Chapter 857: support

As soon as the main angel, the fleet brought by the Minerva came on the scene, when the unity had just responded to the joint and promptly deployed troops to stop it, it gave the unit a huge surprise. The countless missiles flew out of the warships and passed the ms. It exploded directly in front of and in the middle of the intercepting force. Three.k. Chinese website
The tiny missiles exploded with great power, and every missile exploded, there would be fireballs that were as hot and bright as the sun in an instant. Such fireballs hover on the moon and illuminate the surface of the moon as if In the daytime, the coalition MS, who was swallowed by the fireball, was melted into and disappeared into this world in an instant.
These joint mass-produced aircraft do not have the pinpoint defense system of the deformed fighter, nor do they have the PS armor and vps armor that the special-made aircraft have. Therefore, the moment the high-explosive missile exploded, it was hot. The energy only swallowed the ms that was involved in the range, and there was no chance to escape.
Countless missiles were united by surprise in an instant, and the light and shadow special effects that these missiles erupted seemed to make the entire battlefield darker and stagnated for a moment, but then Orb and the Zaft Alliance Army were on the frontal battlefield. The attack became more violent like a chicken blood. The emergence of reinforcements greatly improved their morale. Although a wave of missiles did not actually destroy many enemies, it is impossible to ignore it. The bright light can mistakenly make all people who saw this scene think that the wave of missiles wiped out a lot of people.
With the addition of the Lord Angel, the Minerva launched an offensive from the side, which also reduced the pressure on the frontal troops to a certain extent. The increase in morale and the reduction in pressure will increase the combat ability that can be displayed. The strength of, the tacit understanding has also been improved to a certain extent, and this state of being like the outbreak of combat power suddenly caused considerable losses on the coalition side.
On the side, the Justice Gundam that Xiao Ran was driving directly drove the body to rush over after the missiles exploded. While shooting away, the gn sword in his hand also instantly changed into a beam gun shape, moving towards A beam of light was fired from the front, and one end of it got into the fading and gradually shrinking fireball, and it rushed directly in front of the side offensive force.
Seeing the action of Justice Gundam, Zhen and Heine’s two Destiny Gundams, Thunder Legend Gundam also sprayed out wings of light and followed the Justice Gundam directly through the fireball, and after the fireball, there were more The United Army ms blocked the front, and the first time they saw the four fuselages rushing over, countless light beams flew towards the four fuselages. Baidu search 3K Chinese network update faster!
Xiao Ran’s Justice Gundam did not begin to evade in the first place. Instead, after Harrow sent a collective message to the three units, the speed increased again and all the sword-shaped bits on the left shoulder were ejected and circled in a circular manner. In front of him, a solid beam shield was formed to block all the flying attacks in front of him.
And Zhen, Lei, Heine's three mechas, with long light traces like entangled vortexes, drew close behind Justice Gundam and avoided the fierce combined attack.
In the next second, the legendary Gundam Super Dragoons all bounced away as the body stretched, and along with the Justice Gundam gn Dragoons that also bounced away, they were constantly changing directions and at the same speed as lightning. The angle rushed towards the ms of the combined army and sent out a web of beams composed of beams. In an instant, the combined ms exploded one after another. The fate of Zhen and Heine was as high as that of a tacit difference. Dispersing from the left and right of Justice Gundam, after launching a few beams, the two fuselages directly rushed into the combined ms array one after the other.
When really approaching the enemy, he had already controlled Destiny Gundam and handed the beam rifle to his left arm, and his right arm held the ship-cutting knife behind him. The knife and spear were matched with the afterimage of the debut road interspersed in the combined ms. In, every turn means that a united MS is broken, and every turn will also cause a flash of red light to burst from the body, and after this red light, destiny is as high as It will also be enhanced in general, and the speed will increase again, and the phantoms brought out by everyone are indistinguishable.
And Heine’s Destiny Gundam is located further behind, ensuring that his body is within the range of the legendary Gundam Super Dragoon, and then he uses the beam rifle and Destiny Gundam barrel to conduct mid-range fire strikes. , While covering the truth, but also ruthlessly destroying ms belonging to the joint.
The cooperation of the three is close, middle and far. The farthest legend Gundam has the largest attack range. The firepower is also the largest among the three units. It depends on the farthest distance to attack the enemy at the same time. , It can also bring the Heine machine in the middle into its cover. (3K Chinese Network--Domain name of this site:)
Heine is in the middle. He can enter the enemy’s array to attack and harass while calmly attacking. He also shoulders the real responsibility of covering, eliminating the place that Zhen cannot take into account when attacking at close range. He also assumes the responsibility of guarding the legendary Gundam in front. No matter how he moves, Heine's body basically keeps his body and the thunder's body always in the same direction, ensuring that no organism will bypass him and attack the legendary Gundam.
If the destiny is really high, you only need to rush back and forth among the enemy forces. The only responsibility is to destroy, destroy and destroy. The main targets of destruction are also those with real long-range attack capabilities and high firepower. Three people are responsible. Different responsibilities, but this kind of cooperation only used three units, which caused the combined army to lose a lot of ms in front of them.
These three units are Zaft’s most advanced MSs, with powerful performance that completely surpasses all previous MSs. The speed brought by the Brilliant Transmitter to the three units is extremely terrifying. In addition, the three are also Zaft’s true trump cards. Regardless of whether it is technology or body performance, it is completely crushed by the joint pilots. In this world or even in many similar worlds, the result of the crushing of the body and technology is often a result. A human body can face dozens of times the possibility of enemies or even more enemies, but now this possibility has become a reality.
And Justice Gundam also rushed out from the center of the sword-shaped bit that spread out again, explaining to Zhen, Lei, and Heine what it means to cover themselves, and what it means to take full care of the full range of far, medium and near combat.
The gn dragoons spread out and interspersed with beams of light to sweep around, the sword-shaped bit surrounds the Justice Gundam for cutting or defense, while the Justice Gundam body is holding a long sword to kill wantonly, and one person is at the same time. , The sword-shaped bit performs different actions, of course, the important auxiliary reuse that Harrow plays in it cannot be ignored.
The movements of the gn dragoons are extremely strange, up, down, left and right are not affected by any force at all. They can change whatever they want. They just attacked towards the front, and in the next moment they can turn around and attack towards the back regardless of the effect of inertia. Under the combined effect of Harrow, the hit rate of the attack is also extremely terrifying, and the nets of beams can easily wipe out all the enemies included in it.
The sword-shaped bit, although the speed is not as fast as the gn dragoon, it looks like a few extremely sharp flying knives forming a whirlwind around the Justice Gundam. It can easily be inserted into the MS of the United Army. It penetrated through the ms, leaving a few holes in the ms, and finally sparks completely exploded. Although these sword-shaped bits are roughly centered around the center of the justice gun, they can also be used in the mode of action. The same is impossible to estimate.
When the Justice Gundam rushes into the enemy, it often chooses to split the enemy in half with a single sword. Although the Justice Gundam is extremely fast, it is also very flexible in action because of the relationship between the gn particles, but in the absence of a three-red system, But it is completely impossible to do the same as Destiny Gundam, when every action changes, a flash of red light pops out, and the speed is far less than Destiny Gundam under real control. It seems to be instantaneous in a short distance. Moving at a terrifying speed, even more unable to bring out that kind of afterimage.
Xiao Ran also noticed the burst of red light from Destiny Gundam many times. He had not only seen it on Destiny Gundam, but also when Aslan was driving the unit to fight, and when Kira was driving the unit to fight, Xiao Ran saw it from them. Xiao Ran thought it was normal at first after a similar light, the kind of light that flashed but could make the body burst out in an instant, but now it seems again, especially after the skills he obtained from completing the side missions before. When the three of them were fighting, the situation where the body burst into light for an instant, it seemed that it was not such a simple thing, but more like a kind of skill and ability.
It is not impossible to say this, even if it is three different people, after all, all three of them have the ability to burst seeds, and this ability to burst instantly may be a special ability derived from seeds. But Xiao Ran is also very interested in this kind of ability or skill, or a kind of mastery after being proficient to the extreme, just like the skill he obtained burst out instantly, although he has not learned and used it yet, he can In an instant, the performance of the machine is increased to the extreme to create an effect like illusion flashing, and it can indeed play a very important role in battle.
Justice Gundam, two Destiny Gundams. Legend has it that up to four units under the operation of the four super ace cards, not only did not allow the blocking work of the joint forces to proceed, but turned into a passive defense, and the attack of the four units was disrupted. The attack rhythm of the combined MS forces here has allowed the four Zaft Army MS units behind the fuselage to successfully break through the fire blockade and launch an offensive. A zaft MS began to join the battle, and the warships at the rear After the ms unit began to fight, under the protection of a few ms, it reversed its direction and began to change its angle toward the outside of the moon. The direction of advancement was the most intense place on the front battlefield.
Xiao Ran has long known the direction of warships, and all these warships will provide fire support for frontal battles from the side in order to break the current deadlock in frontal battles. This kind of fire support is in addition to the turrets on the battleships. , It will also rely on the high-explosive missiles Xiao Ran assigned to the warships.
Of course, the most important thing is the med warhead, the miniature missile that will be launched intensively by the Lord Angel.
The action of the warship behind Justice Gundam immediately attracted the attention of the joint party. At this time, the emergence of this fleet from the side would have already brought tremendous pressure to the joint party. Once the fleet began to support the front battlefield, then the joint The combat power on the other side will encounter an extremely embarrassing situation, that is, being entangled by Obzaft’s army in the frontal battle, and the middle place will be carried out by the fleet led by the Lord Angel and Minerva. The firepower strike without any worries is like cutting off the front of the joint. Eventually, the combat power displayed at the forefront will lose support due to the intermediate stage, and will eventually be completely swallowed by the Obu Zaft Alliance Army.
The flank assault fleet of the Obu Zaft Alliance, headed by the Lord Angel and Minerva, did not give the united party too much time to consider Countless missiles were launched from the warships again, accompanied by The main artillery fired from battleships began to attack the combined defense forces.
The attack power of the battleship’s main guns is greater than that of the general MS attack, and the range is also farther. The beams of light fly far to the position of the coalition army. With so many battleships firing all guns, the rain of beams is absolutely unnecessary. After a certain amount of ms, the beam rain formed by attacking is smaller but larger. Although the attacks launched by warships are not particularly dense, they can be more powerful and larger in diameter, especially when combined warships cannot be used. These attacks should be taken lightly. If it is a normal MS attack, most of it can be ignored in terms of the armor of the battleship. However, facing the more powerful battleship’s main gun and secondary guns, even the armor of the battleship cannot resist too much. many.
But what makes the people on the coalition panic is that they have to hide from the main guns of the zaft battleship. Even if they are difficult to avoid in a dense formation, it is also good to release the back beam blasting thunder. However, in the face of missiles that are not as fast as a beam attack, but the same speed is not slow, even if they want to dodge, it is difficult to avoid them. The range of the missile’s attack is not small and the power is not small. The missiles intercepted by them are truly safe.
For a while, many warships and MS were reluctant to assist the front, even if they knew what the Obu Zaft Alliance forces were fighting, at this time they could only draw part of the attack power, especially MS, to specifically target those missiles for lock-in attacks. (To be continued.)
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