xiao Ran and Durandal were naturally smiling.
Durandal needs to replenish his own strength. After he has gotten the alliance, he will remove the obstacle of Orb, while Xiao Ran also needs time and resources. Waiting for the collapse of the joint and pitting Durandal, both sides are calculating each other but it seems that Intimacy, but a united and close cooperation was achieved. The two fox-like guys made other people unable to see their true thoughts at all. However, Xiao Ran's trump card in his hand is definitely more than Durandal, which can influence , Lacus, who influenced ZAFT, and Kluzer, who knew Durandal more deeply, was regarded by Durandal as the true bird and thunder, and Xiao Ran is really looking forward to the days after the union quickly collapses.
But Xiao Ran was not sure whether Durandal, the old fox, would plan his fate when he was in Orb. However, with Durandal’s treacherousness, he would definitely try to get rid of himself first and put Orb first. After the enemy becomes the enemy of the world, the fate plan will be announced.
After talking about what should be discussed, the next thing is naturally done by the people below. Durandal took Xiao Ran and began to visit the Zhibutuolu base. Durandal did not care about the issue of confidentiality at all, but instead Take Xiao Ran wherever it’s important. Even Xiao Ran had to say such a word to Durandal. In order to reassure himself that he could do things that ordinary people can’t do, he didn’t personally until after a long while. He sent Xiao Ran back to the door of the room, and then left and returned to his residence.
In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Ran's door was knocked, and when the entourage opened them, Aslan dressed in red took a man and a woman into Xiao Ran's suite, and Xiao Ran also However, he just opened his eyes, and it wasn't until his entourage reported that Aslan was visiting, that Xiao Ran began to organize it in a hurry.
After Xiao Ran walked to the living room of the suite in a clean and refreshing manner, he saw the three Aslan sitting on the chairs and looking very formal. Apart from Aslan, it was Xiao Ran who came with him. Heine, who had seen him in Orb, had been with Jiuyang Daiming for a long time, but today is the first time I saw Luna Maria.
After Xiao Ran appeared, Aslan, Heine, and Luna Maria quickly stood up and offered a military salute to Xiao Ran. Judging from Luna Maria’s expression, the girl also looked a little nervous now, in both eyes. What exudes is even more unstoppable curiosity.
"Master Xiao Ran, good morning, please forgive me if I take the liberty to bother you."
"Hehe." Xiao Ran smiled and shook his head, waved his hand to signal the three of them to sit down, and he also sat opposite the three of them: "There should be something wrong with coming here so early, if you are not in a hurry, take advantage of this time to share together. How about breakfast."
Having said that, Xiao Ran nodded to the entourage in the room, and walked straight out of the suite to make arrangements. Aslan originally wanted to refuse, it can be seen that Xiao Ran had already let someone go down to make arrangements, and nodded with a wry smile. : "Then it's better to be respectful than fate."
"You are still so polite with me." Xiao Ran smiled, looked at Heine, and said: "Heine, I haven't seen him for a long time last time. Is there anything that I was dissatisfied with before? Tell me next time if you are going to Orb, I will definitely let them correct."
Heine shook his head quickly when he heard Xiao Ran's words, and smiled: "I am deeply honored to have the hospitality arranged by your lord. The time in Ober is the most relaxing time for me. I don't have to worry about anything or think about it. I felt very relaxed about the battle. I also asked Aslan to bring me here to express my gratitude to the lord, and at the same time to express my gratitude to the lord for letting the Lord Angel help the Minerva."
As he said, Heine also stood up and bowed to Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran waved his hand and said with a smile, "Sit down, you are satisfied during your time in Orb, lest the fellow Durandal blame me. Even if his people can’t be taken care of well, then I really don’t have the face to meet people. Hehe, as for the Minerva incident, it’s a coincidence. After all, ZAFT, as our collaborator, of course, we will not just watch the secret. The Neva is in danger. There is nothing to say about it. By the way, this lady, you don’t want to introduce it."
Luna Maria quickly stood up, pressing her skirt with her hands on her skirt and bending slightly towards Xiao Ran: "Hello, Master Xiao Ran, my name is Luna Maria. I have always admired the adults very much. The speaker has always told us that the world is able to gain a short period of time. The peace of this country is all because the adults organized the war between the alliance and the ZAFT. I am very happy to see the adults today. Before I saw the adults, I thought that the adults must be very majestic people. Now I know that the adults are that way. Kind, I was also a little surprised."
"Luna Maria, hello." Xiao Ran smiled and nodded, and said with some surprise: "It's really surprising that Durandal would promote me like this. Your speaker is really absurd. The war can stop, but it’s not entirely because I am alone, Aslan next to you, the Princess Lux Klein, some neutral organizations that don’t want the war to continue, such as the Waste Trade Union, DSSD Deep Universe Development Organization But they have given me a lot of support. If I am the only one, I am afraid that even if I am exhausted, I can't stop the war from stopping, ha ha."
Xiao Ran’s words made all three and Xiao Ran’s gentleness also completely relaxed Luna Maria’s nervous heart. Compared to Durandal, Xiao Ran’s gentleness can make people feel When it comes to real closeness, although Durandal usually behaves very mildly, the gentleness still reveals a kind of superior aura, which is completely different from Xiao Ran's gentleness with a smile.
At least for a short period of time, Luna Maria already felt that Xiao Ran was a very gentle person, but she also couldn't understand why a person who was so gentle in private turned out to be so tough in the face of major national events, but just think about it. Thinking of Ob's bad situation, Luna Maria seemed to understand why Xiao Ran was tough.
Xiao Ran talked a few gossips with the three of them, Luna Maria also kept covering her mouth with a relaxed smile, and Heine, who had already known Xiao Ran and had gradually become familiar with Xiao Ran, also relaxed a lot, and was initially in front of Xiao Ran. He showed his original character, and Xiao Ran kept looking at Aslan's expression that he wanted to speak but couldn't find a chance to speak, smiled and asked, "By the way, are you here to tell me something?"
Hearing Xiao Ran’s question, Aslan was also relieved and said:
That’s right, Speaker Durandal had to deal with something, so I, a person familiar with adults, came over and told them that the press conference and The speech has been determined to be at two o'clock in the afternoon, please arrive at the venue early and do not be absent." (To be continued.)
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